Creative assets expands to Sponsored Display
April 19, 2022
What launched?
Vendors and Sellers using the Amazon Ads console can now search for and reuse existing creative assets to build their Sponsored Display campaigns. This means you can easily reuse creative you’ve already uploaded as a part of their Sponsored Brands, Stores, or Posts efforts within your Sponsored Display campaigns.
Why is it important?
Integration with “creative assets” allows you to build Sponsored Display campaigns quickly, as well as provide a consistent shopping experience across your Amazon Ads campaigns. When adding a logo or custom image to a Sponsored Display campaign, you can select “Choose from assets” instead of “Upload image” to browse and reuse existing creatives assets. To help you browse, you can search, sort and filter by name, tag products, and other attributes to find assets easily. Search results can be further narrowed by filtering and sorting by asset types (logo, custom, or product image), upload date, file format, file size, dimension, moderation status, and more. Any brand content you upload to a Sponsored Display campaign will also be saved to “creative assets” for easy reuse later on.

Creative assets in advertising console
Where is the feature available?
- North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
- South America: Brazil
- Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom
- Middle East: United Arab Emirates
- Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan
Who can use it?
- Vendors
- Registered sellers
Where do I access it?
- Advertising console
- Amazon Ads API