Amazon Ads best practices for authors

As an author, you have access to Amazon Ads' self-service ad products—Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Lockscreen ads1—to help drive discovery of your books. Here are our top tips for getting started:

Reference Amazon Ads guidelines and acceptance policies.

Why? As an author, you can create ads for eligible books that are published, claimed in Author Central, sold in the same marketplace where you plan to advertise, and follow Amazon Ads policies. For example, all advertising content must be appropriate for a general audience, and the book title, headline, text, or images must also be relevant and accurately represent the book advertised. Following these guidelines and policies will streamline your path to launching your campaign. Remember, just because you can sell your book on Amazon does not mean you'll be able to advertise it on Amazon.

Don't set a campaign end date.

Why? Advertisers who launch or update a Sponsored Products campaign in the US with no end date for the first time see an average 9.4% sales increase the next month, compared to those who don’t. This is an average of 17.8% in CA, 11.5% in the UK, and 7.5% in DE.2 Review your campaign performance every two weeks. Many advertisers find it useful to set a calendar reminder to do so.

Add all formats of your book to your campaign.

Why? Customers may be interested in your story but will select the format that is best for them (hardcover, paperback, eBook, etc.). You’ll want to track sales for each.

Optimize your keyword matches over time.

Why? Start with broad match to cast a wide net, and then move into using a mix. Advertisers in the US who start using phrase match keywords with Sponsored Products for the first time see an average 12.7% sales increase the next month compared to those who don't.3 Advertisers in the US who use exact match keywords for new or existing Sponsored Products for the first time see an average 9.1% sales increase compared to those who don’t.

Wait 2-4 weeks before making optimizations.

Why? It can take 7-14 days for the sale of your advertised books to be attributed to a click on your ad, so it’s important to let the campaign run for a few weeks to see the results. Campaign performance can be reviewed from the campaign manager or from the reports tab. You can pause or restart a campaign at any time.

Download your reports for more insights.

Why? Amazon Ads offers multiple downloadable reports with key insights that can help you optimize your campaigns. Click ‘Reports’ from the home page menu. To learn more about each report, refer to our reports guide.

Success on Amazon is not just about the number of sales you make in a day. It's also about highlighting your unique book and building brand loyalty among readers. Learn more about advertising for books here.

To get started, sign in to your advertising account.

1 Authors have access to various self-service ad products based on their advertiser type and the marketplace they advertise
2 Amazon Internal, US, CA, UK, DE, 2021
3 Amazon Internal, US, CA, UK, DE, 2021