How Indigo Jamm and Molzi used a Store and sponsored ads to grow the sustainable toy company

The story

A nimble team based out of Surrey, UK, Indigo Jamm produces thoughtfully crafted wooden toys for children 12 months old and up. Their focus is on designing sustainable, high-quality toys, with the goal of “inspiring long-lasting fun whilst encouraging development through safe play.” They hope to reconnect customers to British design while using eco-conscious materials in the manufacturing process.

The goal

Focused on driving brand awareness and increasing sales, Indigo Jamm wanted to find a compelling way to tell its brand story of sustainability on To accomplish this goal, Indigo Jamm hired Molzi, a UK-based agency that specializes in helping clients to grow sales on Amazon.

Partnership with the agency

For Indigo Jamm, enlisting the support of the agency Molzi was vital to its success with Amazon Ads. “We chose Molzi because they are Amazon Ads specialists who understand how to optimize campaigns. With Molzi’s efforts, my team was able to focus their time on other areas of our business,” said Mike Reeve, Creative Director at Indigo Jamm.

The solution

Molzi creates a unique strategy for each of its clients; for Indigo Jamm, Molzi knew that a Store would be the right solution. Stores are multipage, branded destinations on Amazon for advertisers to curate content that inspires, educates, and helps shoppers discover their product selection. As an always-on destination with a dedicated Amazon URL, accessible from both organic and paid traffic on Amazon, a Store would provide shoppers with a destination on Amazon that they could return to again and again.

Before building the Indigo Jamm Store on Amazon, Molzi reflected on the Store’s core objective. Would it be to drive sales? To build the brand? To promote a wider selection or a few hero products? Molzi knew that Indigo Jamm had a compelling brand story, so Molzi focused on depicting how Indigo Jamm makes high-quality, sustainable toys through high-resolution imagery, a brand video, and their product selection. For Indigo Jamm, it would allow Amazon customers to browse Indigo Jamm’s full selection of products while showcasing their brand through a featured video and iconography.

A Store can feature a homepage to showcase your brand, along with subpages where you can showcase your products. The Indigo Jamm Store homepage features their brand logo and high-resolution imagery, as well as a video that describes the Indigo Jamm brand and features a few of the company’s hero products. On the Indigo Jamm Store homepage, Molzi created a “storefront” which offered customers a way to view a sub-selection of the company’s products by age and by toy type. Each page featured high-resolution images of the products and clicked through to the product’s detail page, where they could purchase.

quoteUpAmazon Ads is an essential part of our growth strategy.quoteDown
– Mike Reeve, Creative Director, Indigo Jamm

Driving traffic to the Indigo Jamm Store

To drive traffic to the Store, Molzi used Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products.

Sponsored Brands are ads that feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and multiple products. Molzi set up Sponsored Brands campaigns for each of Indigo Jamm’s product lines; each featured product clicked into the corresponding subpage of the Indigo Jamm Stores. “If you’re running a campaign on wooden cars, you don’t want to send the customer to a page of wooden tea sets. You want to create campaigns that are relevant to your customers but also visually engaging, and your landing page should reflect it,” said Chris Mole, CEO of Molzi.

In addition to Sponsored Brands campaigns, Molzi also implemented Sponsored Products campaigns. Molzi began by implementing an automatic Sponsored Products campaign using the suggested bids. After one week, Molzi evaluated the top sales-generating keywords and created a manually targeted Sponsored Products campaign with higher bids on keyword search terms to generate incremental sales. The manual Sponsored Products campaigns gave Molzi additional flexibility and control, enabling Molzi to update bids at the ad group and keyword levels and to target specific search terms. The combination of Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products campaigns was particularly effective, as it increased Indigo Jamm’s brand and product visibility.

The results

With the launch of the Store on and the sponsored ads campaigns, Indigo Jamm’s average monthly Amazon sales increased by 217% compared to those of the previous three months. Through sponsored ads, Indigo Jamm was able to generate 3 million impressions across all of its advertised products over the campaign period. Molzi demonstrated that through Amazon Ads, both sponsored ads and Stores can help increase your sales and exposure on Amazon. As Mike Reeve said, “Amazon Ads is an essential part of our strategy.”1

Learn more about advertising toys.

1 Amazon internal


  • Monthly sales increased by 217%1 in comparison to the trailing three-month period before the Amazon Ads campaigns
  • 3 million impressions generated during the campaign period of June 2018 to December 2018