Launch announcement

Amazon DSP integrates with Google Privacy Sandbox for enhancement measurement

March 20, 2025

What launched?

Amazon DSP integrates Google Privacy Sandbox into its suite of durable measurement solutions, adding another layer to it privacy-centric measurement approach that helps maintain consistent campaign visibility given industry changes. This enhancement strengthens our ability to attribute conversions on brands' websites from Chrome users, especially those who chose not to allow third-party cookies.

third party measurement

Screenshot of the settings page enabling you to opt-in, or opt-out, of measurement integration with the Privacy Sandbox

Note: You are opted in to reporting through the Privacy Sandbox by default. To opt-out, visit the Advertiser Settings page, and uncheck the “Attribution reporting in Google Privacy Sandbox” option.

Why is it important?

Amazon DSP has long built its foundation on sophisticated approaches that don’t rely on ad ids, positioning us well ahead of industry changes like third-party cookie deprecation. The Privacy Sandbox integration enhances Ad Relevance, our AWS-powered AI solution that helps advertisers reach and measure audiences effectively - regardless of ad id presence. While Ad Relevance already uses advanced signals to serve relevant ads to consumers across their digital journey, this new integration provides additional measurement capabilities specifically for Chrome users. Together, these solutions ensure you maintain comprehensive campaign visibility by securely maximizing all available consented signals to understand your advertising impact, regardless of browser settings or industry changes.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
  • South America: Brazil
  • Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Luxembourg
  • Middle East: Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Bahrain, Kuwait
  • Asia Pacific: India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, China, Singapore

Who can use it?

  • Self-service
  • Managed service

Where do I access it?