Launch announcement
Improve your campaign performance on rest of search placements using Sponsored Products rest of search bid adjustment control
09 January 2024
What’s launched?
Advertisers can now apply bid adjustment for rest of search placements in their Sponsored Products campaigns. The new placement bid adjustment control for the rest of search works same as the adjustments available for the top of search (first page) and product page placements. Using the new control, advertisers can adjust their bid for rest of search by up to 900% same as the other two placements.
Why is it important?
The new placement bid adjustment helps advertisers to balance their campaign performance across the three different placements (top of search, rest of search, product pages). The control is available for all targeting types (auto and manual) and bidding strategies (fixed and dynamic bidding). Advertisers already have access to campaign performance split by the three placements in campaign manager and Sponsored Products Placement report. Using the available reporting, advertisers can measure the impact of using the new control in Sponsored Products campaigns.
Where is the feature available?
- North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
- South America: Brazil
- Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Poland, Belgium, Turkey
- Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt
- Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan, Singapore
Who can use it?
- All advertisers
Where do I access it?
- Advertising console
- Amazon Ads API
For full technical details, please see the API reference.