Technology and services

Amazon Marketing Cloud

Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) is a secure, privacy-safe and cloud-based clean room solution in which advertisers can easily perform analytics and build audiences across pseudonymised signals, including Amazon Ads signals as well as their own inputs.

How does Amazon Marketing Cloud work?

AMC unifies rich signals across Amazon properties, advertiser and onboarded third-party providers, and enables flexible querying over these signals in a privacy-safe environment. Advertisers can then use custom insights and audiences generated via AMC to optimise campaign tactics, guide marketing execution and inform business decisions.

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Benefits of Amazon Marketing Cloud

Illustration of people surrounding by a shopping basket, a smiley emoji, a thumbs up and a heart icon.

Custom audiences

Build bespoke audience lists using engagement records, conversion events, segment information and more. Audiences created in AMC can be directly activated via Amazon DSP.

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Holistic measurement

Obtain in-depth understanding of customers’ journeys across Amazon Ads media and channels. Quantify advertising impact at online and offline Amazon stores, advertiser-owned sites and beyond.

Illustration of a graph on a clipboard

Insight expansion

Subscribe to Paid Features (beta) powered by Amazon Ads and third-party providers such as Experian, Foursquare and NCS to expand the scope and depth of insights.

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Easy usage

Generate, visualise and action on insights with AMC Solutions (beta) with a few clicks, no SQL needed. Use instructional queries and analytic templates to generate insights faster.

Three devices, desktop, tablet and mobile connected together around a circle

Signal collaboration

Connect signals from Amazon Ads, third-party providers and advertisers for richer insights and actions. You can onboard signals through APIs, Event Manager or integrated signal management tools.

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Privacy-safe environment

AMC only accepts pseudonymised information. All information in an advertiser’s AMC instance is handled in strict accordance with Amazon’s privacy policies, and your own signals cannot be exported or accessed by Amazon. You can only access aggregated, anonymous outputs from AMC.

Amazon Marketing Cloud APIs

Advertisers and partners can use AMC APIs to programmatically manage AMC operations, establish system integrations and develop software solutions at scale.

Reporting APIs

Query signals and generate reporting on demand or per schedule.

Audience management APIs

Create ruled-based and lookalike audiences ready for campaign activation.

Signal onboarding APIs

Stream or upload pseudonymised advertiser first-party signals to Amazon Ads.

Amazon Marketing Cloud educational resources

Build your foundational clean room knowledge or take specialised trainings designed for analytics practitioners, developers and admins, based on your role and interests.

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Our free AMC Certification helps advertisers with SQL experience learn to analyse marketing efforts across channels and generate insights, and then validates AMC knowledge with an assessment.

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What’s new with Amazon Marketing Cloud

Advertisers can now easily find high-value segment groups, visualise the groups’ impact and turn the groups into reachable audience list using Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) high-value audiences solution (beta).

All advertisers or partners with an AMC instance will have access to Sponsored TV insights.

Grow and innovate with a partner that specializes in Amazon Marketing Cloud

Amazon Ads partners are a global community of technology partners and agencies that offer a variety of services at different price points. Partners can help you launch, manage and optimise your ad campaigns, which can save you time and help you get the most from your advertising.

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Agency partners offer professional services on query development and custom analytics in AMC, and advise media execution and advertising strategy based on AMC insights.

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Software vendors

Software vendor partners orchestrate marketing operations, deploy advanced use cases and streamline advertiser first-party activation with native integrations with AMC.

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Consultancies and system integrators

These partners advise signal strategy, prepare first-party signals for onboarding onto AMC and Amazon Ads in general, and enable system integrations with AMC for connected business operations.

Get started with Amazon Marketing Cloud

Contact an Amazon Ads account executive to learn more.

Already have an Amazon Marketing Cloud account?


Who can use Amazon Marketing Cloud?

Amazon Marketing Cloud is available at no cost to eligible advertisers via web-based UI and API. Advertisers will have a dedicated AMC clean room environment set up for them.

Advertisers need to have an executed Amazon DSP Master Service Agreement (MSA), planned campaigns or campaigns live in the last 28 days at Amazon DSP and a technical resource familiar with SQL. For AMC API users, advertisers should also have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.

Contact your Amazon Ads account executive for more information.

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What signals are available in Amazon Marketing Cloud?

Advertisers can access hundreds of fields about their Amazon Ads campaigns via Amazon Marketing Cloud including ad-attributed impressions, clicks and conversions. Advertisers can also choose to upload their own pseudonymous inputs into a dedicated Amazon Marketing Cloud clean room environment and join the inputs with Amazon Ads campaign signals for analysis.

How does Amazon Marketing Cloud protect my information?

Amazon Marketing Cloud prioritises privacy and security by design. AMC only accepts pseudonymised inputs, and all information in your AMC instance is handled in strict accordance with Amazon’s privacy policies. You can only access aggregated and anonymous outputs from AMC. The information you choose to upload stays within your dedicated AMC instance, and cannot be exported or accessed by Amazon.

How is Amazon Marketing Cloud reporting different from Amazon DSP reporting?

Amazon Marketing Cloud can report on cross-channel media performance and complement the reporting capabilities available in Amazon DSP. AMC reports are outputs of SQL query-based analysis. The results are delivered via a downloadable CSV file and/or sent to your Amazon Web Services S3 bucket. Amazon DSP reporting contains pre-aggregated standard metrics, delivered via Amazon DSP console on-demand or API, and can report on performance of your media purchase and operations in Amazon DSP.

When should I use Amazon Marketing Cloud to build custom audiences?

AMC allows advertisers to expand and customise audience options on top of using the Amazon DSP audiences. Advertisers can use the cross-source and cross-media signals, such as ad engagement signals and advertisers’ own signals, over a Lookback window of up to 12.5 months, to build audiences in AMC. Users have control over how to construct custom queries, and the flexibility to generate audiences that best meet their advertising needs and business goals.

We recommend advertisers to start with exploring Amazon DSP audience options first, and use AMC to build custom audiences that address more sophisticated use cases involving multi-channel advertising, ad engagement considerations, detailed segmentation or other bespoke use cases.

How is attribution using Amazon Marketing Cloud different from Amazon Attribution?

Amazon Marketing Cloud’s custom attribution focuses on assessing Amazon Ads campaign performance, while Amazon Attribution measures non-Amazon media’s effectiveness in driving on-Amazon engagement. We view these solutions as complementary and recommend using the two together for a more comprehensive view of marketing attribution.