Launch announcement

Connect with unique audiences with full-screen Fire Tablet lockscreen ads

December 15, 2023

What launched?

We’ve launched Fire Tablet supply onto the AAP Mobile App line item in the US, UK, DE, and JP. When Fire Tablet supply is selected in the campaign, and a Fire Tablet - Amazon Video Ads creative is attached to the line item, your ads will deliver as a full screen ad on the Fire Tablet lockscreen.

Create line item

On the AAP Mobile App line item, ADSP-SS advertisers can now find Fire Tablet inventory listed

Inventory 1
Inventory 2

Within the Inventory interstitial, they can de/select Fire Tablet as a supply source. On the right, there’s a popup notification to inform advertisers that they must use the Fire Tablet - Amazon Video Ads creative template on that campaign.

Why is it important?

Fire Tablet has been available for ADSP-SS advertisers on the Fire Tablet and Kindle line item as a beta. By using the AAP Mobile app with Fire Tablet supply selected, buyers can access more features and supply in one campaign.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States
  • Europe: Germany, United Kingdom
  • Asia Pacific: Japan

Who can use it?

  • Self-service

Where do I access it?