Worldwide ad policies quick reference guide for display ads

At Amazon Ads, we believe maintaining a high customer experience bar for the ads we serve helps us drive better results for you, our advertisers. Accordingly, we’ve set customer-centric ad policies to help preserve and enhance that experience. All advertising content must be appropriate for a general audience and for the type of placement in which it will be shown.

You must be honest about the products or services that you promote, and must avoid content that may mislead or offend our customers. To learn more, visit the Amazon Ads guidelines and acceptance policies.

Common restricted or prohibited categories

Does your ad contain the following?If yes:
Alcohol (as a product)Prohibited in US, India, UAE, and China; all other locations permitted within guidelines in CAP 7.1
Charity/donation requestPermitted with copy and placement restrictions; refer to CAP 7.2
Movie trailerPermitted with placement restrictions based on rating; refer to CAP 7.4
Pharmaceuticals, health and beauty productsRefer to CAP 7.11 for full guidelines
Scary contentPermitted in some cases; cannot be excessive or gory, and may face placement restrictions
Violence or weapons (as content)Permitted only in certain contextually relevant cases and placements; refer to CAP 7.13
Controversial social or political contentContent is prohibited from advertising
Foul, vulgar or obscene languageContent is prohibited from advertising
Hangover curesProduct is prohibited from advertising
Weapons (as product)Product is prohibited from advertising
All other prohibited itemsSee CAP 6.0
All other restricted itemsSee CAP 7.0

Checklists before finalizing an ad

Make sure that the ad:

  • Has a clear, action-oriented CTA in sentence case (for onsite)
  • Contains necessary disclosures in the ad and/or landing page
  • Meets the creative bar – crisp, clean images; not overly cluttered; appealing to look at
  • Clearly identifies the brand and product being advertised
  • Has pricing and savings claims that are the
    same on the ad and landing page

Make sure the ad does not:

  • Have text that is too small or otherwise illegible
  • Contain overly bright or distracting colours
  • Blend into the background – the ad’s background should either contrast with a white background or contain a one-pixel non-white border
  • Contain animations over 15 seconds long (for onsite)
  • Exceed word count limits

Placement-specific CTA requirements

Ad typeBillboard (970 x 250)Mobile (all ads)
PolicyCTA cannot be button-shapedCTA encouraged but not required
Onsite or offsite?This rule only applies to onsite Billboard placementsOnsite and offsite

**Please note: This guide is not intended to be a comprehensive overview of all ad policies. It is highlighting some key ad policies that frequently re-occur.