Manga series: Discover sponsored ads with Ume

Start using Amazon Ads to promote your products and create campaigns.
Create cost-per-click ads to help customers find your products on Amazon.
Learn more about how to optimize once you’ve launched your first campaign.
This manga series follows Sota – a new employee with no experience running ads on Amazon – as he learns the basics of sponsored ads from Ume, the avant-garde marketing legend. When Sota saves Ume’s beloved cat on the street, Ume returns the favour by helping him work towards his marketing goals using Amazon Ads.
Episode 1: What are sponsored ads solutions?
Sota learns about the benefits and features of each sponsored ads solution.
Episode 1
Episode 2: How to create a sponsored ads campaign
Ume shows Sota step-by-step on how to create a Sponsored Products campaign.
Episode 2
Episode 3: How to fine-tune your ads
Ume teaches Sota on how to optimize a campaign using performance reports.
Episode 3
Are you selling or advertising in Japan?
Follow Amazon Ads Japan’s YouTube channel for more videos.
The information covered in the series is correct as of September 2023, and may be subject to change.