Launch announcement
Sponsored Brands forecasting for impressions and clicks is now available in the advertising console
November 18, 2024
What launched?
Sponsored Brands has launched a new feature in the advertising console that provides forecasts of impressions and clicks based on your campaign settings. Impression forecasts are an estimate of the number of times your ad(s) will be displayed and click forecasts are an estimate of the number of times your ad(s) will be clicked. Forecasts are available when building a campaign on the advertising console for campaigns that have selected the “Drive page visits” goal-based campaign control. Forecasts are based on machine-learning models that are built on the observable performance of historical campaigns with similar settings. They are not a guarantee of actual performance.

Forecasts are now available for campaigns that have selected the “Drive page visits” campaign control.

When required settings are completed, a forecast for weekly impressions and clicks will be generated.
Why is it important?
Forecasts can help advertisers understand the impact of their campaign setting selections before launching a campaign. Now advertisers will be able to receive an estimated range of impressions that their campaign may deliver based on selected campaign settings, such as budget, targeting, and bid values. When advertisers change their settings, forecasts will update accordingly, so advertisers can see the estimated impact of different campaign settings. This will help them create better performing campaigns.
Where is the feature available?
- North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
- South America: Brazil
- Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Poland, Turkey, Netherlands, Sweden
- Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt
- Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan, Singapore
Who can use it?
- Vendors
- Sellers
Where do I access it?
- Amazon Ads console