3 ways to make your holiday advertising resonate based on consumers’ social values

December 03, 2021 | By Dora Wang, Content Manager

The most important part of an ad’s effectiveness isn’t how big or flashy or elaborate it is—it’s how consumers respond to it.

To understand consumer response, we need to understand consumers. Earlier this year, Amazon Ads commissioned a survey with Environics Research to learn more about the social values of consumers in the US and Europe. People’s social values influence their motivations and reactions, and help shape the ways they view and respond to marketing.

Let’s look at some of the key consumer sentiments from this study, and how they can help inform your holiday advertising strategy.

1. Tailor your messaging to audience needs

“I want to be the one who decides when and where I interact with a brand.”

More than 9 in 10 consumers in both the US and Europe (95% US, 92% Europe) agree with the sentiment that they want to exercise control over their interactions with brands.1 Advertisers need to keep in mind this overwhelmingly popular opinion, and avoid ads that feel intrusive.

Especially during the holiday season, when shoppers may be extra busy—planning celebratory gatherings, thinking of gift ideas, or traveling to see family—marketing that feels shoehorned into their experience may be off-putting. Consider your audience’s needs, and what kinds of marketing messages may be most helpful and relevant to them in different contexts where you can reach them, whether that’s shopping online or streaming content from home.

2. Highlight what’s important for customers to know about your brand

“I try to gather a lot of information about products, before I make an important purchase.”

Over 8 in 10 consumers in both the US and Europe (88% US, 81% Europe) research new products or brands before purchase. They gather information from a variety of sources, from the Internet and television to online reviews and family or friends.2

If you are trying to grow your audience during the holiday season, focus on marketing that emphasize what’s important to know about your brand. Convey what makes your product valuable or useful, and what distinguishes your brand from others. Given the range of information sources consumers use, you can potentially grow awareness and consideration of your brand through advertising that reaches audiences in a variety of contexts while they shop, browse, socialize, and more.

3. Promote your sustainable products

“I am prepared to pay more for an environmentally healthy product.”

Around two-thirds—66%—of European consumers are willing to pay a higher price for products that are environmentally conscious. A slightly lower amount—55%—consumers in the US share this sentiment, but note that it is still a majority.3 Use this knowledge when promoting your sustainable products and provide relevant information in your holiday marketing for shoppers to use during their consideration of which product to buy. Even if your product isn’t the least expensive one available, consumers may consider the price a worthwhile investment for the environment.

To gain more insights on connecting with your audiences through values, read our guide, “Higher Impact.

1-3 Environics Research, “Amazon Ads | Social Values Global Consumer Themes,” U.S., U.K., Spain, France, Germany, Italy, 2021.