Support your brand growth with Amazon Ads partners

December 27, 2021 | By Rebecca Fontana, Sr. Editorial Manager

Amazon Ads partners help brands work toward their goals and strategies. They offer a variety of services, such as consulting advice and reporting automation, so brands can focus on growing their brands and engaging with their customers. Ivey Lee, Partner Development Manager at Amazon Ads, shared how to begin receiving advertising support by working with partners.

Using the Amazon Ads partner directory

The three main categories of Amazon Ads partner companies are agencies, consultancies, and tool providers. If an advertiser needs assistance with services these partner types offer, they could find a partner to help them with their needs in the Amazon Ads partner directory.

The partner directory lets advertisers browse for services such as campaign reporting or inventory management, and the directory includes partners located across the globe. You can also filter by products, services, or pricing model to find the partner that’s right for your business.

How Amazon Ads partners work with brands

An example of an Amazon Ads partner success story comes from a kitchen utensil brand, Lee shared. By connecting with an Amazon Ads partner agency on its global strategy, the brand was able to achieve its goals of improving the return on ad spend (ROAS) of existing campaigns and increasing incremental sales. It also was able to drive brand awareness for new customers.

It did this by working with their agency partner to figure out which campaigns were the most profitable and then prioritizing those. The brand also expanded from Sponsored Products campaigns into Sponsored Brands campaigns, as well, allowing customers to see all the products available. Finally, the brand began using seasonality to determine campaigns, further optimizing their ads.

quoteUpThese full-funnel strategies helped to drive incremental sales growth, including sale-attributed to advertising growth of +2x year-over-yearquoteDown
— Ivey Lee, Partner Development Manager, Amazon Ads

"The brand was also able to drive greater visibility and awareness, delivering 4.8MM sponsored ads impressions, +1.5x their totals year-over-year.,” Lee said.1

A second example comes from a printing, scanning, and photocopying company, which partnered with a marketing agency. The duo began improving the printing company’s Store by using Amazon Brand Analytics as well as Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands. By making a few changes to the company’s Store and product detail pages, such as adding video ads, the printing company was able to see a return on advertising spend (ROAS) of 6.7x, 122% of the original goal, Lee said.2

These examples help demonstrate the value Amazon Ads partners can offer to your business. After finding their ideal Amazon Ads partner, companies can get started with a variety of services, such as automating campaigns, media and sales evaluation, and keyword optimization.

Brands looking to develop their campaign strategies, grow their businesses, and connect with customers may want to consider exploring the Amazon Ads partner directory.

1-2 Amazon internal data, US, 2021