Budgets page (beta) launched in United States and Canada

August 9, 2021

What launched?

The Budgets page (beta) within campaign manager shows you the potential of your campaigns when they are in budget. It displays new performance metrics such as estimated missed impressions, estimated missed clicks, estimated missed sales, and average time in budget. In addition, Budgets page (beta) has budget recommendations that minimize a campaign’s chance of running out of budget.

For example, all advertisers can use the Budgets page (beta) to see what percentage of time their different campaigns went out of budget and what are the missed opportunities and recommended budget for those campaigns.

Why is it important?

When your campaigns run out of budget, it means your advertised products cannot be seen by customers. By staying in budget for longer, your campaigns have the opportunity to reach shoppers searching for items similar to yours, and increases the likelihood of a click, or a sale.

The Budgets page (beta) provides you one place to review all your budget related data including new missed opportunity metrics. This information can be utilized to optimize budget allocations between different campaigns that can help you meet your advertising goals.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States, Canada, Mexico

Who can use it?

  • Vendors
  • Sellers
  • Kindle Direct Publishers
  • Self-service

Where do I access it?

  • Advertising console