Stream Display Ads

Organically integrate your brand messaging alongside live streams to connect with hyper-engaged viewers.

Stream Display Ads (SDA) provide advertisers with the opportunity to run their display ad creative along side with Twitch live stream content while the creator sound remains on ensuring the ad does not disrupt the viewer experience. Twitch offers multiple desktop and mobile SDA ad sizes available through ADSP


  • Mirror-C (160x600): through this placement your ad will render between the live stream and chat and wrap the top and bottom of the live stream player. Available in ADSP by providing a 160x600 display creative and Amazon’s creative resizing tool will upscale the ad to the mirror-c ad experience and automatically apply the top and bottom bands based off of the hex color of your ad creative. (Only available through ADSP managed service buying)
  • Skyscraper (160x600) - through this placement your ad will render between the live stream and chat
  • Lowerthird (728x90): through this placement your ad will render directly below the live stream player
Sky Scraper

Skyscraper (160x600)


Lowerthird (728x90)

Mirror-C mock

Mirror-C mock

Mobile :

  • Mobile lower-third (320x50): through this placement your ad will render directly below the live stream player within Twitch’s mobile app when in portrait mode
  • Mobile left-third (160x600): through this placement your ad will render directly to the left of the live stream player within Twitch’s mobile app when in landscape mode
Mobile Lower Third mock

Mobile Lower Third mock

Asset specifications

Image asset
DimensionsDesktop: 728x90, 160x600, 160x600 upscaled to 300x1050
ad experience with upper + lower bands 1567x84 each

Mobile: 320x50, 160x600
Mirror-c asset deliverableAdvertiser to provide/traffic 160x600 display creative
Max file size50kB
File formatGIF, JPG, or PNG
Animation lengthMax 15 seconds or 3 loops; whichever is shorter. All animations, including loops, must stop at 15 seconds. Animation must be site served.


General guidelines

  1. Minimum font size: Copy 12pt , Claims and disclaimers 9pt.
  2. Claims/disclaimer: No more than 20% of the total height of the ad.
  3. Borders: No boarder to be used for the mirror-c ad experience. For lowerthird and skyscraper boarders are optional but needed if the contrast between ad elements (background or elements at the edge) is below 3:1 when compared with white (#FFFFFF) and/or dark (#0E0E10).
  4. Mirror-C Guidelines: Highly recommend the top and bottom area of the 160x600 ad creative (~84 pixels in height) be one consistent color or at least towards the left size of the ad to allow for a seamless creation of the top and bottom band that wraps the player

Tags and trackers

For approved third-party providers, please reference Amazon's Approved third-party providers page.

Twitch does not allow the use of any unapproved 3rd party ad technologies. Twitch requires all ads and 3rd party vendors to be SSL-compliant. All components of video and display ads including creative and tracking must be provided as and able to serve via SSL (HTTPS).

Lead times

Twitch Advertising standard lead times (SLAs) account for the number of business days it will take to launch a campaign and to provide screenshots. The below SLAs assume that the provided IO is fully signed, creatives are approved and ready to be implemented into our systems. See also Lead Times.

  1. Build out creative: 8 business days (includes 1 round of standard client review), 15 business days if animated (with 2 rounds of client review)
  2. Launch and set the campaign live: 3 business days.
  3. Screeshots of live campaign: 3 business days.


North America
  • CA
  • MX
  • US
South America
  • BR
  • BE
  • DE
  • ES
  • FR
  • IT
  • NL
  • PL
  • SE
  • TR
  • UK
Middle East
  • EG
  • KSA
  • UAE
Asia Pacific
  • AU
  • IN
  • JP
  • SG