Headline suggestions for Sponsored Display now available in the Amazon Ads console
Updated on 21 February 2023
What’s launched?
Advertisers will now see headline suggestions when building Sponsored Display campaigns in the Amazon Ads console. Suggested headlines are generated based on the advertised products selected to show in your creative and follow our ad policy guidelines. You can also edit the suggested headlines to best match your campaign goals but edits to suggested headlines will continue to go through the standard moderation review process along with remaining creative elements (logo, image, products, brand name).

The suggestions menu drops down when user clicks into the headline input field. Advertiser selects a headline from the suggestions menu for their ad creative and it is auto-populated in the headline input field and the ad preview.
Why is it important?
Headline suggestions help build customized creatives faster while improving creative approval rate.
For full technical details, please read here.
Where is the feature available?
- North America: United States, Canada
- Europe: United Kingdom, Germany
- Asia Pacific: India
Who can use it?
- Vendors
- Sellers
Where do I access it?
In the advertising console, sellers and vendors can build a creative with a headline suggestion while building a campaign or from the “creative” tab while managing a campaign. This feature applies to new and existing creatives and suggested headlines will be displayed in a drop-down menu when advertisers select their products and customize their creative with a headline.

You spoke, we listened
This launch or feature update is as a result of advertiser driven feedback