Case Study

Explore how e-Comas and Superfeet used Sponsored Products to help increase sales revenue

Man and woman walking through nature

The perfect pair

Superfeet, a brand that creates personalized shoe insoles for customers worldwide, has been advertising in the Amazon store since 2015. After years of self-managing the advertising strategy on limited resources and a small budget, the team eventually acquired enough funds to hire an agency to help boost brand awareness and increase sales growth in the UK.

In June 2020, Superfeet began to work with e-Comas, a global digital retail agency that helps brands grow across multiple online channels by scaling their business and becoming profitable by handling their accounts, content, and advertising.

One step at a time

Superfeet was confident in it's potential to grow, and e-Comas understood how to effectively advertise products in the Amazon store to achieve success.

At the onset, e-Comas realized that most of Superfeet’s ASINs were outdated and in need of up-to-date information, such as a strong product title, an accurate description, at least four images, etc. At the start of the partnership, the number of retail-ready ASINs that could be advertised was limited.

e-Comas also discovered that the shoe insoles category was highly competitive, with an above-average cost-per-click (CPC). This was a key consideration, given Superfeet’s limited advertising budget and advertising cost of sales (ACOS) goals.

Taking big strides

From there, e-Comas decided to start small and expand advertising campaigns based on the reporting information. In 2021, the agency began advertising 11 retail-ready ASINs in the UK that were associated with 75% of the total brand sales, investing small in automated Sponsored Products campaigns.

After the automated campaigns ran for a month and gathered keyword performance information, the agency created manual Sponsored Products campaigns using the best-performing keywords from the automatic campaigns’ advertising reports. During this time, e-Comas updated the outdated ASINs to become retail-ready and published an optimized brand store for Superfeet UK to showcase the brand’s product inventory.

Shortly after launching the automated Sponsored Products campaigns, e-Comas addressed the above-average CPC in the shoe insoles category. They created a strategy to spend on individual Sponsored Products campaigns to focus on the generic product benefit and separately spent the rest of the budget on specific, benefit-focused product keywords (e.g., hiking insoles, thin running insoles).

e-Comas ultimately diversified Superfeet’s campaign portfolio by spending 50% of the budget on Sponsored Products, 30% on Sponsored Brands, 10% on Sponsored Display, and 10% on Sponsored Brands video ads to maintain sustainable growth and build brand presence.

quoteUp“There is no such thing as an insufficient budget. Start small, test, identify the recipe for success, repeat, expand, and grow.”quoteDown
— Seval Andiç, Team Leader, e-Comas

On the right track

During the first half of 2021, e-Comas had an advertising spend of €14K ($13.7K) and achieved sales of €125K ($122.6K) from advertising 11 retail-ready ASINs. In the first half of 2022, the agency reported the same advertising spend for 19 ASINs instead of 11, and achieved sales of €137K ($134.4K) with a year-over-year 10% ACOS.1

Additionally, the conversion rate has grown from 12% in 2020, 16% in 2021, and 20% in 2022. ACOS also changed from 12% in 2020 to 10% in 2022; thanks to e-Comas’ efforts in improving Superfeet’s ASINs and advertising strategy.2

1-2 Source: E-comas, Worldwide, 2022