How Tinuiti uses AMC to level up advertisers’ insights into path to purchase

4 October 2022 | By Gabriella Kursman, Marketing Manager

Maddie Barton, the Director of Marketplace Programmatic at Tinuiti has seen first-hand how Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) can help brands solve business problems. Recently Tinuiti, an independent performance marketing firm, worked with a CPG brand who wanted to understand whether products with high repeat rate brings in new customers to the brand’s business in the Amazon store.

“AMC helps us spot products that have exceptional new-to-brand purchase rate and repeat purchase rate,” Barton said. “We then doubled-down on our marketing efforts on these products we discerned, which led to a 103% increase in new-to-brand purchases.”1

Amazon Ads sat down with Barton to discuss how her team uses AMC to better inform their clients’ advertising and marketing strategy.

Maddie Barton, Director of Marketplace Programmatic at Tinuiti

Maddie Barton, Director of Marketplace Programmatic at Tinuiti

Tinuiti has a dedicated practice on AMC. Why do you think AMC is valuable?

AMC offers cutting-edge capabilities in terms of breaking down common barriers within advertising. The first and foremost advantage of using AMC is that we can now see how our display ads are affecting our pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and vice versa – essentially the path to purchase.

What’s really powerful about that is when we’re considering adding Streaming TV ads into our advertising strategy. Before AMC, you could roughly gauge if there was an impact by reviewing business reports and so forth; however, not being able to see KPIs tied directly to outcomes made it hard to determine ads’ true attribution across our entire media mix. AMC helps to solve that as it can explicitly demonstrate what incremental reach or conversion single ad format bring to the table, and we can also clearly see the impact our top-funnel awareness campaigns are having on our lower-funnel campaigns.

For example, if we want to understand how conversion rate evolves as shoppers come across multiple advertisements throughout their journey, we are now able to understand this, thanks to AMC. We’ve seen new-to-brand purchase rate 2.5X higher among audiences exposed to display, Streaming TV ads and sponsored ads.2

Another advantage is that we can bring advertisers’ first-party signals into AMC to start to unpack audience personas, and answer questions like, “Is there overlap between what we’re seeing a direct-to-customer onsite vs. in the Amazon store?” or “What does that consumer journey look like?” AMC is a great tool because it is an environment that allows us to securely utilise and uniquely measure many insights that are crucial in answering these and countless other questions.

How has AMC helped you drive greater performance for your clients?

The flexibility to do custom queries in AMC allows Tinuiti to discern different tactics to improve client performance. The large library of instructional queries that AMC provides can be a good starting point and a convenient source of inspiration for questions to examine. In addition, our business intelligence team at Tinuiti also creates custom queries that allow us to answer very specific business needs or questions at the brand level.

One example of achieving great success with custom query was in working with a consumer packaged goods (CPG) brand who wanted to understand whether products with high repeat rate brings in new customers to the brand’s business in the Amazon store. Previously we didn’t have an effective way to figure that out. AMC helps us spot products that have exceptional new-to-brand purchase rate and repeat purchase rate. We then doubled-down on our marketing efforts on these products we discerned, which led to a 103% increase in new-to-brand purchases.

For another CPG brand, we were able to better understand top geographic areas to engage and create brand loyalty with Amazon Fresh customers. We used AMC to evaluate which area had the highest percentage of “new-to-brand” and “repeat purchases”. The findings guided us to invest more in those specific locations, and this led to a 145% increase in new-to-brand return on ad spend.3

What’s your recommendation to advertisers who are just getting started with AMC? Any best practices?

We’ve been working with AMC since it was still in alpha and have since then developed deep expertise over how to best use this cloud-based clean room solution. Here are some tips we recommend to advertisers getting started with AMC:

  • You are better positioned to tap into the full potential of AMC if you use sponsored ads as well as Amazon DSP. You can use the signals in AMC to bridge those ad types and develop an insight-backed narrative to shed light on connections between the two.
  • Ingest first-party, non-Amazon signals whenever possible. This can further expand what you can learn and measure. This is particularly meaningful to brands who don’t sell in Amazon stores.
  • Start with a question, and then explore how you can use AMC to answer that question. It’s crucial to be willing to sit down and have a conversation about what the ultimate question you’re trying to solve for is, and work backwards from that.
  • Be willing to act based on your findings. Whether you see a need for media mix shifts across sponsored ads and display, or increasing budgets for campaigns that are performing well, it’s key to actually use the insights and metrics.

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1–3 Source: Tinuiti, United States, 2022.