Content Adjacency Policies for Amazon DSP

Provides details on content adjacency policies for Amazon DSP

We take a variety of measures to prevent your ads from appearing on webpages, apps, streaming TV, and podcasts containing sensitive content, products, and services. However, we cannot guarantee all related content will be excluded.

On Amazon, we’ve set policies that help maintain a high-quality customer experience and a safe shopping environment. For example, certain products are not permitted or are subject to additional requirements under our Restricted Products policy, and our Community Guidelines help us maintain customer trust within our user-generated content. Also, we have additional guardrails for ad placements alongside certain products which are permitted under the Restricted Products policy, such as sexual wellness products or sensitive historic memorabilia.

We require ad exchanges and publishers to ensure compliance with content restrictions included in contractual arrangements. We also use signals from independent brand safety providers to filter out third-party webpages and apps containing content in the categories listed below. When these vendors return a signal that the page content includes these categories, we do not serve your ad. We also provide the ability for you to block entire domains and mobile apps of your choosing. You can layer on filtering capabilities by DoubleVerify, Oracle Advertising, and Integral Ad Science to exclude additional content categories they provide. For ads on third-party mobile apps, you can use DoubleVerify, Oracle Advertising, and Integral Ad Science to filter supported content categories. For ads on streaming TV and audio, you can filter based on supported genres, ratings and day-parting.

You can learn more about how each brand safety provider determines webpage categories, or request additional information by following the links above.

Disallowed content categories on third-party inventory

Accidents and disasters

This includes, but is not limited to, the exploitation of sensitive events such as natural disasters, human-caused disasters, incidents of mass trauma and/or casualties, or the death of public figures.

Adult & explicit sexual content

This includes, but is not limited to, pornography, escort services, products claiming to enhance sex, and adult/sexual content.

Alcohol abuse

This includes, but is not limited to, content that promotes excessive or irresponsible consumption of alcohol, irresponsibly incentivize people to drink, or be directed toward or contain images or content designed to appeal to minors.

Arms and ammunition

This includes, but is not limited to, lethal and non-lethal weapon sales, including guns, gun parts, kits, gun racks, mace, black powder, and ammunition.

Disinformation and misinformation

This includes, but is not limited to, false or deceptive content.

Hate speech

This includes, but is not limited to, content that is threatening, abusive, or harassing, or content that advocates or discriminates against a protected group (whether based on race, color, national origin, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any similar or other category).

Illegal content

This includes, but is not limited to, content that infringes, encourages or enables the infringement of the intellectual property or personal rights of others, any illegal or dangerous activity, illicit and recreational drugs, drug paraphernalia, drug testing equipment, or products to beat drug tests.

Online gambling

This includes, but is not limited to, any online product or service where money or other items of value are wagered in exchange for the opportunity to win prizes with real-world value based on the outcome of the game.


This includes, but is not limited to, content that promotes or advocates terrorism or terrorist groups, as defined by various government agencies.


This includes, but is not limited to, content that promotes practices that can result in physical or mental harm, cruelty toward people or animals, or excessive violence or gore.