7.0 Restricted Content, Products and Services

Amazon permits advertising for all the categories in this section with the specific limitations outlined below. In creating these policies, Amazon considered industry best practices, local laws and regulations, product features, and business objectives that are specific to Amazon. As the advertiser, you are responsible for complying with applicable laws, regulations, and best practices.

7.1 Alcohol

The policies in this section apply to ads for the sale of alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, and spirits) and branding campaigns for alcohol companies (these are campaigns by alcohol companies that do not promote the sale of alcoholic beverages, such as merchandise or sponsorships).

Alcohol ads are only permitted in some locales. Here is a quick view of permitted and prohibited locales. Please see section below for policy requirements that apply to alcohol ads in permitted locales.

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Spain, UK.Bahrain, China, India, Kuwait, KSA, Morocco, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, US.

Please note that this policy does not cover alcohol content featured in non-alcohol ads (for example, a movie trailer starring actors consuming alcohol). Per the Prohibited Content policy, ad content must not encourage, glamorize or depict excessive consumption of alcohol.

In India, alcohol brands may not run any form of advertising, even for non-alcoholic products. So-called surrogate advertising is prohibited. For example, an alcohol brand may not run a campaign promoting branded merchandise.

Ads for beverages labeled as “alcohol-free” or “non-alcoholic” (i.e. non-alcoholic beer) should follow the same placement, day-parting, and targeting restrictions for alcoholic beverages for their locale.

General requirements

In those locales where alcohol ads are permitted, the following general rules apply in addition to the locale-specific requirements listed below. For placement and targeting requirements, please engage your customer support.

Ads for the sale of alcohol in Australia, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, and Europe must link to a page on Amazon.

Amazon prohibits campaigns from third-party alcohol retailers.

Ads must promote the responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages. Ads must not:

  • Be directed toward or contain content designed to appeal to minors.
  • Associate drinking with motor vehicles or driving.
  • Disparage abstinence from alcoholic beverages.
  • Irresponsibly incentivize people to drink.
  • Promote excessive consumption.
  • Suggest therapeutic or other benefits to drinking (for example, that alcohol improves performance, contributes to personal success, or solves problems).
  • Focus on the alcoholic strength of the beverage.
  • Be targeted to Amazon Family or Prime Students.
Placement Requirements
  • Outside of homepage placements, alcohol ads are restricted from the following contextual situations:
    • Books or other reference material referring to substance abuse/alcoholism, religious texts
    • Maternity/childbirth or automotive content
    • “Kid Zones” sections of the Amazon site that are geared toward products for children; for example, children’s apparel or DVDs for children’s TV shows
  • Sponsored Display cannot be used to advertise alcohol offsite due to its inability to day-part.
Placement TypePermitted?Additional Requirement
Marquee productsNoN/A
Fire TVGermany, UK, Canada, Japan: Yes
All other locales: No
Alcohol ads are prohibited on Fire TV, except (1) Germany, the UK, and Canada - alcohol ads are acceptable from 8pm to 2am; (2) Japan - alcohol ads are acceptable from 6pm to 5am.

All campaigns must be reviewed and approved. Please work with your customer support teams to have these campaigns approved.

Alcopops are not permitted on Fire devices.
Fire Tablet WakescreenGermany, UK: Yes
All other locales: No
Alcohol display ads are prohibited on Fire Tablet Wakescreen, except in Germany and UK. Ads must be reviewed and approved. Please work with your customer support teams to have these campaigns approved.

In addition, the following conditions apply:
• UK ads may promote any alcoholic product.
• Sales campaigns must link in to an Amazon page.
• Ads must be rated ‘Mature.’
• Alcopops are not permitted on Fire devices.

Locale-specific requirements

Alcohol ads are only permitted in the locales listed below, subject to the corresponding policy requirements.

Ads for the sale of alcohol in Australia, Canada, Mexico, and Europe must link-in to Amazon.

  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 8:30pm and 5am.
  • Alcohol ads must contain a responsible drinking message.
  • Ads cannot contain models that look under the age of 25.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads should be displayed only between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Ads for beer must include the following warnings: in Dutch “Bier drink je met verstand” or in French: “Une bière se déguse aves sagesse”.
  • Ads for all other alcoholic beverages must include the following warnings in Dutch: “Ons vakmanschap drink je met verstand” or in French: “Notre savoir faire se déguse avec sagesse.”
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads should be displayed only between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Models in alcohol ads cannot be, nor have the appearance of being, under the age of 25.
  • Alcohol ads must not link alcohol with any sporting activity.
  • Alcohol ads must include one of the following warnings in upper case:
    • BEBA COM MODERAÇÃO (“Drink with moderation”)
    • A VENDA E O CONSUMO DE BEBIDA ALCOÓLICA SÃO PROIBIDOS PARA MENORES (“Sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited for minors”)
    • ESTE PRODUTO É DESTINADO A ADULTOS (“This product is intended for adults”)
    • EVITE O CONSUMO EXCESSIVO DE ÁLCOOL (“Avoid excessive alcohol consumption”)
    • NÃO EXAGERE NO CONSUMO (“Do not exagerate in consumption”)
    • QUEM BEBE MENOS, SE DIVERTE MAIS (“Who drink less, have more fun”)
    • SE FOR DIRIGIR NÃO BEBA (“If driving, do not drink”)
    • SERVIR BEBIDA ALCOÓLICA A MENOR DE 18 É CRIME (“Serving alcoholic beverages to minors under the age of 18 is a crime”)
  • Ads for beer must either include one of the above or below warnings:
    • CERVEJA É BEBIDA ALCOÓLICA. VENDA E CONSUMO PROIBIDOS PARA MENORES (“Beer is alcoholic drink. Sale and consumption prohibited for minors”)
    • SERVIR CERVEJA A MENOR DE 18 É CRIME (“Serving beer to minors under the age of 18 is a crime”)
  • Video ads for alcohol must include one of the above disclaimers delivered verbally and in the copy at the end of each ad.
  • Ads for non-alcoholic beer are exempt from carrying a warning provided they do not refer to the brand, slogan or promotional phrase of the alcoholic beverage.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 8PM to 5AM and 12PM to 3PM. Day-parting is not required for ads that promote branded products other than alcoholic beverages (e.g., Bud baseball cap) providing they run off gateways and link-in.
  • Alcohol ads are prohibited on Amazon Fresh.
  • All ads must comply with the Danish Regulation on Marketing of Alcoholic Beverages issued by the “Alkoholreklamenævn” if the beverage contains more than VOL 0.5% alcohol.
  • Sports: ads cannot be associated with sports.
  • Models in ads cannot be, nor have the appearance of being, under the age of 25.
  • Alcohol ads cannot feature alcohol being consumed in an educational institution. For example, a university campus or evening college.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Ads for alcohol beverages exceeding 22% alcohol by volume are prohibited.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Ads for alcoholic beverages must not:
    • Present the alcohol content of the beverage as being a positive feature
    • Associate alcohol with the participation of a game, raffle, or competition (for example, as a prize)
  • Day-parting: Ads can only run between 12 p.m. and 6 a.m.
  • Disclaimer: Ads must include one of the following statements: “l’abus d’alcool est dangereux pour la santé” or “à consommer avec moderation.”
  • Ads can only contain the following information about the alcoholic beverage: alcohol by volume percentage, origin, denomination, composition, name and address of the manufacturer, agents and depositaries, method of elaboration, methods of sale, mode of consumption of the product, references to the region of production, references to awards obtained by the beverage, references to the appellation of origin or geographical indication. The packaging for the beverage can be reproduced only if it complies with the preceding ad content rules.
  • Ads for non-alcoholic products must not feature, promote, or refer to alcohol brands, or the consumption of alcohol. Images of generic alcoholic beverages may be permitted so long as they are not the main focus of the ad.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Sports: In addition to the contextual situations noted above, ads cannot be associated with sports. Advertising cannot be placed on a website that is published by sport associations, sport companies and federations or professional leagues.
  • Alcohol ads may not obscure, cover or pop-up in front of the page the user wishes to view. This does not include Spotlight ads, or similar ads which the customer must actively click on to expand.
  • Depictions of alcoholic beverages in ads for non-alcohol products:
    • Ads for non-alcohol products must not feature, or refer to, specific brands of alcohol; nor promote alcoholic beverages, or the consumption of alcohol, in a general way.
    • Ads may include images of generic alcoholic beverages provided this is not the focus of the ad and the advertiser or company making the promotion has no interest in the promotion of alcoholic beverages.
  • Day-parting: Ads can only run between 12 p.m. and 6 a.m.
  • Ads on Fire TV can run between 8 p.m. and 2 a.m.
  • Ads on Fire Tablet wake screen and Fire TV must be pre-approved by Amazon.
  • Sports:
    • Alcohol ads may feature references to sports, such as showing professional footballers or people watching a professional sports game, but Amazon preapproval is required.
    • Stronger alcoholic products, like wine and spirits, are generally considered inappropriate in a sports context.
    • The following conditions must always be met:
      • Ads must not show people drinking alcoholic products whilst playing sports.
      • Ads must not imply that alcohol makes one better at sports.
      • Alcohol must not be presented as essential to enjoying sports.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads should be displayed only between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Advertisements for alcohol must include:
    • A warning that is intended to inform the public of the danger of alcohol consumption;
    • A warning that is intended to inform the public of the danger of alcohol consumption when pregnant;
    • A warning that is intended to inform the public of the direct link between alcohol and fatal cancers; and
    • Details of Health Services Executive (HSE) website providing public health information in relation to alcohol consumption
  • An advertisement for an alcohol product cannot contain anything other than the warnings set out above (together with the HSE website) and all or any of the following details:
    • An image of, or reference to, one or more alcohol products (whether of the same or different kinds) either in a container or containers (which may be opened or unopened) or in a glass or glasses;
    • Details of whether the product concerned is intended to be diluted with a nonalcoholic beverage and where it is intended to so be diluted, an image of or reference to the non-alcoholic beverage;
    • An image of, or reference to, the country and region of origin of the product concerned;
    • An image of, or reference to, the method of production of the product concerned;
    • An image of, or reference to, the premises where the alcohol product concerned was manufactured;
    • The price of the product concerned;
    • A brand name or variant thereof, trade mark and brand emblem of the product concerned;
    • A corporate name and corporate emblem of the product concerned;
    • An objective description of the flavor, color and smell of the product concerned;
    • The name and address of the manufacturer (or his or her agent) of the product concerned;
    • The alcoholic strength by volume of the product concerned;
    • The quantity in grams of alcohol contained in the product concerned; and
    • The energy value expressed in kilojoules and kilocalories of the product concerned.
  • ASAI Code
    • Marketing communications for alcohol should include a responsibility message to drink alcohol responsibly;
    • Marketing communications may refer to the social dimension or refreshing attributes of a drink, but:
      • Should not state, depict or imply that the presence or consumption of alcohol can improve physical performance or personal qualities or capabilities;
      • Should not state, depict, or imply that the presence or consumption of alcohol can contribute to social, sporting or business success or distinction or that those who do not drink are less likely to be acceptable or successful than those who do;
      • Should not state, depict, or suggest, by word or allusion that the presence or consumption of alcohol can contribute towards sexual success or make the drinker more attractive. Advertisers should take account of public sensitivities regarding coarseness and sexual innuendo in marketing communications for alcohol;
      • Should not portray drinking alcohol as a challenge and should not state, depict or suggest that those who drink are brave, daring or tough;
      • Should not link in any way the presence or consumption of alcohol to aggressive, unruly, irresponsible, or anti-social behavior.
    • Marketing communications for alcohol should not portray drinking games or sessions, or show or imply pub or club crawls;
    • Terms and conditions for promotions involving alcohol should make it clear:
      • That entry is restricted to those 18 years of age and older; and
      • That prizes and/or gifts will only be awarded to those 18 years of age or older.
    • Marketing communications or promotions should not combine alcohol with a gift that has particular appeal to under-18s.
  • It is permitted to promote the sale of alcohol-free alternatives, with restrictions. Non-Alcohol Product Variants
    • It should be made very clear at the start and throughout a marketing communication that a non-alcohol product variant (i.e. less than 1.2% alcohol by volume) is non-alcoholic – there should be no scope for confusion over the product’s content from the beginning so that consumers are able to easily identify that the product being advertised is a non-alcoholic product.
    • Anyone depicted in a marketing communication shown drinking or playing a significant role should be aged over 25 and should appear to be over 25
  • Day-parting: Ads can only run between 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. and 12 p.m to 4. p.m.
  • Disclaimer: Ads must include “Bevi responsabilmente.”
  • Alcohol ads may feature references to sports, such as showing professional footballers or people watching a professional sports game, but Ad Policy preapproval is required.
  • Stronger alcoholic products, like wine and spirits, are generally considered inappropriate in a sports context.
  • The following conditions must always be met:
    • Ads must not show people drinking or handling alcoholic products in ANY sports setting.
    • Ads must not imply that alcohol makes one better at sports.
    • Alcohol must not be presented as essential to enjoying sports.
  • Disclaimer: Ads must include a warning statement that follows industry regulations and guidelines for alcohol consumption, for example: “Stop drinking if you are underage or you are driving. Enjoy a moderate amount of alcohol. Please don’t drink if you are pregnant or in a lactation period. Recycle can after drink.”
  • Advertising hard liquor on the homepage is restricted to beer, cocktails, shochu, sake, plum wine, wine, brandy, and whiskey only. Ads must not show:
    • A person drinking brandy/whiskey in a gulping manner.
    • Large bottles or other drinking containers.
  • Non-alcohol
    • Definition of non-alcohol drink: beverage with 0.00% alcohol strength for adults aged 20 or above which tastes similar to an alcohol drink.
    • Ads must have the warning statement to avoid underage drinking or another guardrail to avoid showing the ads to underage kids.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Ads for alcoholic beverages with 15.5% alcohol or more must include the following warning: "אזהרה: צריכה מופרזת של אלכוהול מסכנת חיים ומזיקה לבריאות!"
    • (“Warning: Excessive consumption of alcohol is life-threatening and harmful to [your] health!”)
  • Ads for alcoholic beverages with less than 15.5% alcohol must include the following warning: "אזהרה: מכיל אלהוכול"
    • (“Warning: Contains alcohol – it is recommended to avoid excessive drinking”)
  • Ads for alcoholic beverages must only include factual information relating to the product. For example, the name and trademark of the beverage, the packaging of the beverage and where it is sold, the existence of a kosher certificate, the percentage of alcohol in the beverage, the price, the year of manufacture, etc.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12 p.m. and 6 a.m. only.
  • Disclaimer: Ads must include any of the following disclosures: “Evite el Exceso,” “Conocer es no excederse,” or “Todo con medida.”
  • Alcohol ads must comply with the Dutch Advertising Code for Alcoholic Beverages (Reclamecode voor alcoholhoudende dranken).
  • The warning “no 18, no alcohol” must be included in all ads for alcoholic beverages, except for banner ads equal to or smaller than 120 pixels wide and 60 pixels high.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
New Zealand
  • Alcoholic beverages are defined as any drink with an alcohol strength above 1.15% ABV.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Models in alcohol ads cannot be, nor have the appearance of being, under the age of 25. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding must not appear in alcohol ads.
  • Ads for alcoholic beverages cannot promote or advertise discounts on alcohol in a way that could lead people to believe that the price is 25% or more below the price at which the alcohol product is ordinarily sold.
  • Ads for alcohol are prohibited.
  • Ads for non-alcoholic beverages that share the same brand or trademark as an alcoholic beverage are also prohibited.
  • Day-parting: Alcohol ads can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
  • Ads for wine, spirits and all alcoholic beverages, excluding beer and non-alcoholic beer, are prohibited.
  • Ads for beer must include the following disclaimer: "1/2 litra piwa zawiera 25 gramów czystego alkoholu etylowego. Nawet taka ilość szkodzi zdrowiu kobiet w ciąży i jest niebezpieczna dla kierowców" and "1/2 litra piwa zawiera 25 gramów czystego alkoholu etylowego. Sprzedaż alkoholu osobom do lat 18 jest przestępstwem".
  • Ads for alcohol branded merchandise are prohibited.
  • Ads for non-alcoholic beverages (excluding non-alcohol beer) that share the same or similar name, brand, trademark, design or packaging as an alcoholic beverage are also prohibited.
  • Day-parting: Ads can only run between 12 p.m. and 6 a.m.
  • Disclaimer: Ads must include “Disfruta de un consumo responsable.”
  • Models in alcohol ads cannot be, nor have the appearance of being, under the age of 25.
  • Alcohol ads may feature references to sports, such as showing professional footballers or people watching a professional sports game, but Amazon preapproval is required.
  • Stronger alcoholic products, like wine and spirits, are generally considered inappropriate in a sports context.
  • The following conditions must always be met:
    • Ads must not show people drinking alcoholic products whilst playing sports.
    • Ads must not imply that alcohol makes one better at sports.
    • Alcohol must not be presented as essential to enjoying sports.
  • Ads for alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  • Ads for alcohol-free beverages are prohibited. For example, alcohol free beer.
  • Ads for alcohol branded merchandise are permitted, subject to day-parting requirements. For example, a Guinness branded beer dispenser.
    • Day-parting: Alcohol branded merchandise ads can be displayed between 12 p.m. and 6 a.m. only.
  • Ads for alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
  • Ads for non-alcoholic beverages are permitted provided it is clear from the product packaging or ad copy that they do not contain any alcohol. For example, 0.0% alcohol beer.
  • Day-parting: ads for non-alcoholic beverages (see above) can be displayed between 12pm (midday) and 6am only.
United Kingdom
  • Day-parting: Ads can only run between 12 p.m. and 6 a.m.
  • Ads on Fire TV can run between 8 p.m. and 2 a.m.
  • Ads on Fire Tablet wake screen and Fire TV must be pre-approved by Amazon.
  • Ads must include the following statement: “bedrinkaware.co.uk.”
  • Alcohol ads may feature references to sports, such as showing professional footballers or people watching a professional sports game, but Amazon preapproval is required.
  • Stronger alcoholic products, like wine and spirits, are generally considered inappropriate in a sports context.
  • The following conditions must always be met:
    • Ads must not show people drinking alcoholic products whilst playing sports.
    • Ads must not imply that alcohol makes one better at sports.
    • Alcohol must not be presented as essential to enjoying sports.
  • Models in alcohol ads cannot be, nor have the appearance of being, under the age of 25.

7.2 Appstores

Ads for appstores are not permitted.

7.3 Charities and Other Non-Profits, and PSA

To ensure that the customer experience remains positive, ads must focus on the positive outcome of donating. For example, an ad for a pet charity featuring images of animals in distress would be prohibited, while an ad for a pet charity reading “Your support can help animals,” without images of animals in distress, would be permitted.

Ads for charities are prohibited on Homepage and Fire devices.

Public Service Announcements (“PSA”)

A PSA is a message in the public interest with the objective of raising awareness and/or changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social or medical issue. PSA ads on Amazon are generally prohibited. PSA ads seeking to run on Amazon require Amazon preapproval and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

7.4 Contests, Competitions, and Prize Draws

Ads for contests, competitions, or prize draws must include all disclosures required by applicable laws and regulations. They must be present on the landing page. Ads must indicate that official rules apply by including a disclosure to state that "T&Cs apply" or similar. The program’s official rules, or a clear link to official rules, must be present on the landing page.

Ads must not misrepresent the odds of winning. For example, ads must not indicate or imply that everyone wins.

Locale-specific requirements


  • Ads for contests, competitions and prize draws are restricted to commercial promotions (contests/sweepstakes) that are authorized by SECAP.
  • The SECAP certificate number must appear legibly on all creatives.
  • Campaigns along with proof of SECAP authorization must be submitted to Amazon for pre-approval.


  • Prizes cannot include credit or health products. For example, a chance to win laser eye surgery is not permitted.
  • Ads for contests, competitions and prize draws must not be targeted to minors under 15 years.


  • Ads for contests, competitions, and prize draws are prohibited.

7.5 Entertainment

The policies in this section apply to ads promoting movies, TV shows, and video games. In developing these policies, Amazon considered ad content, ad placement, the landing page content, and the title's rating, to ensure that your campaigns are suitable for the targeted audience.

7.5.1 Blood and Gore

Ads must not depict excessive violence or gore, such as dismemberments, open wounds, or excessive bleeding. Except for Homepage placements, ads on Amazon may feature minor traces of blood in context with the title promoted, but without additional elements of violence or gore. For content that depicts weapons, please see the Weapons section below.

7.5.2 Religious Content

Amazon prohibits content that advocates or demeans a religion. Ads may contain references to a specific religion or faith in a historical or fictional context if the primary purpose is to entertain.

7.5.3 Trailer Ratings

If the trailer has not been rated separately from the title, the restrictions listed below will be based on the rating of the title. If the trailer has been rated separately to the title, the restrictions below apply based on the rating of the trailer, but the ad must include the age rating of the title if the title is rated age 12 and up.

If the rating is G, PG, TV-Y, TV-Y7, TV-G, TV-PG, EC, E, E10, or local equivalents, the ads can run in-banner autoplay.

If the rating is PG-13, TV-14, T, or local equivalents, the ads can run on autoplay with the identification of the rating.

If the rating is R, TV-MA, M, or local equivalents, the ad can only run on landing pages as customer-initiated videos.

Ads for NC17 movies and AO video games, or local equivalents, are prohibited on
Amazon even if the ad features a green-band trailer.

Ratings bugs are not required for ads running anywhere.

On FireTV, ratings bugs must be placed on the static portions of an ad when they are required.

In Canada, when the rating varies between provinces with the same ratings system, ads should use the highest rating; ads should contain both the Quebec rating and the rating for other provinces.

Additional restrictions may apply. Please contact your account support for more information.

7.6 Financial Products and Services

General Requirements

Advertisers must only target those locales where they are licensed and also meet all applicable licensing requirements in each of the locale(s). Where required by local law/regulations, ads and/or landing pages must adequately inform the customer of any risks or costs associated with the product.

Amazon prohibits ads for the following products and services:

  • Financial products and services are prohibited on Sponsored Display.
  • Cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency exchanges, initial coin offerings (ICO) and binary options.
  • Get-rich-quick and pyramid schemes.
  • Short-term high-interest loans (including, but not limited to, “payday” loans), with a repayment period under 12 months and an APR of more than 50%.

Locale-specific requirements


  • Ads for shares in investment funds and real estate funds must concurrently refer to the published prospectus and the customer information document. It must be indicated how and in which language the prospectus and the information documents are made available and accessible. Regarding real estate funds, the ad must give a reference to: the published prospectus, any changes thereto, and the publishing body, date of issuance, date of notification, and how the prospectus is published as well where it can be collected.
  • Advertising must be fair and distinct, identifiable as such, not misleading and not in contradiction to the prospectus and the customer information document. References to former performances must contain a notice that a former performance in the past does not reliably imply a future development of the fund.


Ads for offshore financial products and services are prohibited.


Ads for any financial product offered with an APR of 25% or more are prohibited.


Ads for financial products and services must carry the following warning: "Failure to repay the loan or credit may result in a charge of arrears interest and enforcement proceedings."

New Zealand

Ads for ‘pay day’ loans are prohibited.


Ads offering consumer credit must include: the company name; the effective annual yearly interest rate and effective amount repayable.


Where the Advertiser is a bank licensed by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency of Turkey or acts on behalf of such a bank, Amazon will, upon the documented request of the Advertiser notifying the existence of a fake ad, provide necessary information specific to such event to the Advertiser.


In order to run financial services advertisements in the UK, advertisers must be authorized by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (UK FCA).

7.6.1 Credit services

  • Credit card acquisition campaigns must de-target customers that are currently using that card on Amazon.
  • Ads for credit services cannot encourage customers to take out credit or a loan to shop online.
  • Ads that contain special offers must indicate that terms and conditions apply. The terms and conditions, or a clear link to terms and conditions, must be clearly and conspicuously disclosed in the ad or the landing page close to the offer. The landing page must prominently present substantial content about the offer advertised. See Disclosures for more information.
  • Examples of acceptable acquisition messaging/CTA: “Sign Up,” “Apply Now,” “Get Started,” “Find my card” or similar.
  • Amazon co-branded or private brand card ads can link out only under the following conditions:
    • The campaign is designed to drive awareness or highlight other non-acquisition-related activities.
    • Acquisition messaging must not be present in the main body of the landing page, but links can be available as part of the website’s standard navigation.
Locale-specific requirements


Ads cannot recommend one credit service over another.

If an ad includes the credit rate, repayment terms or other information on the cost of credit, the ad must include the representative annual percentage rate (APR) in the local language.

  • UK: “representative APR”
  • France: “taux annuel effectif global (TAEG)”
  • Germany: “effektiver Jahreszins”
  • Spain: “tasa anual equivalente (TAE)”
  • Italy: “tasso annuo effettivo globale (TAEG)”

Austria: If an ad refers to interest rates and cost then it also has to contain a clear, concise and visible example containing all legal mandatory standard information:

  • The fixed or the variable borrowing rate, all cost that are incurred
  • The entire credit amount
  • Effective annual interest rate (inclusive of all costs)
  • The duration of the credit
  • The total amount to be paid by the consumer

Denmark: ads for any financial product offered with an APR of 25% or more are prohibited.

Poland: Ads for consumer credit products must include:

  • the credit rate, including whether the credit rate is fixed, variable, or both; this information shall be provided together with a distinction of the charges included in the total cost of the credit;
  • the annual percentage rate (APR);
  • the total amount of the credit;
  • and where applicable:
    • the duration of the contract,
    • the total amount to be paid by the consumer and the amount of the installments, and
    • the price of the good or service and the amount of any advance payment in case of a credit agreement providing for deferred payment.

7.6.2 Payment service providers

  • We prohibit ads for payment solutions for businesses.
  • Ads for offline payment solutions, and online payment solutions that are linked to a bank account/card or that are peer-to-peer payments only are permitted.

7.6.3 Banks: Current and Savings Accounts

These campaigns are approved across all placements, except H1. If an ad is associated with Amazon, it may be permitted to run on the H1 placement with Amazon pre-approval.

7.6.4 Loan Products

Loan products include, but are not limited to, home equity, credit card cash advances. These ads can run across all placements, except H1.

Ads for short-term high-interest loans (including, but not limited to, “payday” loans, with a repayment period under 12 months and an APR of more than 50%) are not permitted.

7.6.5 Brokerage Accounts

This policy applies to ads for opening general brokerage accounts, and low-risk accounts with tax-exempt or tax-deferred benefits:

  • Ads must drive customers to a site for opening a brokerage account, not directly to a site for trading derivative products.
  • Ads must not infer or imply guaranteed success.
  • Account fees, such as brokerage fee, management/advisory fee, trade commission, mutual fund transaction fee, etc. must be clearly communicated in ads or a landing page.
  • Ads must be pre-approved by Amazon.

Placement: Approved for Amazon (except H1) and off Amazon.

7.6.6 Trading Investment

Blocked placements: Amazon, Fire devices, Boxes, Prime Now bags, and In-ship.

(1) Securities: Stocks by a specific company or bonds by a specific company/country are blocked. Ads for a basket of securities, such as mutual funds, ETFs, etc. are approved. Financial institution ads with generic copy, such as “buy stocks,” are approved.

(2) Derivatives and foreign exchanges are approved, unless high-risk options (including, but not limited to, binary options and spread betting) are promoted.

7.6.7 Insurance Products

Insurance products include, but are not limited to: mortgage insurance, life insurance, medical insurance, travel insurance, and personal liability insurance.

  • Ads running on Amazon must focus on the positive outcome of insurance products (for example, “Rest assured that your home is protected”) rather than negative emotions like fear or anxiety (for example, “If there was a house fire, would you lose everything?”).

Placement requirements:

  • Ads for insurance products can run on Boxes, Prime Now bags, and In-ship only if they are associated with Amazon.

7.6.8 Pay-Over-Time Services

Pay-over-time services that allow customers to split a payment into interest-free installments are approved with the following restrictions:

  • Advertised service must be an accepted payment system on Amazon
  • Ads cannot target based on income
  • Ads cannot encourage customers to spend more than they can afford
  • Ads cannot run on Homepages

7.7 Gambling Products and Services

The policies in this section apply to i) ads for online gambling (which we define as any online product or service where money or other items of value are wagered in exchange for the opportunity to win prizes with real-world value based on the outcome of the game), and ii) offline gambling (such as brick and mortar casinos).

Note that ads for brick and mortar establishments that do not promote gambling are not subject to this policy (except in Brazil where this is also prohibited). For example, a travel ad for a stay at a local casino-resort that does not mention gambling.

Ads for gambling services are only permitted in some locales. Here is a quick view of permitted and prohibited locales. Please see section below for policy requirements that apply to gambling ads in permitted locales.

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, U.K., U.S.* (please see U.S.-specific restrictions below)Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, India, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland

* Only Daily Fantasy Sports and Sports Betting ads may be approved in the U.S. Amazon approves U.S. Daily Fantasy Sports and Sports Betting advertisers on a case-by-case basis. See locale-specific requirements for additional policy requirements for gambling ads in the U.S.

Self-serve advertisers are ineligible for gambling advertising globally, except Japan.

General requirements

In those locales where online gambling ads are permitted, the following general requirements apply in addition to the placement and locale requirements listed below.

All online gambling advertisers and all of their ads must be pre-approved by Amazon.

You must comply with all applicable licensing requirements in each of the locale(s) where your ads will show. For example, you must have a license in good standing issued by the UK Gambling Commission for the entire duration of your campaign to promote gambling products and services in the UK.

If the ad includes special offers or promotions, the ad copy must include Terms & Conditions “T&Cs apply” (or similar). The relevant Ts&Cs must be available on the landing page, or be directly linked to from the landing page (one click away). The ad copy must communicate when the offer is limited to new customers only.

Gambling ads must not:

  • Misrepresent the odds of winning or the risks of gambling. For example, ads must not claim that gambling is “risk-free” unless the customer’s losing stake is refunded in full (as cash and not as free bet tokens or credit).
  • Target at or be likely to appeal to underage individuals (models in gambling ads must be, and appear to be, age 25 and older).
  • Depict or refer to alcohol or the consumption of alcohol.
  • Depict or refer to behavior associated with problem gambling.
  • Encourage what could be considered excessive or pathological gambling.
  • Deny that gambling can trigger potential risks or lead to addiction.
  • Encourage individuals to play beyond their means or refer to consumer credit services.
  • Link gambling to social, financial, or sexual success.
  • Represent gambling as a means of solving financial problems or as an alternative to employment.
  • Claim or imply that a player’s experience, competence or skill reduces or removes the uncertainty of winning or allows a continuous winning.
  • Imply that a game that is easy to play is also easy to win.
  • Reference negative world events, or present gambling as a means of dealing with loneliness or isolation in the context of such events.
  • Use behavioral targeting.
Placement and targeting requirements

Gambling ads on Amazon are prohibited.

Ads anywhere must exclude websites aimed at children and young adults.

You must only target those locales where the gambling product or service promoted is duly licensed. For example, a gambling service licensed in the UK cannot be promoted in France, unless it is also licensed in France.

Locale-specific requirements

Amazon permits gambling ads only in the locales listed below, subject to local licensing requirements and subject to the corresponding policy requirements.


  • Promotion of brick and mortar casinos is permitted
  • Promotion of online gambling is permitted
  • Promotion is limited to gambling providers located in Austria or within the European Economic Area, if they hold all required licenses and comply with protective rules in gambling


  • Ads for online gambling are permitted provided the advertiser holds a license from the Gambling Commission.
  • Ads must not refer to sign-up bonuses, free gifts or in-game gifts
  • Ads must include the following age related warning: “Gok met mate!” (in Dutch) or “Jouez avec modération!" (in French)
  • Ads must not refer to or feature sportsmen or women.


  • Ads for online games of chance and bricks and mortar casinos are permitted provided the advertiser holds a license under the Danish Gambling Act.
  • Ads for specific online games/ games played at bricks and mortar casinos must include:
    • The age limit of the game/to enter the casino;
    • The Danish Gambling Authority’s (“DGA”) helpline; and
    • The disclaimer “terms and conditions apply.”


Ads must feature a warning message against excessive or pathological gambling and an active link to the French Institute of Health Prevention and Education (http://www.joueurs-info-service.fr/). The warning message can be any of the following:

  • "Jouer comporte des risques : dépendance, isolement... Appelez le 09-74-75-13-13 (appel non surtaxé)."
  • "Jouer comporte des risques : isolement, endettement... Appelez le 09-74-75-13-13 (appel non surtaxé)."
  • "Jouer comporte des risques : endettement, dépendance... Appelez le 09-74-75-13-13 (appel non surtaxé)."
  • In English: "Gambling entails risks: debts, addiction … call the following number 09-74-75-13-13 (no overcharges).”
  • "Gambling entails risks: isolation, debts … call the following number 09-74-75-13-13 (no overcharges).”
  • "Gambling entails risks: addiction, isolation… call the following number 09-74-75-13-13 (no overcharges).”


Only licensed sports betting services are permissible.

9PM to 6AM day-parting applies.

Ads cannot suggest that the results of games of chance are influenceable by the player.

Ads (not including branding campaigns) must inform customers about risks of addiction, prohibition of the participation of minors, and the possibility of advice and therapy. These requirements do not apply to branding campaigns.

If the ad contains information on maximum winnings, the respective probability of winning and losing must be indicated within the ad. For example, "Gewinnchance 1:[XXX]. Spielteilnahme ab 18 Jahren. Glücksspiel kann süchtig machen. Nähere Informationen und Hilfe unter [XXX].”


  • Promotion of online gambling is permitted with restrictions (below).
  • Promotion of brick and mortar casinos is permitted with restrictions (below).
  • Marketing communications for gambling should not:
    • Suggest that gambling can provide an escape from personal, professional or educational problems such as loneliness or depression;
    • Portray gambling as indispensable or as taking priority in life; for example, over family, friends or professional or educational commitments;
    • Suggest gambling is a rite of passage; or
    • Suggest that solitary gambling is preferable to social gambling.


Only the following government-controlled gambling is allowed.

  • Lottery (Takara-kuji)
  • Sport Lottery (Toto)
  • Horseracing (Keiba)
  • Bike Race (Keirin)
  • Boat Race (Kyotei)
  • Motorcycle Race

Host organizations can run ads only for their race announcement. Ads for online betting is prohibited. Ads must include a clearly legible message, “The age of 20 and older are qualified for wagering.” Self-serve advertisers are permitted with the appropriate administration by Amazon.


  • Ads for online gambling are prohibited
  • Ads for offline games of chance are permitted provided the advertiser holds a gambling license from the Ministry of Justice.


  • Ads for online gambling are permitted.
  • Ads for offline games of chance are permitted, provided the advertiser holds a gambling license from the Netherlands Gambling Authority (Kansspelautoriteit).
  • Ads for gambling must:
    • Day-part: Ads should only be displayed between 9pm and 6am only. State and Charity lotteries are allowed 7pm-6am.
    • All ads must include a safe-gambling message: “Wat kost gokken jou? Stop op tijd. 18+” (translation: “What does gambling cost you? Stop in time. 18+”.)


  • Only ads for the following state-owned gambling companies are permitted:
    • Norsk Tipping
    • Norsk Rikstoto
  • Ads for bricks and mortar casinos are prohibited.


Ads must contain the following information:

  • Responsible gaming logo and/or URL: http://www.juegoseguro.es/
  • 18+ logo and messaging making it clear that only people over the age of 18 are allowed to participate in gambling activities. The logo alone may be acceptable provided it is prominent. This must be confirmed on a case by case basis.


  • Ads for online gambling are permitted provided the advertiser holds a gambling license from the Swedish Gambling Authority.
  • Marketing of gambling must comply with the Swedish Gambling Act (2018:1138), the Swedish Gambling Ordinance (2018:1475) and the Swedish Marketing Act which requires that marketing must be "moderate" and only focus on providing the customer with relevant, objective information.
    • The minimum age to gamble (18)
    • Contact details for the responsible gambling organization, “Spelpaus”


Ads must include a link to www.gambleaware.co.uk

Landing pages must link to either the operator's responsible gambling website or a generic source of information (such as www.gambleaware.co.uk), and to license status page in the UK Gambling Commission website.


Online Casino, Daily Fantasy Sports, and Sports Betting ads are permitted subject to pre-approval by Amazon.

Online Casino ads must geotarget:

  • Geotarget the state(s) where Online Casinos are legal, and
  • In which the operator is licensed

Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) are apps and sites that let customers build a team of professional athletes from the sport of their choice (football, soccer, basketball, etc.) and compete against others to earn points based on the actual metrics from players in real-world contests. Players must pay real cash entry fees to enter competitions and can win prize pools of real cash typically by rank and / or rank tier. All DFS advertisers and all of their ads must be pre-approved by Amazon.

All DFS advertisers must hold a state license where required. If a DFS ad targets a state that does not require a license, the advertiser must be licensed in at least one other state that does require a license to operate.

DFS ads must:

  • Geotarget the state(s) where the advertiser is licensed.
  • Be frequency-capped to 3 times per 24 hours per customer.
  • Contain information for problem gamblers in the ads or the advertiser’s site or app.

DFS ads must not:

  • Imply that winning is a definite outcome of playing.
  • Disparage those who do not partake in wagering.
  • Imply affiliations with schools or universities.
  • Associate Amazon and/or Prime Video live sports events with the offer.

Sports Betting (“Sportsbook”) ads promote sites and apps that allow customers to wager real money on a myriad of different outcomes of sports events. Sports Betting involves a user placing a bet by wagering money on an event at some fixed odds (“proposition”) determined by the Sportsbook. All Sportsbook advertisers and all of their ads must be pre-approved by Amazon.

Sportsbook ads must:

  • Geotarget the state(s) where the advertiser is licensed.
  • Be frequency-capped to 3 times per 24 hours per customer.
  • Include a warning against the dangers of addictive and compulsive gambling.
  • Contain information for problem gamblers in the ads or the advertiser’s site or app.
  • State that terms and conditions apply.

Sportsbook ads must not:

  • Imply that winning is a definite outcome of playing.
  • Disparage those who do not partake in wagering.
  • Imply affiliations with schools or universities.

7.8 Hemp

Hemp products can be advertised in US, CA, DE, FRITES, NL, UK, MX, and AU subject to the policies below.

7.8.1 Prohibited Hemp Products

Products that contain or imply that they contain CBD, including products that are promoted as "Full Spectrum Hemp Oil", “Broad Spectrum Hemp Oil” or "Rich Hemp Oil."

7.8.2 Prohibited Hemp Content

Products in this category must not:

  • Be associated with or encourage the consumption of illicit drugs.
  • Reference any psychoactive effect of the product.
  • Claim to cure, prevent or treat a disease, addiction or ailment, such as cancer, arthritis, or anxiety (products to ease pet separation anxiety are permitted).
    • Products that claim to support general wellness, ease tension, and assist with stress relief are permitted.

7.8.3 Restricted Hemp Content

  • Images of hemp leaves are not permitted on homepages or Fire devices.
  • For hemp supplements, images of hemp leaves can only appear on product packaging.
  • For other permitted categories, images of hemp leaves can be used in ads (except on homepages/Fire devices) but must not reference or imply drug use or psychoactive effects, e.g. a hemp leaf surrounded by psychedelic colours or smoke is not acceptable.
Psychedelic colors/effects are not permitted

Psychedelic colors/effects are not permitted

7.8.4 Placement Acceptability by Sub-Category

Consumable hemp:
• Hemp hearts
• Hemp herbal teas
• Hemp seeds and powders
• Hemp supplements
• Hemp oils (not "full spectrum" etc.)
• Hemp protein
Prohibited: HP, Fire Devices
Hemp supplements that reference stress relief can only run in contextual placements onsite, in line with the standard targeting policies.
Beauty products that contain hemp:
• Skin creams
• Shampoos
• Moisturizers
• Toothpaste
Prohibited: HP, Fire Devices
Consumable hemp for petsProhibited: HP, Fire Devices
Non-consumable hemp:
• Backpacks
• Mats
• Wallets
• Twine and Rope
No placement restrictions.

7.9 Intellectual Property and Personal Rights

Amazon prohibits ads that infringe on the intellectual property, privacy, publicity, or other legal rights of any person or entity.

You must obtain all necessary rights and permissions for your ads.

Ads must not feature the names, likenesses, voices (including look-alikes and sound-alikes), or other identifying features of an individual without the individual’s consent.

Rightsholders and their agents can report alleged copyright, trademark, or right of publicity infringement by filling out this form. If we receive a complaint regarding intellectual property related to an ad served by us, we will encourage the alleged rightsholder and advertiser to communicate directly. Amazon will not act as a mediator of disputes between them. We may or may not process a takedown request based on its independent assessment of each complaint.

7.10 Job Sites

Ads for job sites must not state or imply that our customers need a better career, quit their job, have been laid off, or are under/overqualified for what they currently do. Ads may not run on Amazon.

7.11 Nudity and Sexuality

Ads must not feature overtly sexual imagery and images of fully naked intimate body parts. Amazon considers placement, local cultural sensitives, and the product or service advertised in determining whether an ad featuring partial nudity or mildly provocative images may be appropriate or not.

7.11.1 Nudity

Ads must not show fully visible intimate body parts: genitals, female breasts, and buttocks.

Ads may feature partial nudity (models showing bare skin without revealing any intimate parts) if relevant to the product or service promoted. For example, an image of a woman in a bikini may be used to promote bikinis, but the same image cannot be used to promote a car because a woman in a bikini is not relevant to a vehicle.

7.11.2 Sexuality

Ads must not feature sexually provocative images and references, including, but not limited to:

  • People in poses emulating a sexual position or alluding to sexual activity whether clothed or unclothed.
  • Sexually suggestive poses such as the parting of the legs or accentuation of the hip along with amorous or sexually passionate facial expressions.
  • Poses such as hands on the hips, gripping of hair in conjunction with a sexually suggestive facial expression.
  • Drawing undue attention to body parts, such as breasts or buttocks, in a sexual way (for example, exposure of breasts or excessive focus on the cleavage).
  • Facial or bodily expression indicative of an orgasm.
  • Suggestive undressing, such as pulling down a bra strap or underwear.
  • Models in erotic lingerie such as stockings, suspenders or paraphernalia such as whips and chains.
  • Sexual innuendo in text or image.

7.12 Softlines

This section covers our ad policies for clothing including underwear, bathing suits and athletic wear.

Product/pack shots:

Underwear: product images/pack shots that do not feature a model are permitted for all placements with the exception of homepages and Fire devices. If an image of a model wearing the product is clearly visible on the pack shot, then the Nudity and Sexuality policy will apply.

Other garments: product images/pack shots are permitted for all placements if they do not otherwise breach our policies e.g. an image of a t-shirt with an obscene slogan would be blocked for all placements.

7.13 Online Dating

Amazon prohibits dating ads on Amazon properties, from self-serve advertisers, and in India, Oman, and Turkey.

For ads anywhere, ad copy or sites that promote casual sexual encounters/hookups, and brides by mail sites are prohibited. Ads that imply there is a possibility of meeting specific individuals by depicting their profile picture(s) are prohibited.

7.14 Healthcare - Prescription (Rx), Over-the-Counter (OTC), Supplements and Medical Devices

The policies in this section differ based on the product or service advertised, the placement, locale, and the medical condition treated. In addition to the requirements listed in these policies, Amazon may impose other targeting and placement restrictions based on the sensitivity of the medical condition treated by, or associated to, the product or service promoted. Please engage your customer support to learn more.
We prohibit ads for the following products and services:

  • Medical procedures, including cosmetic procedures like Botox for anti-aging, CoolSculpting, and plastic surgery.
  • Solicitations for medical trials and research.
  • Healthcare practitioners, such as doctors or acupuncturists (ads for hospitals, education establishments, or health insurance are permitted; telehealth ads are permitted off Amazon only.).
  • Fat burners and fat blockers.
  • (NZ): Ads for healthcare services are permitted, but must state the name and address of the advertiser.

The below categories are blocked:

  • Anti-radiation products (including electromagnetic field protection and radiation neutralizing or shielding products)
  • CBD (any and all products containing)
  • Emergency contraception (i.e. ‘the morning after pill’)
  • Ephedra and ephedrine products
  • Herbal supplements and products that mimic the effect of illegal substances (so-called “legal highs”)
  • Ma Huang supplements
  • Opioid-induced constipation
  • Substances containing salvia divinorum or salvinorin A
  • Testosterone boosters
  • THC

General Requirements

The following apply to all healthcare/medical products referenced in these policies (prescription, OTC, nutritional/health supplements, and medical devices):

  • Behavioral targeting is generally prohibited. Amazon may impose other targeting and placement restrictions based on the sensitivity of the medical condition treated by, or associated to, the product or service promoted. Please engage your customer support to learn more.
  • Ad copy and landing pages must not use unsupported or exaggerated claims or set unrealistic expectations of the effectiveness of the products.
  • Ads for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) cannot contain the following specific claims:
    • FDA Approved
    • Federal Drug Administration Approved
    • F.D.A. Approved
    • Please note, this does not extend to related claims such as "FDA certified," or on the "FDA/EUA list."
      • These claims still require substantiation on the PDP or product packaging.
Locale-Specific Requirements

New Zealand

  • Ads must not:
    • Contradict or fail to include wording relating to information required by regulations or on the product;
    • Contain information prohibited by regulations from being on the product;
    • Contain false or misleading information;
    • Include testimonials;
    • Encourage or be likely to encourage inappropriate or excessive purchase or use; or
    • Include an endorsement by a healthcare professional (except where the audience is solely healthcare professionals).
  • Ads must not contain any claim, either express or implied, that products, devices, or services:
    • Are safe or that their use cannot cause harm or that they have no side effects or risks;
    • Are effective in every case;
    • Are infallible, unfailing, magical, or miraculous;
    • Will provide a certain, guaranteed or sure cure; or
    • Will result in harmful consequences if not used.
  • Scientific language is acceptable if it is appropriate to and can be readily understood by the intended audience.
  • Comparative ads must not discourage consumers from following the advice of their healthcare professional.
  • All products and services must include the name and address of the advertiser.
  • Ads for medical devices (as defined in s 3A Medicines Act 1981) must contain mandatory information as required by the most recent edition of the Medicines Act, Medicines Regulations, and any other applicable legislation; Medsafe Guideline on Advertising therapeutic products and the MTANZ Code of Practice; and the statement always read the label and follow the instructions. If the device requires administration, application or implant by a healthcare professional it must state so.

7.14.1 Prescription medicines

Ads for prescription medicines are only permitted in the US and NZ, provided compliance with the requirements listed below, and prohibited in all other locales.

For Canada, prescription drugs can be advertised but the reminder ad may only contain the brand name, price, and quantity of the prescription drug. It is not a requirement that the ad contain all three of those components. Information on the disease state(s) that the drug is indicated for are prohibited.

Campaigns must comply with the following requirements:

  • Ads for the sale of prescription medicines and branding campaigns are permitted.
    • Ads cannot drive to ecommerce-enabled landing pages, nor can ads contain details about where the product can be purchased.
    • Price and savings claims are not permitted.
  • Advertisers must only promote those medicines that are approved by the local regulatory authorities for the condition treated in each of the locales where the ads will run. For example, a prescription drug approved for Canada must not be advertised in the US, unless it has also been approved by the FDA for the US.
  • Disclosures and Important Safety Information (ISI):
    • Desktop placements on Amazon only: can only take up to 33% of the ad unit's height.
    • If the disclosure has a scrolling bar, it must comply with the policies for animation.
  • Ads must not run in the following placements:
    • Kindle screensaver
    • Fire Tablet Wake Screens
    • Fire TV
Prescription Placement Restrictions

Amazon places prescription medications into four categories, based on specificity and potential sensitivity of the medication and/or condition treated.

CategoryConditions/Types of MedicationPlacements
1Allergies; Colic; teething reliefApproved on and off Amazon; blocked from Fire devices
2Acne; antifungals; antibiotics; anti-inflammatories; Arthritis; Asthma; blood pressure; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD); dehydration; diaper rash; digestion; ear health; eye health; Fibromyalgia; Fifth Disease; Gout; Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease; Head Lice; headache; heart disease and health; Migraine; muscle spasms; Osteoporosis; Pinkeye; sleep disorder; smoking cessation; thyroid health; weight loss and maintenanceApproved off Amazon; approved on Amazon with Homepages and Fire devices blocked
3ADHD; Birth control; constipation; Diabetes; hair loss/growth/renewal; Hemorrhoid; incontinence; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; insomnia; Jaundice; Menopause; overactive bladder; Pinworm; RoseolaApproved off Amazon; approved for contextual placements only on Amazon; Fire devices and Homepages blocked
4Alzheimer’s; analgesics (Paracetamol/Acetaminophen and NSAIDs are not included here); anticoagulants; antidepressants; anxiolytics; anti-virals; anxiety; Bipolar Disorder; Cancer; depression; Erectile Dysfunction; Glaucoma; HIV/AIDS; pancreatic enzyme replacement; Parkinson’s; SclerosisApproved off Amazon; blocked from all placements on Amazon
Locale-specific requirements


Ads cannot describe the medical condition or the product itself. Ads may only contain the brand, a price or savings when applicable, and a CTA.

7.14.2 Over-the-Counter medicines (OTC)

Ads must only promote those medicines that are approved by the local regulatory authorities for the condition treated in each of the locales where your ads will run.

Ads cannot state that the OTC is as effective as a prescription drug.

Ads for air-purifying or particulate-filtering respirators, also known as respirators or PPE face masks, must comply with and indicate the industry-approved designation (for example, AS/NZ 1716:2012 in Australia, ABNT/NBR 13698:2011 in Brazil, EN 149 in Europe, JMHLW-Notification 214, 2018 in Japan and NIOSH in the US) that exactly matches the promoted product. Ads for non-respirator face masks, surgical masks, and cloth masks, are permitted except when they contain misleading or false claims (such as alphanumerical designations outside of approved standards).

Placement Restrictions

Amazon places OTC medications into five categories, based on specificity and potential sensitivity of the medication and/or condition treated.

CategoryProduct TypePlacements
1Allergies; antacids; Anti-aging; Aspirin; children’s dental care; Cough & Cold; Eczema; eye drops; eye drop guides; eye rinse; general skin care; hot & cold therapies; shoe inserts & insoles (for comfort, not medical reasons); melatonin; mouthwash; NSAIDs and Acetaminophen; oral pain relief; oral care sensitivity treatments; pill cases; pill crushers & splitters; pill dispensers & reminders; Rosacea; toothbrushes and accessories; toothpasteApproved on all placements
2Bunion pads; corn & callus remover cushions; corn & callus trimmers; dental floss & picks; dry mouth; feminine care; gum stimulators; joint & muscle pain relief; menstrual pain relief; Moleskin; non-Melatonin sleep aids; orthodontic supplies; sinus medicineApproved on and off Amazon; blocked from Fire devices
3Acne; Arthritis; breath fresheners; hair loss/growth; Menopause; Psoriasis; skin lightening/brightening products; smoking cessation; stretch marks; teeth grinding guards; tongue cleaners; weight lossApproved off Amazon; approved on Amazon with Homepages and Fire devices blocked
4Adult incontinence; antifungal remedies; anxiety; Asthma; cold sore & fever blister treatments; constipation; denture care; Diabetes; Diabetic foot care; diarrhea; gas relief; head lice; hemorrhoids; intimate personal hygiene; lactose intolerance; laxatives; migraine; mobility and daily living aids; foot odor control; prenatal vitamins; stress; Urinary Tract Infection; wart removal; yeast infection and Bacterial VaginosisApproved off Amazon; approved for contextual placements only on Amazon; Homepages and Fire devices blocked
5Condoms; lubricantsApproved off Amazon; blocked on Amazon
Locale-specific OTC requirements


  • Ads must contain the statements (or statements with a similar meaning):
    • “If symptoms persist, see your doctor or health professional”
    • “Use only as directed”
    • “Always read the label”


  • Promotion of OTC Medicines is permitted with restrictions (listed below).
  • Promotion of medical devices is permitted (EU Medical Devices Regulation applies).
  • Promotion of smoking cessation products is limited: Medical Devices and OTC products are permitted with restrictions (listed below). Prescription smoking cessation product ads are prohibited.
  • Ads for OTCs with a similar name as a prescription medicine or registered homeopathic medicine may not be sold.
  • Ads must be clearly distinguishable as advertisements.
  • The ad must indicate the name of the OTC, the active agent, required information for reasonable application.
  • Ads must carry a distinct recommendation that the medicine may have negative side effects, the customer should there read the information and direction of use and seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist.
  • Ads may not contain pictures of health professionals or health institutions, imply that a medical treatment or surgical intervention are not necessary, or include references to recommendations of scientists, health professionals or famous persons.
  • Ads may not guarantee no side effects, imply that they are superior to other medicine or treatments, improve the normal good health of a patient, non-application may reduce normal good health, it is mainly applicable to children, imply a medicine is comparable to food or cosmetics or other goods for consumption, or that the medicine is effective/safe as it is a natural product.
  • Ads may not promote samples, gift vouchers, or competitions, all of which are prohibited.
  • Ads must not claim that despite varied nutrition nutritional supplements are required.
  • Nutritional supplements may not contain cosmetic application recommendations (e.g. “for application to the skin“).
  • Ads for nutritional supplements must contain a warning not to exceed daily dose.
  • Ads for nutritional supplements must contain a warning to keep it away from little children.


Ads for OTC products should contain the following information:

  1. The name of the medicinal product, and the generic name if the medicinal product contains only one active substance;
  2. The information necessary for correct use of the medicinal product;
  3. The statement in NL:“dit is een geneesmiddel, geen langdurig gebruik zonder geneeskundig advies”/ FR: “ceci est un médicament, pas d'utilisation prolongée sans avis medical” (“This is a medicine, no prolonged use without medical advice”);
  4. An express request to carefully read the instructions on the package leaflet or on the outer packaging, and
  5. The (trade) name of the marketing authorization holder.


  • Advertisers must be authorized by the Danish Medicines Agency to sell OTC medicines.
  • Only OTC medicines granted a marketing authorization by the Danish Medicines Agency or the European Commission can be advertised.
  • Ads for OTCs must be frequency capped at 3x 24 hours
  • Ads must not:
    • Give the impression that the effect of the drug is guaranteed, has no side effects or is better than or as good as the effect of another treatment, including another drug;
    • Contain a recommendation from healthcare professionals, researchers or other persons, associations of persons, institutions, companies, etc., which by virtue of their reputation may encourage the consumption of medicines;
    • Encourage multiple purchases, excessive consumption or stockpiling. For example, by including 2-for-1 offers, sales promotions, discounts, suggesting the customer “stock up for winter”, or similar.
  • Ads for medicinal products offered for sale by online pharmacies must include a reference to the current price on medicinpriser.dk.
  • Ads for all OTC medicinal products including herbal medicines, alternative medicine, homeopathic medicines and strong vitamin and mineral preparations must include:
    • The name of the medicine and the common name;
    • The pack size;
    • Effect;
    • Dosage;
    • Side effects (if a medicinal product has no side effects reactions, this can be omitted. The claim “no side effects”, or similar, is not permitted);
    • An express invitation to the user to read the information in the package leaflet or on the package;
    • Other information necessary for the correct and appropriate use of the medicinal product, e.g. warnings or drug interactions.


  • Ads for OTC medicines must include:
    • Name of the medicinal product and the pharmaceutical substance if the medicine in question only contains one active ingredient;
    • Indication of the medicinal product;
    • Necessary information for the correct and safe use of the medicine as well as any special precautions of use, interactions and adverse effects significant for the medicine safety;
    • Explicit advice to read the package leaflet or the user instructions contained in the package;
    • Name of holder of marketing authorisation, importer or marketer; and
    • In the marketing of veterinary medicines, also the approved target species of the medicine, as well as the maximum residue limits (MRL).
  • Ads must not:
    • Be targeted to under 18s
    • Suggest that the efficacy or safety of the medicinal product is based on its natural origins


  • Promotion of OTC Products is permitted with restrictions:
    • Codeine-containing medicines are prohibited
    • Marketing communications for medicines should conform with the relevant HPRA authorisation and the product’s summary of product characteristics
      • Marketing communications should not suggest that a product is “special” or “different” because it has been granted an authorisation by the HPRA or under the auspices of the EMA
    • Marketing communications for a medicinal product should not contain an offer to refund money to dissatisfied customers
    • Marketing communications that include a product claim for a medicinal product (including legible on-pack product claims within a pack shot) should include: the name of the product; an indication of what it is for; text such as “Always read the label;” and the common name of the sole active ingredient, if it contains only one
    • Illustrations of the effect or action of a product should be accurate
    • Promotions and Samples:
      • Consumer prize promotions for medicinal products should not encourage or require purchase of the products which would be greater than that associated with a rational use of the product and should not encourage the unnecessary purchase of the product
      • Marketing communications should not offer free samples of medicinal products
  • Promotion of medical devices is permitted, with restrictions:
    • Any medical device being advertised must have a CE mark
    • Marketing communications for a medical device should be consistent with its intended purpose
  • Promotion of smoking cessation products, including those that contain nicotine, are permitted
    • Ads for such products should make it clear that they offer only assistance, are not cures, and that any success will necessarily be dependent on the willpower of the user
    • Ads should state clearly if the product contains nicotine


Ads for OTC medicines must include the following statements in Hebrew: “Prior to use, it is recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist and review the consumer leaflet” and “contains the following active substance(s) _______.”


When promoting medicines with high risk of overdose, ads must depict a single ASIN in the smallest package.


Ads must carry a recommendation that the customer seek advice from a physician, pharmacist or other health specialist.


Ads cannot describe the medical condition or the product itself. Ads may only contain the brand, a price or savings when applicable, and a CTA.


Ads cannot include any financial incentive to purchase. For example, sales promotions, direct or indirect price offers, coupons or refund promotions.

New Zealand

  • Ads must contain the statements (or statements with a similar meaning):
    • “If symptoms persist, see your doctor or health professional”
    • “Use only as directed”
    • “Always read the label”
  • Ads must:
    • Contain a statement for the intended use of the product
    • Include any warning statement that may be required by guidelines issued by the relevant regulatory body (NZ, Ministry of Health, AU, Therapeutic Goods Administration)
  • Ads for food/nutritional supplements must:
    • Contain the name and address of the advertiser and the statement “always read the label and use as directed”
    • Contain the statement "vitamins and minerals are supplementary to and not a replacement for a balanced diet"
    • Include a statement of the uses of the food/nutritional supplement
    • Not claim that a food/nutritional supplement can treat, cure, or reduce the risk of, a disease or medical condition (for example, “This herbal supplement is great for diabetes”)
    • Not include comparisons with medicines or medical devices
  • New Zealand: Ads for food/nutritional supplements that are only to be used for a short time after which the consumer should seek medical advice should state: “if symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.”
  • Ads containing testimonials for natural health products and dietary supplements are permitted but must not imply that the product is a medicine or medical device or that the service has a therapeutic benefit.


  • Ads must include:
    • The name of OTC medicine and the active substance/s;
    • The information necessary for correct use of the medicinal product including area of use, important precautions and warnings; and
    • An encouragement for the user to read the package leaflet.
  • Ads for OTC medicines must not encourage the purchase of more than one pack. For example, through multi-buy offers such as “buy one get one free” or “buy 2 for €XX”. Discounts on single packs are acceptable provided the ad copy does not explicitly suggest that customers make multiple purchases.


  • Ads must include:
    • The name of the product and active substance, dosage indication of use and name of the marketing authorization holder.
    • A recommendation that the customer seek advice from a physician, pharmacist or other health specialist. Ads should only refer to information provided in the Summary of Product Characteristics.


  • Ads cannot claim that a product will prevent, alleviate, or cure any of the following diseases or conditions (or associated symptoms): blindness, cancer, cataract, drug addiction, deafness, diabetes, epilepsy or fits, hypertension, insanity, kidney diseases, leprosy, menstrual disorders, paralysis, tuberculosis, sexual functions, infertility, impotence, frigidity, conception and pregnancy.
  • Ads for medicinal products including Chinese proprietary or traditional medicines, homeopathic medicines, medicated soaps/plasters/beverages/toothpastes, lozenges, vitamins and mineral preparations, medicated oils and balms, and topical antiseptics, must display the permit number issued by the Health Sciences Authority.
  • Ads for electronic or laser hair removal devices are prohibited.
  • Ads for hair growth products are prohibited.


Ads for smoking cessation products must include an ‘18+’ warning.


Ads for tablets or capsules that contain painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and paracetamol must not encourage the purchase of more than one pack; for example, through multi-buy offers such as “buy one get one free” or “buy 2 for £XX”. Discounts on single packs are acceptable provided the ad copy does not explicitly suggest that customers make multiple purchases.

Additional Requirements by Condition/Category

  • Ads for sexual wellness products, such as condoms and other birth control, cannot explicitly talk about sexual intercourse nor contain any sexually suggestive language or imagery.
  • Ads may focus on the health properties of the product (such as birth prevention, or to prevent diseases) or general branding.
  • No Amazon branding is permitted except in the EU for ads running off Amazon only.
  • Singapore: Ads for contraception, condoms, and sexual lubricants are prohibited.
DNA Tests
  • Only ads for services that provide ancestry and high-level health-related information are permitted
  • Ads for services that provide detailed health results, such as a person’s risk for hereditary cancers, can run offsite only.
Feminine Care
  • This category includes menstrual products such as tampons and pads (not incontinence products, feminine wipes, douches, birth control, lubricants, and similar products).
  • Tampons are considered medical devices in Japan and Mexico and therefore are excluded from this policy.
Hair Growth/Loss

Hair growth ads cannot:

  • Address customers directly or refer to a potential hair loss condition
  • Depict or show images of a scalp, thin hair, high contrast images of dark hair, or cover-up powder
  • Display images of the treatment or procedure
  • Display before/after images of the treatment
Incontinence (JP)

Permitted on amazon.co.jp homepage if ads do not describe an unwanted health condition such as “incontinence” or ”lack of control.” Copy must describe the benefits of the products (“greater mobility” or “active lifestyle.”) Product image in use is prohibited. Images of diapers without packaging is prohibited. Lifestyle images are permitted. Packaging must be intact on product images.


No Amazon branding, except for ads in the EU running off Amazon only.

Skin Care
  • Anti-aging
    • If the advertisement does not reference anti-aging in the banner copy or featured product in the banner, but is referenced on the landing page, this will be considered general skin care and no placement restrictions will apply.
  • General skin care
    • If the advertisement does not have reference to a specific skin condition in the banner copy or featured product in the banner, but one or more are referenced on the landing page, this will be considered general skin care and no placement restrictions will apply.
  • Skin Lightening
    • Skin whitening products which claim to permanently lighten/bleach skin (ex: skin whitening or removing melanin) are prohibited.
  • UV tanning
    • UV tanning is prohibited on all placements.
Weight Loss
  • Ads cannot encourage unhealthy eating or negative body image/self-perception.
  • Ads must not claim any of the following:
    • The customer can lose weight by use of the product alone or without following a calorie-controlled diet and exercise program
    • That results are effective for everyone
    • That results are permanent
    • Weight loss of two pounds or more a week
    • Substantial weight loss no matter what or how much the consumer eats
    • Permanent weight loss even after the consumer stops using the product
    • Substantial weight loss for all customers
    • Substantial weight loss by wearing a product on the body or rubbing it into the skin
  • We prohibit:
    • Ads for fat burners and fat blockers
  • This policy does not apply to Tokuho and functioning food products in Japan

Brazil: the term “diet” is used to mean a food or drink that is suitable for diabetics, and should therefore be used with caution.

Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands: ads should not make any reference to the rate or amount of weight loss which might result from the consumption of a food.


  • Advertisers should be able to show that their diet plans are nutritionally well balanced. These will be assessed in relation to the subjects who would be using them.
  • Ads should not offer treatment specifically for conditions that require medical treatment, such as obesity, anorexia and bulimia.
  • Advertisers should not make general claims that specific amounts of weight can be lost within a stated period.
  • Ads for intensive exercise programs should encourage users to check with a doctor before starting.
  • Ads for adult weight-reduction regimes or establishments should neither be directed at, nor contain anything that will appeal particularly to, children.
  • Health claims in marketing communications for food products that refer to a rate or amount of weight loss are not permitted.

New Zealand:

  • Ads must recommend that consumers seek professional advice on diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.
  • Individuals used in weight loss products and services ads must not be considered obese, as classified by their BMI.
  • Ads for a diet plan with less than 3500kj (800 calories) per day on average over the course of one week are prohibited.
Quasi Medicines (JP Only)

Ads promoting an OTC medicine or a designated quasi medicine must display its category (OTC I, II or III, or designated quasi medicine) near the product name or shot.

When promoting quasi medicine(s) along with OTC medicine(s) in the same ad, each of OTC and quasi medicines must display its category (OTC I, II or III, or quasi medicine) near the product name or shot.

Need to display category near product name or shot?

Number of ASINs in AdOTC MedicineDesignated Quasi MedicineOther Quasi MedicineCosmetic
Multiple ASINsYYY if promoted with OTC ordesignated quasi medicineN

7.14.3 Supplements (Nutritional/Health)

It is the advertiser’s responsibility to ensure that all claims for nutritional/health supplements are accurate and compliant with locale laws and rules.

Ads must not claim that a nutritional/health supplement can treat, cure, or reduce the risk of, a disease or medical condition.

Supplements require substantiation on all product detail pages.

7.14.4 Durable Medical Equipment (DME)/Non-Rx Medical Devices

All medical equipment referenced in this policy is OTC and does not follow prescription (Rx) restrictions.

Ads for Professional Medical Devices are prohibited.

Non-prescription medical devices can be advertised under the following conditions:

  • Ads must not run in the following placements (with the exception of vision care):
    • Kindle screensaver
    • Fire Tablet Wake Screens
    • Fire TV
  • If you are able to infer a health condition based on the type of equipment there will be restrictions on placement and targeting.
Placement Restrictions

Amazon places durable medical equipment into five categories, based on specificity and potential sensitivity of the medication and/or condition treated.

CategoryProduct TypePlacements
1Activity & fitness trackers; Band-aids; contact lens care; eye drops, lubricants & washes; eye patches; eyeglasses care; pedometers; polarized eyewear; prescription contact lenses; prescription eyewear (frames and lenses); reading glasses; thermometersApproved on all placements
2Arm, hand, and finger supports; athletic tapes & wraps; body composition monitors/fat monitors/body weight scales without reference to weight loss; breast pumps; cloth face masks; Covid-19 tests; face mask filters; face mask strap extendersApproved on and off Amazon desktop and mobile placements; blocked from Fire devices
3Arthritis gloves; back, neck & shoulder supports; blood pressure monitors; body composition monitors/fat monitors/body weight scales that include reference to weight loss; breathing training & monitors; chest supports; compression socks; health alert & monitoring systems; heart rate monitors; hand exercisers; hip & waist supports; kinesiology recovery tapes; leg & foot supports; leg exercisers; medical support hose; muscle stimulators & accessories; pulse oximeters; stethoscopesApproved off Amazon; approved on Amazon with Homepages and Fire devices blocked
4Arm exercisers, bathroom safety, aids & accessories; bedroom aids & accessories; blood glucose monitors; Diabetes organizers & travel kits; Diabetes socks & insoles; dressing aids; eating & drinking aids; exercise balls & accessories; exercise putty; health tests (general wellness, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, alcohol); hearing aids, amplifiers & accessories; hip replacement recovery kits; insulin injectors; lancets; low strength aids; medication aids; memory aids; mobility aids & equipment; reaching aids; sensory motor aids; sharps containers; speech & communication aids; telephone signalers & ringers; Diabetes test strips; threshold & wheelchair ramps; traction equipment; visual impairment aidsApproved off Amazon; approved for contextual placements only on Amazon; Homepages and Fire devices blocked

7.15 Security Products

Ads for security products such as Internet Security or Credit Card Security must link-in to Amazon. The ad copy must not contain scare tactics such as the mention of viruses, identity theft, and malware.

Please note that this policy does not apply to security claims in ads that are not for security products. For example, ads for banks and credit card companies that refer to their security protections can link to destinations off Amazon.

7.16 Survey Banners

We only permit advertiser brand lift surveys pre-approved by Amazon. Other survey-type ads are prohibited.

Brand lift surveys must comply with the following requirements:

  • Ads must include the logo or brand name of the survey company
  • Ads and web pages presented to the customer for the survey (including recruitment invitation and questions) must have a clear and visible link to the survey provider's privacy policy.
    • Note: As mobile banners cannot include a link to a privacy policy, a link to the privacy policy on the landing page is sufficient

Placement-specific requirements

  • Desktop and mobile homepages, Wakescreen, and Fire TV: survey banner ads are prohibited.
  • Ads in permitted locations on Amazon, and off Amazon:
    • If the advertiser paid for a brand lift survey banner ad, the ad must prominently feature "Not an Amazon.com survey; for research purposes only."
    • If the ad was paid for by Amazon, the ad must prominently feature “For research purposes only.”

7.17 Weapons (content featuring weapons)

The policies in this section restrict ad content featuring weapons to protect our customers from uncomfortable or shocking experiences.

Amazon prohibits ads for the sale of weapons.

7.17.1 Firearms

Realistic firearms

Homepages: Amazon prohibits depictions of realistic firearms on homepages.

Depictions of realistic firearms are permitted on Amazon (except for Homepage) and off Amazon, if the firearm is contextually relevant to the product or service promoted, and it is not pointed directly at a character or directed toward the customer, nor handled by a minor.

Ads on Amazon must not feature images of firearms demonstrated as firing or having been recently used (for example, bullets visibly exiting the weapon, smoke or other residue shown around the barrel).

  • Images of firearms demonstrated as firing or having been used are permitted off Amazon.
Non-realistic firearms

Ads may feature non-violent depictions of non-realistic firearms that are fantasy weapons, including fantasy/sci-fi firearms such as ray-guns and phasers.

7.17.2 Other weapons

Ads may feature depictions of realistic bladed weapons such as swords, knives, bows and arrows, and similar weapons (that are not firearms) if the weapon is not bloody, or used in a violent or threatening manner, and it is contextually relevant to the offer.

Locale-specific requirements


Amazon prohibits images of knives on the UK homepage.

7.17.3 Military equipment

Ads may feature images of military equipment and vehicles (tanks, warplanes, helicopters, etc.) showing the weapons firing if people are not in peril and if the ad does not otherwise depict excessive violence.

7.17.4 Hunting, shooting, and outdoor gear

Explicit or implied references to hunting are not permitted. Ads for hunting weapons and weapon accessories are blocked. Non-weapon hunting equipment with alternate uses that can also be associated with hunting or shooting can be allowed to advertise, but must avoid direct references to hunting or violence. Amazon pre-approval is required for all ad campaigns in this category.

The following hunting- or weapon-related products and content are always prohibited:

  • Direct or indirect references to hunting
  • Holsters
  • Targets with a human outline or the image of a person or animal
  • Weapons and weapon accessories
  • Copy promoting a product as military- or police-grade (or similar language)
  • Images of weapons or ammunition
  • Violent or threatening images or copy

Non-weapon hunting equipment:

  • Non-weapon hunting equipment that is not directly associated with a gun or other hunting weapons – such as a hunting vest, blind, or binoculars – is approved to advertise with the following restrictions:
    • Blocked from homepage placements and Fire devices.
    • Ad copy and creative must not refer to violence or hunting, either directly or indirectly, and cannot feature images of weapons or animals.
    • Ads running on Amazon must use hunting and fishing-related targeting. Please engage your customer support for specific targeting guidance.
  • These guidelines do not apply to weapon accessories, such as gun scopes, which are not approved to advertise in any placement.

Non-weapon sport shooting equipment:

  • Non-weapon sport shooting equipment such as targets, goggles, or carrying cases are approved to advertise offsite only. Ads must not:
    • Contain any images of weapons or ammunition.
    • Show the product in use or having recently been in use (for example, showing bullet holes in a target).
    • Contain ad copy that refers to violence.

General multi-purpose camping knives are not considered weapons and are approved to advertise in contextual placements only (they are blocked from homepage placements and Fire devices). This does not apply to knives intended to be used as weapons, for hunting, or for the dismemberment of hunted animals, which are prohibited. Ads must not:

  • Feature any violent text or images, or contain any content that implies violent uses for the product.
  • Show the weapon used in a threatening manner, such as pointed at a person or animal, or pointed out toward the customer.
  • Reference hunting.

General outdoor-use equipment not specifically linked to hunting is permitted on all placements.

7.18 Foods, supermarkets, food delivery and restaurants

High Fat Sugar Salt (HFSS Products): Retail search placements for food and drinks high in fat, salt or sugar (HFSS) are prohibited in the UK. This prohibition also extends to all onsite ad placements that feature and link to an identifiable HFSS product on Amazon.co.uk.For the avoidance of doubt advertisements running offsite are permitted. Branding campaigns are also permitted, providing they do not feature an identifiable HFSS product and that they link to a Brand Store.

7.18.1 Baby Formula/Infant Formula


Amazon prohibits ads for formula for infants aged under 6 months.

Ads may promote follow-on formula intended for infants aged 6 months and up (except in Luxembourg).

Ads must not:

  • Confuse follow-on formula with infant formula (for example, by referring to the product as “formula” without any age qualification).
  • Compare follow-on formula to breastmilk, or state or imply that it is equal or superior to breastmilk. We prohibit the use of terms like "inspired by breastmilk," "maternalised" and similar.
  • Contain images or text relating to the feeding or care of infants under the age of 6 months (for example, an image of a new-born in a hospital right after delivery).
  • Discourage breastfeeding or encourage formula as a replacement to breastfeeding.
  • Target nursing mothers through pre or post-natal targeting segments related to the nursing of infants of any age.
AUAds for formula for infants aged under 12 months are prohibited.
BRAds for infant formula and follow-on formula for infants under the age of 12 months are prohibited.

Ads for baby feeding products such as baby feeding bottles, pacifiers and nipples are prohibited.

Ads for follow-on formula for toddlers, transitional food for infants and toddlers and all dairy milks must display the following warning: “O aleitamento materno evita infecções e alergias e é recomendado até os 2 anos de idade ou mais" ("Breastfeeding prevents infections and allergies and is recommended until 2 years of age or older").
DEAds for infant formula are prohibited.
DKAds for infant formula and follow-on formula are prohibited.
ESAds for infant formula are prohibited.

References to breastfeeding or the nutritional needs of babies are prohibited.
FIAds for infant formula are prohibited.
FRAds for infant formula are prohibited.
INAds for infant formula, follow-on formula, and baby feeding products such as baby feeding bottles are prohibited.
ITAds for infant formula are prohibited.
LUXAds for infant and follow-on formula are prohibited.
MXAds for infant formula are prohibited.
NLAds for infant formula are prohibited.
NOAds for infant formula and follow-on formula are prohibited.
SGAds for infant formula and follow-on formula are prohibited.
SEAds for infant formula and follow-on formula are prohibited.
UKAds for infant formula are prohibited.
PLAds for infant formula are prohibited.

7.18.2 Supermarkets, Grocers, and Food Retailers

Supermarkets are not permitted to link off Amazon.

7.18.3 Restaurant delivery apps/services

This section covers all ready to eat food delivery, including quick service restaurants (so-called ‘fast food’).

Third party delivery apps
Third party delivery apps such as Just Eat and Deliveroo are permitted but cannot promote grocery delivery when running on Amazon.

App campaigns on Fire devices
Ads on Fire devices cannot drive to non-Amazon appstores. We can run awareness campaigns for delivery apps on Fire devices but the ad must not imply it is driving to app download unless it is driving to the Fire app store.

Ads on desktop/mobile may drive to non-Amazon app stores.

7.19 Product Recalls, Caregivers, Professional Services, and Real Estate

7.19.1 Product Recalls

Ads for product recalls are permitted with the below restrictions:

Campaigns for product categories sold on Amazon must run on placements off Amazon only.

Categories not sold on Amazon: Autos recall campaigns may run onsite. All others require Amazon pre-approval before running on Amazon.

7.19.2 Caregivers

Ads for caregivers and/or caregiving-related services may only run off Amazon.

7.19.3 Professional Services

Ads for Professional services are permitted on Amazon (off-homepages) with some restrictions.

  • Automotive Service ads which focus on repair or installation services are permitted on Amazon
  • Legal service ads must focus on the firm or brand and may not address potentially sensitive situations (including financial distress, criminal issues, or personal or familial hardships).
  • Prohibited:
    • Financial Distress Services
    • Online or Remote 3rd Party Technical Support Services

7.19.4 Real Estate

Ads for Real estate professionals and services such as realtors, agencies, property managers, and general housing searches are permitted on and off Amazon.

Ads for housing, land, or real estate listings, specific dwellings, apartments, and buildings are prohibited.


  • Ads are approved for on Amazon (off homepages) and off Amazon.
  • Ads cannot use audience segments by income, gender, or age.
  • Ads cannot contain messaging, images, and floor plans that indicate a specific apartment or dwelling. Images or floor plans that are clarified as "sample" are approved.

7.20 Environmental or “Green” Claims

The basis of environmental claims must be objective and substantiated in the ad or on the landing page.

7.20.1 Overview

Unqualified “green,” “eco-friendly,” and similar claims must be supported by appropriate substantiation. The bar for substantiation of such unqualified claims is very high (e.g., the claim must be appropriately substantiated for the product’s entire lifecycle), and many such claims are unlikely to be accepted. The advertiser may instead choose to explain that the product is “green” or “eco-friendly” in a qualified manner (see examples in the claims table) if adequate substantiation is provided. Comparative claims such as "greener" or "friendlier" may also be acceptable if the advertised product provides an environmental benefit over the advertiser’s previous product.

See 2.2 Claims and Substantiation

7.20.2 Required Substantiation

The meaning of environmental terms used in ads must be clear to customers. Advertisers should not use technical or scientific terminology when it may confuse the customer. “75% less plastic" is clear to a customer, "75% less Polyethylene Terephthalate" is not.

Environmental Claims Table
Type of environmental claimClaim exampleRequired substantiation
Constituent claim – relates to the materials from which the product is made“Made with 100% recycled plastic”The claim must be substantiated in the ad or on the PDP.
Unqualified “green” or “eco-friendly” claims“Eco-friendly”Unqualified “green” or “eco-friendly” claims are highly unlikely to be acceptable. In order to be acceptable the ad or PDP must direct customers to an independent study showing the product has caused no environmental harm over its entire life-cycle.
Qualified “green” or “eco-friendly” claims (The claim is qualified with an explanation as to the elements or use of the product that make it green or eco-friendly, for example being designed for reuse.)“Eco-Friendly - Designed to be reused and refilled.”The claim must be substantiated in the ad or on the PDP.
Free-from claims“100% BPA Free”The claim must be substantiated in the ad or on the PDP.
Compostable or bio-degradable claims“Our wipes are 100% biodegradable and compostable.”The claim must be substantiated in the ad or on the PDP.

7.20.3 Climate Pledge Friendly

CPF products are identified with a CPF badge on the product detail page. Ads referring to a product being CPF do not need further substantiation beyond that found on the PDP.

7.20.4 Prohibited Claims

CPF ads must not:

  • Imply a broad environmental benefit outside of the CPF program, for example “Save the planet.”
  • Imply the customer is responsible for environmental harm, for example “Stop harming the planet.”
  • Pressure the customer, for example by stating “Time is running out.”
  • Refer to the Paris Agreement or to the zero-carbon commitment in ad copy to avoid confusion between the Climate Pledge Friendly program and The Climate Pledge.
  • Suggest that CPF products should be preferred over other products due to their CPF classification, for example by stating “Help the Climate Pledge” or “Support the Climate Pledge.”