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During the last year, when many people around the world were at home and away from their friends and families, Carla Stevenné felt she could help them create much-needed connections.
“I could fill that void over this past year with COVID because people would come to my streams,” she says. “In the chat they’d mention, ‘I'm so happy that this exists. It feels like I'm just here with my girls.’”
Stevenné is an Amazon Live influencer and the talent behind “BEAUTYBYCARLA.” Each weekday, Stevenné shares makeup tutorials and home and fashion finds.
“Plus, I teach people as I'm doing it,” she says. “It’s a lot of fun for me to be able to share with people how to do their makeup, but also the latest products and trends, and keep them in the loop on brand-new products regularly.”
Beyond the tips and trends, Stevenné has grown a thriving community rooted in real friendships. Shoppers watch daily to ask Stevenné questions, and chat with each other in real time.
“I've built my business and brand on Amazon Live through consistency and really connecting with the people who are watching,” she says. “I don't look at it as a place to just sell a product. I look at it as a place to be able to connect with like-minded individuals who all love makeup or fashion.”
Brands of all sizes are continuing to tap into livestreaming to connect in real time with customers and build digital communities that span global locales.
At a recent Adweek “At Home” panel presented by Amazon Advertising, Stevenné shared advice for how brands can create a strong community through live, interactive content.
According to Stevenné, there are two best practices for attracting and connecting with viewers in real time: Being authentic and consistent.
“Be authentic to yourself,” says Stevenné. “When you're live, you can't fake it. You can't cut out anything. You can't edit anything. Whoever's watching can feel that energy because it's live. It's like a FaceTime call with your family or your friends. So you want to make sure you're really being yourself.”
In addition, “You want to make sure you're building that community,” she says. “And the best way to build the community is by being consistent. If you have that schedule in place, they know when to tune in. I have people who tune into my Lives every single day. There are some people who tune in every other day. And then there are some people who tune in once a week. But when [the livestreams are consistent], everyone knows they're there.”
Stevenné has developed numerous ways to foster meaningful connections—not only between her and her viewers, but also between community members.
“I have viewers who tune in every single day, and I call them ‘the Carla Crew,’” she says. “And every time someone joins the Carla Crew, I introduce them. I have my little introduction song. And then I send them a virtual hug, and they connect with that. They send virtual hugs back. I feel like people appreciate that introduction. They feel welcomed and they want to come back to my Lives.”
Stevenné also considers and responds to the requests she receives from her audience. For example, if someone asks her for tips on wearing purple eyeshadow, Stevenné will respond during the stream, saying that she’ll do a purple eyeshadow look the next day.
“And they tune in and they're excited,” she says. She’ll also ask that viewers come back after trying a product and let her know their thoughts. “I'm making genuine connections and everyone is also connecting in the chat, which helps build my community, and they continue to come back.”
Viewers have formed friendships through Stevenné’s livestreams. “Everyone's talking and they really become friends,” she says. “It feels like we're in the same room. We're having a conversation. We're getting ready together.”
During the last year, when many people were at home, viewers often turned to Stevenné for advice on how to match makeup shades and foundations.
“Normally people could go out to the store and pick their shade match,” she says. “They could try the foundation on the back of their hands, test it on their skin, and see what it looks like. But with everyone being at home, they looked to my livestreams.”
Stevenné would ask viewers in-depth questions about their skin, then provide recommendations. The same went for fashion, with viewers seeking Stevenné’s advice and information on different products.
Stevenné also believes that Amazon Live helps her provide her audience with a streamlined shopping experience.
When she’s speaking about a specific lipstick, for example, that lipstick shows up in the carousel below her livestream, letting customers easily find what she’s speaking about.
“I've had people leave a question in my chat on my livestream as I'm sharing something, and I’ll answer it, and they'll say, ‘Okay, I'm going to add this to my cart right now,’” Stevenné says. “They're letting me know they just purchased it because I answered that question live.”
“If you're on Amazon, you go live, and the products are there,” she continues. “You don't have to go anywhere hard-to-find to reach those products to shop. And I feel like the customers really love it. They always come back to watch. And again, whenever they shop, I am always reminding them, ‘Come back to my Live, let me know your thoughts on the product.’”