Cross-screen enhanced title page

Desktop enhanced title page and dark theme
Desktop enhanced title page

Enhanced Title Pages (ETPs) give advertisers 100% share of voice of all ad placements on a related title page (main and sub-pages). The desktop experience showcases an above-the-fold, auto-play video asset and a below-the-fold static rectangle, and the advertiser can choose from a light or dark background. Mobile web and mobile apps feature a tall static banner at the top of the page and a static rectangle below the fold. Tablet app features a static leaderboard. On all devices, competitive advertisers are blocked from appearing on the page.

Desktop enhanced title page

Desktop creative components

Desktop creative components

1. Video file and slate image

  • The Enhanced Title Page requires a 1920 x 1080px video and slate image. The first six seconds of the video will auto-play, then resolve to the slate image. The total video length can be up to five minutes (300 seconds) of user-initiated video.
    • Avoid baking in title treatment overlays or logos, particularly in the bottom third of the video, as they may be covered by content.
    • Choose a clear, well-lit and/or brightly coloured slate image. Do not include copy or CTAs in the video slate image.

2. Logo image or text headline

  • The primary ad unit can support either a logo image (recommended) or text headline, but not both. If using an image, the logo will be displayed as a .PNG. The core dimensions of the logo image are 960 x 352px. Any branded elements you wish to display must be included in this image. White, light, and/or small shadows are encouraged to have the most contrast between the logo and the background.
    • To optimise the logo image space, make sure the logo and any other desired elements are as large as the dimensions allow.
    • Avoid including too many elements in this area.
    • Any size image can be provided; however, the image will be automatically resized. Delivering an image at 960 x 352px is highly encouraged for best results.
  • If using text for the headline instead of a logo image, it will be displayed in Roboto Medium font. The maximum number of characters is 36, including spaces.

3. Subheading (Optional)

  • The subheading (if provided) will always be displayed in Roboto Medium font. This cannot be changed.
    • The maximum character limit is 48 characters, including spaces. If the subheading is too long, it may wrap to two lines. A line break cannot be manually added.
    • If the subheading is not needed, the Logo Image will move position slightly to compensate.

4. CTA

4.1 CTA text
  • The CTA text will always be displayed in Roboto Regular font in title case, and the colour of the text is set automatically (black or white) based on the CTA colour. The button will always be a pill shape.
    • The maximum character limit is 24 characters, including spaces.
4.2 CTA button colour
  • The CTA colour is automatically selected based on the background colour. It will be white if the dark background is selected, or black if the light background is selected.
    • The button colour is a single colour. It cannot be a gradient, cannot have a stroke around the outside, and cannot be transparent.

5. Legal text (Optional)

  • The legal text (if provided) will always be displayed in Roboto Regular font, and the colour of the text will always be white or black, depending on the background colour.
    • The maximum character limit is 48 characters, including spaces.

6. Background

  • By default, the background colour will be dark, but can be set to light upon advertiser request.

7. Static companion

  • A 300 x 250 banner will run below the fold. The same 600 x 500px banner that must be provided for the mobile placements (see below), can be used for this placement.

Additional information

  • Advertisers can request the following creative assets/text be updated to support date messaging. The updated assets/text must be handed over with original assets.
    • Video file
    • Subheading
    • CTA text
  • Click-tracking URLs must be provided with original assets at time of creative submission.

Mobile and tablet creative components

Mobile app and web

    IMDb mobile website

    Across the IMDb mobile website and apps, there will be a 320 x 100 (640 x 200px) static tall banner and 300 x 250 (600 x 500) static rectangle that run at 100% SOV on the title page and its sub-pages.


    IMDb tablet website

    Across tablet apps, there will be a 728 x 90 (1456 x 180px) static tablet banner that runs at 100% SOV on the title page and its sub-pages. The tablet browser experience is the same as desktop or mobile based on the tablet size.

Production timeline

IMDb ad production timelines account for the number of working days it will take to produce an ad unit and set it live. This does not account for other phases of the campaign setup, such as IO approvals and booking.

  • All timelines begin when design assets have been received and approved by IMDb.
  • All timelines end when the ad unit is live on IMDb properties.
Client-built timelineOne working day
IMDb-built timelineFive working days

Product restrictions

The Enhanced Title Page is a templatised product, and less custom than a Premium Title Page.

  • Font size and colour cannot be changed
  • Overall layout of the components cannot be changed
  • .PSDs will not be accepted; all assets should be delivered as indicated below

Asset deliverables

Production will not begin until all assets are delivered.

Serving: First party only

  • Video file
    • 1920 x 1080px (16:9)
    • For optimal design, trailer should not have letterboxing.
    • .mp4 format only (we do not support ProRes format)
    • Max length: 5 minutes
    • Max. file weight: 50 MB
  • Video slate:
    • 1920 x 1080 px
    • .jpg format
  • Logo image (recommended) or text headline
    • Logo image
      • Core dimensions: 960 x 352px
      • .png format
    • Text headline
      • Max characters: Approximately 36 characters (including spaces)
  • CTA text:
    • Max characters: Approximately 24 characters (including spaces)
  • Subheading (optional):
    • Max characters: Approximately 48 characters (including spaces)
  • Legal copy (optional)
    • Max characters: Approximately 48 characters (including spaces)
  • Background colour (optional)
    • Black or white
  • Static banners
    • 600 x 500px
    • 640 x 200px
    • 1456 x 180px