KDP authors: Help your books stand out with Sponsored Brands

Learn how Sponsored Brands ads can help KDP authors like you showcase a collection of your eligible titles and capture the attention of readers.

In this webinar, we’ll show you how Sponsored Brands campaigns can help you promote your books to a wide, relevant audience and inspire readers' loyalty. We'll review best practices for your campaign creative and tailored targeting recommendations, giving you the knowledge to create Sponsored Brands ads that meet your goals. The presentation will also include a step-by-step campaign creation demo to help you get started easily.

Level: Intermediate
Appropriate for: KDP authors with 3 or more eligible titles under the same pen name


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Sponsored Brands

Learn how to set up your first Sponsored Brands campaign

social interaction

Help visually engage readers

search and browse

Refine your targeting strategy

Shopping cart with heart

Inspire readers' loyalty

This webinar will also include a demo.