First Impression Takeover

With the First Impression Video Takeover, viewers will see your ad during their first Twitch broadcast of the day. This product is sold on a per day per geo basis and priced on a daily rate.

First Impression Takeover placement

Asset specifications

Video Asset
Lengthup to :30s, unskippable
Resolution1920x1080 minimum
Minimum bitrate4,000 kbps
Maximum bitrate10,000 kbps
File formatH.264 (MP4)
Frame rate24-30fps


Tags and trackers

3rd Party Tracking Events (1x1 Pixel)

Following tracking events are supported:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Quartiles
  • Completes

3P Serving (VAST)

  • The following video transcodes are mandatory:
    • Width: 1920, Height: 1080, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 5,500 kbps
    • Width: 1280, Height: 720, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 3,100 kbps
    • Width: 854, Height: 480, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 1,200 kbps
    • Width: 640, Height: 360, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 550 kbps
    • Width: 284, Height: 160, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 180 kbps
  • The following additional video transcodes are recommended to optimize playback across the full range of supported devices:
    • Width: 1024, Height: 576, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 1,750 kbps
    • Width: 888, Height: 500, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 1,316 kbps
    • Width: 720, Height: 406, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 866 kbps
    • Width: 480, Height: 270, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 384 kbps
    • Width: 320, Height: 180, Type: video/mp4, Bitrate: 200 kbps
  • Frame-rate: Max 30 FPS
  • Supported
    • Vast 3.0
    • Required alphanumeric "id" attribute populated on the <Creative> element in VAST XML
    • Please note that a portion of the inventory (SureStream) is SSAI pre-fetch. Therefore, all tags should be supplied as such.
  • Not supported
    • VPAID
    • Geo, browser, or any other targeting on the third party end
    • Third party redirecting or 4th party tags
    • Skip function

For approved third-party providers, please reference Amazon's Approved third-party providers page.

Twitch does not allow the use of any unapproved third-party ad technologies. Twitch requires all ads and third-party vendors to be SSL-compliant. All components of video and display ads including creative and tracking must be provided as and able to serve via SSL (HTTPS).


North America
  • CA
  • MX
  • US
South America
  • BR
  • DE
  • ES
  • FR
  • IT
  • NL
  • UK
Middle East
  • KSA
  • UAE
Asia Pacific
  • AU
  • IN
  • JP
  • SG