Advertisers can now measure total ad-attributed impact using Omnichannel Metrics (beta)

15 April 2022

What’s launched?

CPG and grocery advertisers can now obtain holistic insights across shopping channels easily and quickly using Omnichannel Metrics (OCM). OCM helps advertisers quantify their ads’ omnichannel outcomes by bringing together ad-attributed engagements wherever they spend time. Advertisers can set up an OCM study in Amazon DSP console, and the measurement is reported when campaigns are in-flight and refreshed on a weekly basis, allowing advertisers to make mid-flight optimisation.

Omnichannel Metrics study set-up user interface

Omnichannel Metrics study history and reporting download interface

Why is it important?

OCM can bring unique value to consumer packaged goods (CPG) and grocery advertisers.

  • Cross-channel view: The solution offers holistic view of shopping activities wherever they spend time. Advertisers can see in the reports total omnichannel sales.
  • Multi-source signal: The measurement provides de-duplicative metrics combining Amazon retail signals and third-party sales signals.
  • Line-item level reporting: OCM reporting is at line-item level, allowing advertisers to see the relationship between ad audiences, placements and creatives on outcomes.
  • Mid-flight actionability: Metrics are reported mid-flight, helping advertisers to change tactics or reallocate budgets to optimise business outcomes in time.

Where is the feature available?

  • North America: United States

Who can use it?

  • CPG and grocery advertisers, including both managed service and self-service accounts, with eligible Amazon DSP campaigns

Where do I access it?

  • “Studies” tab of Amazon DSP campaign manager