
What is MarTech? A guide to marketing technology

Martech, or marketing technology, refers to tools that use technology to optimise marketing efforts. A grouping of marketing technologies is referred to as a MarTech stack.

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In an increasingly technological world, efficiency and automation are pivotal to a successful marketing strategy. With MarTech – or marketing technology – those streamlining opportunities are seemingly endless. Depending on your brand’s unique objectives and needs, marketing technology tools can help you achieve more with less.

What is MarTech?

MarTech describes the software marketers use to optimise their marketing efforts and achieve their objectives. It leverages technology to plan, execute and measure campaigns and other marketing tactics. Essentially, it can help make marketers’ jobs easier. A grouping of marketing technologies is called a MarTech stack – we’ll touch on this more later. These tools are often used to streamline marketing processes in a multi-touchpoint, omnichannel environment.

What is the difference between MarTech and AdTech?

Just as marketing and advertising differ, the terms “MarTech” and “AdTech”, short for advertising technology, are not interchangeable. The key difference is that AdTech is only used to impact buyer behaviour through promoted offerings, while MarTech is used to actually create, run and manage campaigns and other marketing efforts.

More specifically, AdTech is an umbrella term for advertising tactics and management tools like demand side platforms (DSPs), supply side platforms (SSPs), and ad exchanges. It’s more focused on technology that directly brings campaigns into the world. MarTech, on the other hand, describes the use of customer relationship management (CRM) software, social media management tools, email marketing solutions and more. It encompasses a wider variety of technology solutions that marketers use throughout the digital marketing process.

While both MarTech and AdTech are important for your brand strategy, we’ll be focusing on MarTech today.

Why is MarTech important?

Technology is playing an increasingly big role in marketing. The marketing landscape continues to shift because MarTech is becoming more sophisticated, enabling brands to better keep up with the ever-evolving – and fragmented – customer journeys. In short, marketing technology is essential to the future of modern marketing.

In addition, marketing technology is important because it considers execution needs from start to finish. It enables marketers to scale their marketing efforts holistically. Finally, MarTech is also important because it improves the way we communicate and collaborate with both counterparts and customers. Improving these B2B and B2C relationships has a positive snowball effect on the relationships you build with your customers, too.

Types of MarTech

MarTech can be categorised in a variety of ways, but we like to think about it in terms of marketing technology needs: management, social optimisation, campaign reach and insight generation.


Management is a broad category of MarTech tools that includes content management, vendor organisation, product management, budgeting and talent management. Optimising these aspects of your business needs is the catalyst for the rest of your marketing strategy. The use of effective management systems ensures that organisations can pull marketing material quickly and easily, make thoughtful recommendations and maintain accuracy in reporting.

Social optimisation

Organising and measuring social media tactics may include influencer management, user-generated content (UGC), customer relationship management (CRM) and more. Systems that help automate social tactics enable you to connect with online communities in more efficient ways.

Campaign reach

This third type of MarTech enables brand campaign executions to reach audiences through remarketing. These solutions are all about helping cultivate business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) relationships and build new ones.

Insight generation

Analytics from sources like Amazon Attribution enable marketers to effectively and efficiently understand their campaign, content marketing and social media performance. This data-driven category helps make sense of complex datasets.

The type of MarTech tools you choose will greatly depend on the type of business you’re operating, the kind of product you’re selling, your specific needs and/or your desired outcome or goal. If your marketing team is struggling to pick just one – don’t fret. Luckily, MarTech “stacks” enable you to integrate multiple solutions at once. Let’s dive into what that really means for your marketing automation.

What is a MarTech Stack?

A MarTech stack is a collection of MarTech systems that work together to improve marketing efforts – it’s an interconnected web of marketing technology tools. Your stack will likely be based on the unique objectives of your business or brand. This helps ensure you’re able to tailor processes based on your customers’ unique behaviours and have a chance to experience a more significant return on investment.

A full MarTech stack will enable you to attract, engage and understand your customers, as well as drive conversion. It covers all bases to ensure you’re connecting with the right audience at the right stage of the purchase funnel.

Most stacks also include a digital asset management (DAM) solution. Considered the heart of any MarTech stack, a DAM provides a centralised resource for managing content and assets. It’s pivotal to consistency across touchpoints. As you start building out your own stack, this will be a key consideration.

Once you build your stack, it’s critical that you continue to manage this set of tools. Keeping your MarTech tools in harmony will become an important piece of your marketing strategy – and it’s an ongoing process. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s take a step back to walk through how to actually build your stack.

Building a MarTech Stack

Building a MarTech stack starts with determining an answer to one key question: What are your objectives and key results (OKRs)? Your answer to this question will kickstart the process, but let’s walk through the full list of key steps.

Marketing metrics

Start off by determining that desired outcome we mentioned before. This may depend on your business model, type of brand, sales cycle length and more. Setting goals or key performance indicators (KPIs) enables you to establish a clear path to success.

Unique value proposition

Unique value proposition

As you build out that goal, consider your brand’s unique value. How do you stand out? What makes your company different from others in your sector? Understanding these differentiators will help you pinpoint appropriate MarTech tools and resources.



Before you jump into new opportunities – though exciting – it’s crucial to gauge your wheelhouse of existing tools. Are there systems you aren’t utilising as much as you should be? Are there ones you could use differently? Keeping this in mind ensures you aren’t double-dipping into opportunities that already exist for your business.

Customer journey

Customer journey

Build your marketing stack based on what your customers’ unique journey down the marketing funnel looks like. Unsurprisingly, you must understand these touchpoints before you’re able to impact them.

So, you’ve answered all these key questions and analysed these pieces of your business. What’s next? It’s now time to actually start putting the pieces together into your MarTech stack.

Getting started with MarTech through Amazon Ads

Not unlike other aspects of marketing, the MarTech landscape is always evolving – so your strategies should evolve too. That’s where Amazon Ads comes in.

Technology suite

Our technology suite is a tool to optimise your marketing and automate the tasks that help you build relevancy in an effective and cost-efficient way. These flexible services are tailored to your unique goals, such as advertising effectiveness, supply efficiency or measurement. You can solve unique problems with first-party insights, cost-efficient machine learning and interconnected services. Learn more about our offerings and get started with our tools on our technology suite page.

Amazon ad server

You may have also heard of Amazon Ad Server. As a global, multichannel ad server, Amazon Ad Server enables advertisers and agencies to create, distribute, customise, measure and optimise campaigns to support goals. It helps you get the most out of your campaigns by centralising insights and providing creative control. Take a look at our Amazon Ad Server page to get started.

Marketing your brand strategically and effectively can be time-consuming, but MarTech solutions streamline the process and drive efficiency across marketing efforts. From planning to creative execution and every step in between, marketing technology helps you achieve marketing objectives in a more optimised, accurate and user-friendly way. MarTech stacks make this process even more robust, providing a way to link your marketing tools in an interconnected and collaborative way. And Amazon Ads’ solutions – like our technology suite and Amazon Ad Server – can help you start automating your marketing to grow your business.

Learn more about our technology suite and Amazon Ad Server.