
Media strategy

A media strategy is a brand’s plan to use media channels to reach new audiences and spread awareness, increase consideration, and drive conversion.

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If you have limited experience, get in touch to request services managed by Amazon Ads. Budget minimums apply.

The Amazon Ads media planning suite helps advertisers reach and convert audiences across the customer journey using machine learning and tools that connect between channels.

Sponsored ads help advertisers of all sizes create brand awareness, increase sales, and stand out to shoppers both on Amazon and third-party apps and websites.

What is a media strategy?

A media strategy is a comprehensive template that outlines how a company or organization will use various media channels and platforms to achieve specific marketing and communication objectives. It serves as a blueprint for effectively reaching and engaging with the target audience through a coordinated and integrated approach across different media platforms.

Why is a media strategy important?

A media strategy is important for several reasons. A media strategy can help you reach your target audience, maximize impact and return on investment (ROI), deliver a consistent brand experience, and more.

Reach the right audience

A well-crafted media strategy ensures that your advertising and marketing efforts reach the right target audience. By identifying the media channels and platforms your audience engages with, you can effectively deliver your message to the people most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Maximize impact and return on investment (ROI)

With a limited marketing budget, it’s crucial to allocate resources effectively across various media channels. A media strategy helps you prioritize the most impactful channels and optimize your spending to achieve the best possible return on investment.

Deliver a consistent brand experience

An integrated media strategy ensures that your brand messaging and visual identity are consistently presented across all touchpoints, reinforcing brand recognition and building brand trust with your audience.

Stay competitive

In today’s crowded marketplace, a well-executed media strategy can give you a competitive edge by ensuring that your brand stands out and reaches your target audience more effectively than your competitors.

Adapt to changing consumer behavior

Consumer media consumption habits are constantly evolving, with new platforms and technologies regularly emerging. A media strategy allows you to stay agile and adapt your approach to align with these changing behaviors and trends.

Measure and optimize

A media strategy provides a framework for setting measurable objectives and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs). This data-driven approach enables you to continuously optimize your media mix, messaging, and tactics for better results.

Align marketing and business goals

By clearly defining your marketing objectives and aligning your media strategy with broader business goals, you can ensure that your advertising and marketing efforts contribute directly to achieving your organization’s overall strategic objectives.

In summary, a well-designed media strategy with a good media marketing mix is essential for effectively reaching and engaging with your target audience, maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts, staying competitive, and ultimately driving business growth and success.

Types of media strategies

Earned media strategy

An earned media strategy refers to the planned efforts and tactics aimed at generating organic, unpaid exposure and coverage for a brand, product, or organization through various channels and sources. Unlike paid media (advertising) or owned media (company-controlled channels like websites and social media platforms including Instagram and TikTok), earned media relies on third-party sources to amplify your message and content.

Owned media strategy

An owned media strategy refers to the planned efforts and tactics focused on leveraging and optimizing the media channels and platforms that a brand or organization owns and has complete control over, like a site where a brand can publish blog posts. Unlike paid media (advertising) or earned media (third-party coverage), owned media channels are fully controlled by the brand, allowing for greater flexibility and customization.

Paid media strategy

A paid media strategy refers to the planned approach and tactics used to leverage various paid advertising channels and platforms to reach and engage with a brand’s target audience. Unlike owned media (company-controlled channels) or earned media (organic coverage), paid media involves purchasing advertising space or placements to promote a brand’s message, products, or services.

Retail media strategy

A retail media strategy refers to the planned approach and tactics used by retailers to leverage their owned media channels and platforms to generate advertising revenue and enhance the shopping experience for customers. As retail brands like Amazon, Walmart, and Target have demonstrated, retail media networks have become a significant revenue stream and a powerful marketing tool for brands and advertisers.

Integrated media strategy

An integrated marketing strategy, also known as an integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy, is a comprehensive approach that aims to align and coordinate all marketing and communication efforts across various channels and touchpoints to deliver a consistent and cohesive brand experience to the target audience.

Media concentration strategy

A media concentration strategy, also known as a media concentration approach or a focused media strategy, refers to the deliberate decision to allocate a significant portion of a brand’s advertising and marketing resources toward a specific media channel or platform.

Media dispersion strategy

A media dispersion strategy, also known as a media diversification strategy, refers to the approach of allocating advertising and marketing resources across a wide range of media channels and platforms to reach and engage with the target audience through multiple touchpoints.

Important factors in a media strategy


An objective is a specific, measurable goal that a brand or organization aims to achieve through its media planning and execution efforts. Media strategy objectives serve as the guiding principles that inform the selection of media channels, audience focuses, messaging, and overall resource allocation.

Target audience

A target audience refers to the specific group of consumers or customers that a brand, product, or marketing campaign is designed to reach and appeal to. Identifying and understanding the target audience is a crucial step in developing effective marketing strategies, as it allows businesses to tailor their messaging, channels, and tactics to resonate with the preferences, needs, and behaviors of their desired customers.


A media strategy budget refers to the allocated financial resources and spending plan for executing a brand’s or organization’s media activities and advertising campaigns across various channels and platforms.


Media strategy timing refers to the strategic planning and execution of advertising and marketing activities across various media channels and platforms at specific times or intervals to maximize their impact and effectiveness.

Channel and media mix

Channel and media mix refer to the combination of different communication channels and media platforms that a brand or organization uses to reach and engage with its target audience as part of its overall marketing and advertising strategy.

How do you develop a media strategy?

Developing an effective media strategy involves a systematic process that combines research, analysis, planning, and execution to help lead generation. Here are the key steps involved in developing a comprehensive media strategy:

  1. Define marketing objectives and goals
  2. Conduct target audience research
  3. Analyze market and competitive landscape
  4. Set media objectives, metrics, and KPIs
  5. Develop a media mix and channel strategy
  6. Create a media plan and budget
  7. Develop creative and messaging strategies
  8. Implement and execute the media strategy
  9. Monitor, measure, and optimize
  10. Evaluate and refine

Developing an effective media strategy requires a combination of research, strategic planning, creative execution, and data-driven optimization. It is an iterative process that should be regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure alignment with changing market conditions, consumer behaviors, and business objectives.

Tips to build a successful media strategy

  1. Start with clear objectives
  2. Define specific, measurable objectives that align with your overall marketing and business goals. This will guide your media strategy and help you measure its success.

  3. Know your target audience
  4. Conduct thorough research to understand your target audience’s demographics, psychographics, behaviors, media consumption habits, and preferences. This insight is crucial for selecting the right media channels and crafting compelling messaging.

  5. Leverage data and analytics
  6. Use data and analytics tools to gather insights and analytics on audience behavior, media consumption patterns, and campaign performance. This data-driven approach will inform your media planning and optimization efforts.

Examples of media strategies


To remarket to a high-intent audience wherever they spend time, Linenspa added display ads to complement their search advertising approach. By adding display ads to their media strategy, they were able to engage shoppers who had previously visited one or more of the brand’s product detail pages. The brand also leveraged dynamic digital ads to integrate the power of unique and familiar Amazon shopping features, such as customer reviews and “Add to Cart” buttons, into their display creative.

Linenspa reengaged high-intent shoppers


L’Oréal was missing an opportunity to engage a larger audience who had not interacted with their brands on Amazon. By focusing only on lower-funnel initiatives, L’Oréal was reaching just 14% of potential Amazon customers. To reach customers across the customer journey, the company adopted a full-funnel marketing strategy using Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Products, and display and video via Amazon DSP. “Amazon Ads is a key piece of our full-funnel media strategy,” said Pablo Sanchez Liste, CMO of L’Oréal Mexico.

L’Oréal Mexico


Revive wanted to optimize their digital marketing media budgets through Amazon DSP and sponsored ads. While continuing to employ a multichannel media strategy, Revive also wanted to reduce customer acquisition costs as the brand expanded audience reach. Recognizing that relevance is key to efficient media spending, Revive used Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) to craft custom audiences, optimizing engagement throughout the entire purchase journey.

Revive boosts

Amazon Ads media planning suite

Amazon Ads media planning suite helps advertisers reach and convert audiences across the customer journey using machine learning and tools that connect between channels. Advertisers can leverage first- and third-party insights to develop a strategy for products on Amazon and third-party apps and websites.

If you have limited experience, contact us to request services managed by Amazon Ads. Budget minimums apply


What is owned media?

Owned media refers to the communication channels and platforms that a brand or organization has full control and ownership over. These are the channels and assets that the brand creates, manages, and distributes content through directly, using a content strategy, without relying on paid advertising or external media sources. A brand can use it to publish all types of content.

What is earned media?

Earned media refers to the exposure, coverage, and mentions that a brand or organization receives through third-party sources, such as media outlets, influencers, or customers, without directly paying for it. It is essentially the organic promotion and amplification of a brand’s message, products, or services through channels that the brand does not own or control.

What is integrated media?

Integrated media, also known as an integrated media strategy or integrated media planning, refers to the coordinated and cohesive use of multiple media channels and platforms to deliver a consistent brand message and experience to the target audience.

What is media planning?

Media planning is the strategic process of selecting and scheduling the most effective media channels and platforms to deliver advertising messages to a target audience in order to achieve specific marketing and communication objectives.

What is media buying?

Media buying is the process of purchasing advertising space or placements across various media channels and platforms on behalf of an advertiser or brand. It is a critical component of the overall media planning and execution process, ensuring that advertising messages reach the intended target audience effectively and efficiently.