October 15, 2024
Amazon DSP launches Performance+ tactics into beta
Announced at unBoxed 2024
What launched?
Performance+ tactics allow advertisers to automatically create line items based on prospecting, remarketing, and retention tactics for both non-endemic and endemic campaigns.
Performance+ tactics are available for campaigns running on either Display, Online Video, or Streaming TV with a conversion KPI of ROAS for endemic advertisers or CPA for non-endemic advertisers.

Order settings page with media, goal, and KPI selection
Product ASINs or Off-Amazon conversion events must be added to generate a Performance+ campaign. At least one product ASIN must be designated as featured and at least one off-Amazon conversion event must be designated as “optimized”.

Order settings page with optimization selection for off-Amazon conversions
After the order is saved, you will be prompted to create tactics if the conversion events meet privacy and safety requirements. You can select one or more eligible tactics to add to your order. For non-endemic advertisers, at least one conversion event must be a PageView event type in order to generate remarketing tactics and at least one event must be either a “Sign Up” or “0ff-Amazon Purchase” event type in order to generate retention tactics. This is the case irrespective of these conversion events being optimized for.

Performance+ tactics panel
After selecting and creating the tactics, you will see the line items appear on the order-line item page and designated as such with a Performance+ tag.

Order-line item page with Performance+ tactics added to the campaign
You can create new tactics by clicking the ‘Create ’ button.

Order-line item page with “create Performance+ line item” drop down
When you select ‘Create Performance+ line items' you'll be prompted to create any remaining tactics. To create multiple of the same tactic, you can clone the line items.

Performance+ tactics panel with remaining tactics to add to the campaign
When viewing a line item, you will see the audience section pre-populated with the Performance+ tactic. You will not be able to edit the inclusion logic of the audience.

Line item settings page with Performance+ audience appended to the line
Over the next few weeks, several additional features will be included in this beta including the ability suppress first and third party audiences and the ability to create Performance+ tactics via bulksheets and via API.
Why is it important?
Performance+ unlocks the power of AI to deliver on your business goals. It uses first-party signals and machine learning to automate campaign setup, targeting, and optimization, ensuring your ads reach the right customers at the right time, whether for prospecting, remarketing, or retention. With Performance+, you have control over key levers and access to transparent reporting, enabling you to monitor campaign performance and make data-driven decisions for optimal results. This includes the ability to run Performance+ line items side by side with non-Performance+ line items. Prior to this release, Performance+ was an order-level setting that only supported prospecting.
Get started by inquiring with your Amazon sales team to be added to the Performance+ beta!
Where do I access it?
Who can use it?
- Self-service Amazon DSP customers
Where is it available?
- CA
- MX
- US
- BR
- BE
- DE
- ES
- FR
- IT
- SE
- TR
- UK
- EG
- AU
- CN
- IN
- JP
- SG
- ZA