Launch announcement

Amazon Marketing Cloud now supports flexible store visit insights

7 March 2023

What’s launched?

Advertisers can now subscribe to Foursquare Store Visit Insights, a new Paid Feature (beta) in Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC), to measure the impact of their advertising on select brick-and-mortar stores in the US, understand cross-channel shopping journeys and discern audiences with different engagement patterns online and offline. Companion instructional queries (IQs) which provide query-building instructions and templates are also provided to support advertisers’ use of the feature.

Why is it important?

Advertisers in retail, grocery, hospitality, entertainment, automotive, financial services, telecommunications and others can select the chains of interest to them, and easily subscribe to the Foursquare Store Visit Paid Feature (beta) in the AMC UI with a few clicks. Pseudonymous, ready-to-query visit signals will be automatically added to the advertiser’s dedicated AMC instance, requiring no input preparation or engineering efforts. Advertisers can combine these store visit signals with their advertising signals in AMC to generate bespoke aggregate and anonymised insights.

Currently offered as a monthly subscription, the feature provides advertisers the flexibility to tailor their use cases based on their unique business needs. Here are just a few of the ways advertisers can utilise this new feature:

  • Ad-attributed visits: Advertisers can measure brick-and-mortar site visits attributed to ads, assess what media mix led to most total engagements and optimise their media tactics accordingly
  • Cross-channel journey: Advertisers can better analyse how audiences move online and offline, wherever they spend time, throughout their path to purchase, and design omnichannel strategy to best engage with their audiences
  • Audience insights: Advertisers can gain a better understanding of the audience segments with visits to particular chains versus those who prefer staying online only, see how these patterns may vary by geographic areas and calibrate their audience outreach based on the learning
AMC Foursquare Store Visit insights (beta)

Example use cases of AMC Foursquare Store Visit insights (beta)

AMC will continue to introduce new paid features and capabilities over time that empower advertisers to better understand cross-channel marketing efforts and customize their AMC experience.

Advertisers can also continue to use the free tier of AMC to create and customise advertising reports, examine how the Amazon Ads programmes they use complement each other and use their own first-party insights to generate even more learnings. To help advertisers further refine their Amazon Ads media strategy, AMC will continue to add new Amazon Ads insights and capabilities. Advertisers can choose to build on the free tier with Paid Features to further customise their AMC and unlock greater capabilities and insights.

Each Amazon Marketing Cloud instance is provisioned to a dedicated AWS account. AMC only accepts pseudonymised information, all information in an advertiser’s AMC instance is handled in strict accordance with Amazon’s privacy notice, and inputs cannot be exported. Advertisers can only access aggregated, anonymous outputs from Amazon Marketing Cloud.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States

Who can use it?

  • All AMC customers, with most prominent use cases for those in retail, grocery, hospitality, entertainment, automotive, financial services and telecommunications industries

Where do I access it?

  • Advertisers can subscribe to Foursquare Store Visit Insights via the Paid Features (beta) tab in the AMC UI. Once a subscription is created, it can be queried via the UI and API