Launch announcement
Setup a customized account structure for your organization by linking Manager accounts
April 15, 2024
What launched?
If you’re an advertiser or an Amazon Ads partner with a complex organizational structure whose advertising book of business is proliferated across multiple Manager accounts (MAs) that represent different buying teams, you can now link those MAs to your MA. By linking other MAs to your MA, you can now create a multi-level or hierarchical group of accounts that more accurately represents the way your organization does business with Amazon, with each level representing buying teams from your operating companies, geographies, business units or any other way you would like. This is also referred to as “nested” or “multi-level” MA.

[Linking workflow] In addition to sponsored ads and ASDP accounts, you can now link other manager accounts to your manager account

[Accounts page] Once you link manager accounts, you can now see a hierarchical representation of your account structure.
Why is it important?
By linking/nesting multiple MAs from their organization together, advertisers and Amazon Ads partners can create a single and customized account structure that fulfills their specific access management and reporting needs. Once linked, they can view and work across all advertising accounts under their organization’s management in one place while maintaining data separation for different buying teams. To manage access, they can invite their team member(s) to different levels of organizational structure (sub-manager account), so that the invite user(s) only have access to a limited set of advertisers that represents their buying team. Finally, users on the top-most primary “parent” MA can operate on their full book of business to generate aggregate reports, manage users at different levels of their organizational structure using the same MA features that they have been using until today in Ads console.
Where is the feature available?
- North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
- South America: Brazil
- Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Turkey, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Luxembourg
- Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Bahrain, Kuwait
- Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan, New Zealand, China, Singapore
Who can use it?
- Advertisers (vendors, sellers, authors etc.)
- Amazon Ads Partners (agencies, 3P tool providers)
Where do I access it?
- Advertising Console
- Amazon Ads API [Note, you can link MAs via Ads API if you have access to both MAs. Linking MAs via requesting permission will be available in Q3 2024]