View-only access is now available for manager accounts

January 20, 2022

What launched?

You now have the option to grant a manager account and its users view-only access to your advertising data. Advertisers and partners with view-only access via a manager account can review advertising campaigns, creative assets, and performance insights. Manager account view-only access also allows users to create and download reports and view invoices and payment information. They cannot create or modify campaigns in Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, or Sponsored Products.

The "approve link request" screen under access and settings in the Amazon advertising console.

Why is it important?

Many different individuals may help you set up, manage, and review your advertising campaigns, but not all of them need the ability to make edits. This feature allows you to give users only the amount of access they need, which reduces the risk of erroneous changes.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
  • South America: Brazil
  • Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden
  • Middle East: United Arab Emirates
  • Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan, Singapore

Who can use it?

  • Manager account admin
  • Sponsored ads advertising account admin

Where do I access it?

  • Amazon advertising console