Buy with Prime (BwP)

Buy with Prime (BwP) is a service offered by Amazon to selected online retailers (“Merchants”). Merchants are permitted to use the Buy with Prime badge in their offsite ADSP ads. These ads can either drive to a specific product detail page offering BwP on the Merchant’s own ecommerce site or to a collections page which showcases all of the Merchants’ products that offer checkout using Buy with Prime. When an order is placed using BwP, the purchased products are fulfilled and delivered by Amazon on behalf of the Merchant.

BwP ads are permitted to:

  • Use the claim “fast free delivery”, or similar, in their ads without additional disclaimer, when targeting Prime members. The disclaimer “subscription required”, or similar, must be included in ads that are not targeting Prime members, unless the claim clearly specifies that the offer applies to Prime members (for example, “fast free delivery for Prime members”).
  • Use the “Buy with Prime” badge in accordance with the BwP brand guidelines in their ads and landing pages, and drive offsite to an ecommerce site.
  • Use language that speaks to Prime shopping benefits in ads and landing pages (for example “fast free delivery”, “easy returns”). Additional examples are available here.
  • Use 1P Amazon behavioural data, including ASIN views and repurchases, in ads for endemic products that run offsite, and linkout to a product detail page that offers Buy with Prime or a Buy with Prime collections (multi-ASIN) page.

BwP ads are not permitted to:

  • Run onsite
  • Run outside of the US.

Logos and branding

Official BwP branding (including the BwP badge) are available for download via a Merchant’s Buy with Prime business account. Images of the badges that are permitted in ads can be found below:

Buy with prime dark blue
Buy with prime blue

Buy with Prime Merchant Brand Guidelines, which provides instruction on how the logos can be used, can be found online here.