Launch announcement

Advertisers can select their currency

May 24, 2024

What launched?

Advertiser can now choose their currency at the advertiser creation stage in the Amazon DSP. The Currency selection is a feature that allows buyers to budget, bid, manage, plan, report, and pay for their ADSP campaign fees using their currencies of choice. Advertisers can choose any currency we make available through a drop down selection in the advertiser creation page.

advertiser creation page

On the advertiser creation page users can select the currency they would like transact in

advertiser is created and saved with their currency
chosen advertiser currency

Once an advertiser is created and saved with their currency selected, all budgets, bids, fees will be in the chosen advertiser currency

reporting UI
downloaded reports
Advertisers currency

All reporting in the UI and downloaded reports will be in the Advertisers currency

Advertisers currency

Billing will sent in the Advertisers currency

Why is it important?

Historically, The Amazon DSP tied self-service advertisers’ currencies to the marketplace they target (DSP advertiser country). This complicated things particularly for regional, cross-border, and global buyers who did media planning, reporting and had the need for billing in currencies different from the ones the ADSP forced them to use.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
  • Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Austria
  • Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Bahrain, Kuwait
  • Asia Pacific: Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Singapore

Who can use it?

  • Customers can create new advertisers and select their chosen Currency from the dropdown provided. To get started, visit here: How to create a new advertiser.

Where do I access it?

  • In the Amazon DSP new advertiser creation page there is a dropdown to select your currency.