Marketing guidelines for Amazon Ads partners
Last updated: July 02, 2024
1. Introduction
What are the Amazon Ads marketing guidelines?
This document provides guidelines for communications related to Amazon Ads for any agency or tool provider.
Amazon Ads may periodically review agency or tool provider materials to ensure compliance with these requirements. Violation of these guidelines or other provided requirements may impact your standing with Amazon Ads, including removal of support or access to products and programs, like the Amazon Ads Partner Network, Amazon Ads API, Amazon DSP, Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) and the Amazon Ads partner directory.
The version of the Amazon Ads marketing guidelines for Amazon Ads partners in English is the official version. Translations into Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish are available for your ease of reference only.
A couple of notes on these guidelines
As used in these guidelines, “us,” “our,” and “Amazon” mean Amazon Ads, and “you” and “your” mean the agency or tool provider. Your use of Amazon Ads products and services, and any communications and marketing regarding such products and services, is subject to any applicable agreements between you and Amazon.
2. General do's and don'ts
3. Communications guidelines summary
Note: All marketing tactics are subject to the “General dos and don’ts” and all other guidelines in this document. A marketing tactic is only "supported" if you follow and comply with all guidelines in this document. Any deviation from the guidelines requires express Amazon written approval.
You need explicit approval from Amazon Ads before you can engage in these channels and/or messaging.
Marketing tactics
Additional guidance
Amazon does not provide authorizations to third-party advertising services (e.g., paid search advertising).
Marketing tactics
Additional guidance
Third-party advertising
4. Detailed communication guidance
4.1 Emails, events, marketing collateral, social posts, webinars, your website
You may speak to the type of support you provide for Amazon Ads in client outreach (e.g., emails), at events, in marketing collateral, in social media posts, on your website, or in webinars. “Events” refers to any time you are giving a presentation, whether it is at an event you host, an industry event, or a closed-door client meeting.
You can also refer to Amazon Ads products: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, Stores, Amazon DSP, Amazon Ads API, etc. Please use correct and accurate branding. If you are in doubt, please refer to the Amazon Ads website or reach out to your Amazon Ads representative.
If your company is registered on the Partner Network, you can:
- Refer to yourself as an Amazon Ads partner.
- Link to the partner directory from your website, digital marketing collateral, blog posts, social media posts, or in client outreach.
If your company has achieved verified partner status, you can:
- Refer to your company as a "partner" or "verified partner" in client email outreach, on your website, in marketing collateral, in webinars, at events, or in social media posts/profile descriptions. As a reminder, please see section 5.0 for more details on approved logo and badge use.
Examples of statements/descriptions:
- We are excited to share that [company name] has achieved verified partner status from Amazon Ads.
- As an Amazon Ads verified partner, [company name] is dedicated ...
- [Company name] is a verified partner on the Amazon Ads Partner Network ...
Examples of verified partner status in an email signature

If your company has not achieved the verified partner status, refrain from:
- Using the term “verified partner.” For example, do not call yourself an “Amazon Ads verified partner."
If your company has achieved advanced partner status, you can:
- Refer to your company as a "partner" or "advanced partner" in client email outreach, on your website, in marketing collateral, in webinars, at events, or in social media posts/profile descriptions. For more information, please see section 5.0 for more details on approved logo and badge use.
Examples of statements/descriptions:
- We are excited to share that [company name] has achieved advanced partner status from Amazon Ads.
- As an Amazon Ads advanced partner, [company name] is dedicated ...
- [Company name] is an advanced partner on the Amazon Ads Partner Network ...
Examples of advanced partner status in an email signature:

If your company has not achieved the advanced partner status, refrain from:
- Using the term “advanced partner.” For example, do not call yourself an “Amazon Ads advanced partner."
If your company has earned a Reseller badge, you can:
- Refer to your company as an "Amazon Ads Reseller" in client email outreach, on your website, in marketing collateral, in webinars, at events, or in social media posts/profile descriptions. For more information, please see section 5.0 for more details on approved logo and badge use.
Examples of statements/descriptions:
- We are excited to share that [company name] is now a Reseller for Amazon Ads.
- As an Amazon Ads reseller, [company name] is dedicated ...
- [Company name] is a reseller on the Amazon Ads Partner Network ...
Examples of statements / descriptions for resale verification (check mark):
- [Company name] achieved the resale verification checkmark / validation by Amazon Ads
- Our services for resale has been validated by Amazon Ads
- [company name] provides validated services for resale
If your company has earned an Amazon Marketing Cloud services badge, you can:
- Refer to your company as an "Amazon Ads Amazon Marketing Cloud services provider" in client email outreach, on your website, in marketing collateral, in webinars, at events, or in social media posts/profile descriptions. For more information, please see section 5.0 for more details on approved logo and badge use.
Examples of statements/descriptions:
- We are excited to share that [company name] is now an Amazon Marketing Cloud services provider Amazon Ads
- As an Amazon Ads Amazon Marketing Cloud services provider, [company name] is dedicated ...
- [Company name] is a Amazon Marketing Cloud services provider on the Amazon Ads Partner Network ...
- [Company name] has earned the Amazon Ads Amazon Marketing Cloud services provider badge
If your company has earned an Amazon Marketing Cloud software badge, you can:
- Refer to your company as an "Amazon Ads Amazon Marketing Cloud software provider" in client email outreach, on your website, in marketing collateral, in webinars, at events, or in social media posts/profile descriptions. For more information, please see section 5.0 for more details on approved logo and badge use.
Examples of statements/descriptions:
- We are excited to share that [company name] is now an Amazon Marketing Cloud software provider Amazon Ads.
- As an Amazon Ads Amazon Marketing Cloud software provider, [company name] is dedicated ...
- [Company name] is a Amazon Marketing Cloud software provider on the Amazon Ads Partner Network ...
- [Company name] has earned the Amazon Marketing Cloud software provider badge
If your company has earned an Amazon Marketing Cloud services and software badge, you can:
- Refer to your company as an "Amazon Ads Amazon Marketing Cloud services & software provider" in client email outreach, on your website, in marketing collateral, in webinars, at events, or in social media posts/profile descriptions. For more information, please see section 5.0 for more details on approved logo and badge use.
Examples of statements/descriptions:
- We are excited to share that [company name] is now an Amazon Marketing Cloud services & software provider Amazon Ads.
- As an Amazon Ads Amazon Marketing Cloud services & software provider, [company name] is dedicated ...
- [Company name] is a Amazon Marketing Cloud services & software provider on the Amazon Ads Partner Network ...
- [Company name] has earned the Amazon Marketing Cloud services and software provider badge
Examples of statements / descriptions for AMC service verification (check mark):
- Clean room analytics, clean room development
- [company name] achieved Amazon Marketing Cloud analytics / development service verification check mark / validation by Amazon Ads
- Our Amazon Marketing Cloud analytics service / development service has been validated by Amazon Ads
- [company name] provides validated Amazon Ads Amazon Marketing Cloud analytics / development service
- clean room integration, advertiser customer data platform
- [company name] / [company’s software] has validated (native / direct) integration with Amazon Marketing Cloud
- [company name] / [company’s software] is now (natively / directly) integrated with Amazon Marketing Cloud
- [company name] announces validated Amazon Marketing Cloud (native / direct) integration
- [company name] is now an Amazon Ads partner with validated Amazon Marketing Cloud (native / direct) integration
Please note that:
- Do not use “AMC verified partner” to describe earned AMC recognition. Refer to Section #5 of our marketing guidelines on when the language “verified” can be used
- Do not use “AMC certified partner” to describe earned AMC recognition. Refer to Section #4.2 of our marketing guidelines on when the language “certified” can be used
All Amazon Ads partners that are not registered on the Partner Network, refrain from:
- Using the term “partner” unless your company is registered on the Partner Network. For example, do not call yourself an “Amazon Ads partner.”
All agencies and tool providers, refrain from:
- Referring to your relationship with Amazon as “strategic,” “trusted,” “special,” “certified,” “accredited” or that you are the “best," “only,” or “#1.”
- Using the term "partner" as a verb (e.g., “Our company is partnering/partners/partnered with Amazon Ads for this event.”).
- Making any unverifiable claims or performance guarantees to any third party on behalf of Amazon or Amazon Ads (e.g., “We guarantee a 10-to-1 return on Amazon Ads”).
- Using domain names for your website that incorporate the term “Amazon” (e.g., or use Amazon products or Amazon Trademarks as part of your company name.
- Mentioning Amazon, Amazon Ads or other Amazon trademark and your product/service names without any spacing.
- Examples: "Amazon Ads agency" "Amazon SEO Agency" “Amazon Specialized Agency” “Amazon agency” “Amazon bid control” “Amazon's brand protection service”
4.2 Amazon Ads certification
If your company is registered on the Partner Network, your account will display the number of your company’s active certified employees. You can mention the number of certified employees with the approved language below.
Approved language:
- "We have specialists that are certified in Amazon Ads topics”
- “We have teams of Amazon Ads-certified professionals…”
Note: the approved language does not apply to third-party certifications.
Not permitted:
- “Our specialists are accredited by Amazon Ads.”
- “Our specialists are certified by Amazon.”
- “Our specialists are accredited by Amazon.”
- "Our business is certified by Amazon or Amazon Advertising."

4.3 Third-party research
Use of third-party statistics or research featuring Amazon in your materials must include prominent citation that states: the name of the study, the study owner, and the year it was published.
4.4 Blog posts and bylines
We do not require review of any blog posts or bylines before publishing. Any blog post or byline needs to follow the guidelines mentioned in this document. We reserve the right to require the edit or takedown of any blog post if it uses the Amazon name.
4.5 Performance metrics
Amazon Ads requires agencies and tool providers to have expressed written approval from clients to publish any Amazon campaign or sales information where the data from their campaigns was used. This includes metrics that represent performance of any Amazon service (e.g. campaign performance data from Amazon Ads or sales information from Vendor Central or Seller Central).
Displaying aggregated results from multiple advertisers or data sources, requires that you clearly state the methodology for how you pulled your metrics to avoid creating confusion among readers. When reporting trends or comparisons you are clearly stating this is for your client population and don’t raise the impression this is across all Amazon clients or businesses. We reserve the right to ask for you to more clearly describe your methodology or for removal of Amazon metrics.
When presenting an analysis that represents your own point of view, you must use a disclaimer such as “[company name] original research. Analysis and opinions are [company name]’s own”.
4.6 Amazon executive quotes
You may use Amazon executive quotes from any public Amazon-released materials, such as Amazon press releases, the Amazon Day One blog, or shareholder letters. Quotes from any other sources are not permitted.
4.7 Audience and measurement solutions
To help customers find relevant and timely offers, some of Amazon Ads’s products enable advertisers to reach relevant audiences based on aggregated shopping activities and receive Amazon performance reporting for their advertising campaigns. Amazon audience solutions are only available for Amazon Ads campaigns and can only be accessed through Amazon’s advertising systems, by advertisers, agencies, or tool providers working with Amazon Ads directly. When discussing these solutions, please do not mischaracterize or misrepresent these offerings or your access to these offerings.
Please refer to the Amazon Ads website for any information needed to discuss these solutions
4.8 Press releases
Press releases or announcements referencing Amazon require Amazon review and explicit approval prior to release. We reserve the right to require takedown of any press release if it uses the Amazon name without receiving prior express approval. If you wish to seek approval for a press release, please reach out to your Amazon Ads representative or contact us to start the review process.
4.9 Third-party advertising
Your use of Amazon logos or Amazon Trademarks are not authorized on third-party advertising services (e.g., paid search advertising). Amazon does not provide authorizations to third-party advertising services.
4.10. LinkedIn Amazon Ads Partners page
The Amazon Ads Partners LinkedIn page aims to keep you informed about the latest Amazon Ads news for partners including product and feature updates, event highlights, partners success stories, and exclusive benefits for Amazon Ads Partners.
The content published on the Amazon Ads Partners LinkedIn account is owned by the Amazon Ads Partners social team. However, there are several ways for partners to be featured on our LinkedIn page, including case studies, marketing initiatives, and sessions at industry events. We can also amplify your organization’s posts on LinkedIn via likes, comments, and shares.
Criteria for engagement
In order for the Amazon Ads Partners social team to engage with your post, you must meet the following criteria:
- Your organization has achieved either advanced or verified status.
- Your social media post has tagged the @Amazon Ads Partners account in the post copy.
- The Amazon Ads angle is clear in your post copy. Amazon Ads involvement may include: joint blog post or case study, webinar or live event about Amazon Ads products or services, or an announcement that your organization has achieved Verified or Advanced partner status.
- Your post has correct spelling and grammar, a functioning link, and is high-quality business-related content. We will not share posts that have excessive hashtags (more than three) or emojis (more than five), or uses memes.
- Your post does not showcase or tag a company similar to Amazon Ads (e.g., Google, Meta).
Please make sure that your LinkedIn company page also follows the Amazon Ads partners marketing guidelines.
5. Amazon Ads logo and partner badge overview
This document provides guidelines including dos and don'ts related to use of the Amazon Ads logo, the verified partner badge and the advanced partner badge.
A couple of notes on these guidelines:
As used in these guidelines, “we,” “us,” “our,” and “Amazon” mean Amazon Ads, and “you” and “your” mean the agency or tool provider.
Your use of Amazon Ads products and services, and any communications and marketing regarding such products and services, is subject to any applicable agreements between you and Amazon.
Amazon reserves the right, exercisable at its sole discretion, to revoke your ability to use the verified partner badge, advanced partner badge and/or the Amazon Ads logo at any time, and reserves all rights to take appropriate action against any use without permission or that does not conform to the Trademark Usage Guidelines.
If you wish to use the Amazon Ads logo, verified partner badge and/or advanced partner badge on your marketing materials, your company must be registered on the Partner Network. Please refer to section 5.1 for instructions on how to access and download the files.
5.1 Amazon Ads logo and partner badge eligibility
Amazon Ads logo
If your company is registered as a partner on the Partner Network and has agreed to the terms of Trademark Usage Guidelines, then you may use the Amazon Ads logo.
Verified partner badge
If your company is registered on the Partner Network and has achieved verified partner status then you may use the verified partner badge. The verified partner badge is subject to the Trademark Usage Guidelines.
Advanced partner badge
If your company is registered on the Partner Network and has achieved advanced partner status then you may use the advanced partner badge. The advanced partner badge is subject to the Trademark Usage Guidelines.
Amazon Ads logo | Verified partner badge | Advanced partner badge | |
Partners | Yes | No | No |
Verified partners | Yes | Yes | No |
Advanced Partners | Yes | No | Yes |
Partner Awards badges
If your company is registered on the Partner Network and has won a Partner Award, then you may use the relevant Partner Awards badge. Partner Award badges are subject to the Trademark Usage Guidelines.
Reseller badge
If your company is registered on the Partner Network and has been granted a reseller badge, then you may use it in line with our marketing guidelines. The reseller badge is subject to the Trademark Usage Guidelines.
AMC badges
If your company is registered on the Partner Network and has been granted an AMC badge for services, software, or services and software, then you may use the relevant badge. The AMC badges are subject to the Trademark Usage Guidelines.
How to access the Amazon Ads logo and partner badge
If your company is registered as a partner on the Partner Network and has agreed to the terms of Trademark Usage Guidelines, the admin of the account will be able to download the Amazon Ads logo. The admin of a verified partner or advanced partner account will also be able to download other badges your company has earned, including Partner Awards, reseller, and the verified partner and/or advanced partner badge from the partner assets section in their Partner Network account. Please note that the verified partner / advanced partner illustration on your partner directory listing is not your verified / advanced partner badge and should not be used for marketing purposes.
These are not approved verified/advanced partner badges

These are approved verified/advanced partner badges that can be downloaded as explained below

Amazon Ads logo
How to download:
- If you are an admin of your company’s account, sign in to the Partner Network and click “Overview” in the left-hand navigation menu.
- In the “Partner assets” section, under Amazon Ads logo, click “Download.”

Verified partner badge
How to download:
- If you are an admin of your company’s account, sign in to the Partner Network and click “Overview” in the left-hand navigation menu.
- In the “Partner assets” section, under Amazon Ads logo, click “Download”

Advanced partner badge
How to download:
- If you are an admin of your company’s account, sign in to the Partner Network and click “Overview” in the left-hand navigation menu
- In the “Partner assets” section, under Advanced partner badge, click on “Download”

Other badges
How to download:
- If you are an admin of your company’s account, sign in to the Partner Network and click “Overview” in the left-hand navigation menu.
- In the “Partner assets” section, under the specific badge, click “Download”
5.2 Amazon Ads logo and partner badge use dos and don’ts
If your company is registered on the Partner Network, you may use the Amazon Ads logo, badges your company has earned (verified partner badge and/or advanced partner badge, Partner Awards, reseller) on websites, online events, digital marketing collateral, blog posts, webinars, or social media posts. Social media posts that include the Amazon Ads logo or badge are only permitted if the post is a preview link to an asset that features the logo or badge.
Please see guidance as follows for approved use of the Amazon Ads logo, and badges your company has earned. Additionally, all use of the Amazon Ads logo, verified partner badge and/or advanced partner badge must comply with the Trademark Usage Guidelines.
- Use ampersands, plus signs, or equal signs to denote partnership with Amazon Ads.
- Design assets for a channel to make it look like it is coming from Amazon Ads.
- Position the Amazon Ads logo, verified partner badge or advanced partner badge prominently to indicate endorsement by Amazon.
- Use the Amazon Ads logo, verified partner badge or advanced partner badge in your social media profile (e.g., avatar, social home page)
- Use the Amazon Ads logo, verified partner badge or advanced partner badge in your email signature.
- Modify the Amazon Ads logo, verified partner badge or advanced partner badge in any way. Please see section 5.3 for more details on logo style guidelines (e.g., manipulating the shape, size, or color).
- Use the Amazon logo or Amazon Trademarks, such as the Amazon Smile or Amazon Prime boxes, in any marketing materials, such as websites, presentations, blog posts, etc.
- Use the verified / advanced partner illustration on your partner directory listing. That is not your verified / advanced partner badge and should not be used for marketing purposes.

5.3 Amazon Ads logo and partner badge style guidance
Amazon Ads logo
The Amazon Ads logo should never be smaller than 152 pixels and never wider than 688 pixels. Please note that the Amazon Ads logo has been updated to deliver a better customer-centric brand experience. If you use the Amazon Ads logo in an approved use case as stated in our marketing guidelines, ensure you download the new logo and use the updated version.
Not permitted

Verified partner badge
The verified partner badge should never be smaller than 206 pixels and should never be wider than 270 pixels.
Advanced partner badge
The advanced partner badge should never be smaller than 206 pixels and should never be wider than 270 pixels.
Partner Awards badges
Any Partner Awards badge should never be smaller than 206 pixels and should never be wider than 270 pixels.
Reseller badge
The reseller partner badge should never be smaller than 206 pixels and should never be wider than 270 pixels.
AMC badges
The AMC badges should never be smaller than 206 pixels and should never be wider than 270 pixels.
Amazon logo
As an agency or tool provider, you are not permitted to use the Amazon Trademarks and any respective logos unless you have received a written license from Amazon to use these logos. Please note that using Amazon Trademarks and/or elements of the Amazon logo and Trademark such as the Amazon Smile or Amazon Prime boxes is not permitted. To learn more about the Amazon logo, refer to
Not permitted
Amazon logo:
As an agency or tool provider for Amazon Ads, you are not permitted to use the Amazon logo.

Amazon Ads logo and badge modifications
It is not permitted to alter the Amazon Ads logo or other badges, in any way. Additionally, the Amazon Ads logo and other badges, may not be translated into other languages and should remain a consistent brand identity marker globally.
Do not alter logo or badge proportions:

Do not remove the smile in the logo or badge:

Do not alter text or colors:

Do not place over pattern:

Do not remove badge borders:

Amazon Ads logo and badge spacing
Clear space is necessary around all sides of the logo and badge. This allows the logo and badge to float in a space uncompromised by other text and/or imagery. See diagrams below.

Choosing between the Amazon Ads logo and badge
As a verified partner, use either the Amazon Ads logo or the verified partner badge in a single touch point/marketing material.
As an advanced partner, use either the Amazon Ads logo or the advanced partner badge in a single touch point/marketing material.
These guidelines apply to your use of any word mark(s), logo(s), and/or certification badge provided to you by Amazon (collectively, the “Mark”) in materials that have been approved in advance by Amazon. Strict compliance with these guidelines is required at all times, and any use of the Mark in violation of these guidelines will automatically terminate any license related to your use of the Mark.
- You may use the Mark solely to display the Amazon Ads word mark and/or logo to promote your support of Amazon Ads, and your use must: (i) comply with the most up-to-date version of all agreement(s) with Amazon regarding your use of the Marks (collectively, “Agreements”); (ii) comply with the most up-to-date version of these guidelines; and (iii) comply with any other terms, conditions, or policies that Amazon may issue from time to time that apply to the use of the Marks.
- We will supply an image or images of the Marks for you to use. You may not alter the images of the Marks in any manner, including but not limited to changing the proportion, color, or font of the Marks, or adding or removing any element(s) from the Marks.
- You may not use the Marks in any manner that implies sponsorship or endorsement by Amazon.
- You may not use the Marks to disparage Amazon, its products or services, or in a manner which, in Amazon’s sole discretion, may diminish or otherwise damage or tarnish Amazon’s goodwill in the Marks.
- The Marks must appear by themselves, with reasonable spacing between each side of a Mark and other visual, graphic, or textual elements. Under no circumstance should the Marks be placed on any background which interferes with the readability or display of the Marks. Do not use a trademark symbol with the Marks.
- Unless otherwise instructed by Amazon, you must include the following trademark attribution statement wherever the Mark is used: "Amazon, Amazon Ads, and all related logos are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates."
- You acknowledge that all rights to the Marks are the exclusive property of Amazon, and all goodwill generated through your use of the Marks will inure solely to the benefit of Amazon. You will not take any action that is in conflict with Amazon’s rights in, or ownership of, the Marks.
Amazon reserves the right, exercisable at its sole discretion, to modify these guidelines and/or the approved Marks at any time and to take appropriate action against any use without permission or that does not conform to these guidelines. If you have questions about these Trademark Usage Guidelines, please contact us for assistance.
Advanced partner: Partners that have demonstrated expertise and engagement with Amazon Ads products, and delivered measurable results for their advertisers over time.
Advanced partner badge: Designates partners that have achieved "advanced partner" status.
Amazon Ads partner directory: A list of registered partners that offer services or tools across a diverse range of Amazon Ads specialties.
Amazon Ads Partner Network: A self-service hub for Amazon Ads partners to manage business relationships with Amazon Ads.
Amazon Trademarks: Registered and unregistered Marks used by Amazon. Click here for a non-exhaustive list of Amazon's Trademarks.
Blog post: A post written by an agency or tool provider that is posted on its own site and can be easily taken down by the agency or tool provider.
Byline: A web or print article that is written by the agency or tool provider for an online or print publication.
Industry event: An event hosted by a third party (unrelated to the agency/tool provider and Amazon).
Partner: A company or business that is registered on the Amazon Ads Partner Network.
Press release: An official statement issued to the press, either over a newswire or via direct distribution.
Registered on the Partner Network: A company with an approved Amazon Ads Partner Network registration.
Verified partner: Partners that have completed their Partner Network account setup by linking advertisers, users, and creating a partner directory listing.
Verified partner badge: Designates partners that have achieved "verified partner" status.
© 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Amazon, Amazon Ads,, and all related logos are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates., 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210. Amazon Confidential
Advertising Policies
- ADSP Account Suspension for Malvertising Policy
- Advertising and the EU General Data Protection Regulation
- Advertising and the BR General Data Protection Law
- Advertising on Alexa Guidelines and Acceptance Policies
- Amazon Ads API policies
- Amazon Ads Guidelines and Acceptance Policies
- Amazon Ad Server Advertising Policies
- Amazon Branded Peak Shopping Events Advertising Policies 2023
- Amazon brand usage guidelines
- Amazon DSP additional policies
- Amazon pixeling guidelines
- Automated guaranteed platform policy
- Book advertising guidelines and acceptance policies
- Brand creative guidelines
- Brand Profile Content guidelines and acceptance policies
- Catastrophic events advertising policy
- Creative delivery lead times
- Fire TV guidelines and acceptance policies
- General policies
- MMP measurement URLs for app advertising
- On Box Ads, Bags, and Inserts guidelines and acceptance policies
- Product terms
- Remarketing and conversion pixel requirements
- Sponsored ads guidelines and acceptance policies
- Sponsored ads additional policies
- Posts content guidelines and acceptance policies
- Stores guidelines and acceptance policies
- Streaming TV ad policies
- Technical guidelines
- Twitch advertising guidelines and acceptance policies
- Waiver announcement