Three new Sponsored Brands improvements

8 JULY 2019

By Scott Collins, Product Marketing Manager

It’s been an exciting first half of the year for Sponsored Brands. Between new mobile creative, dynamically optimised content and new campaign controls, it can be hard to keep track of everything. To help, we’ve summarised our top three releases.

1. We’ve made a few updates to the broad match feature, which helps you reach more shoppers and control advertising costs.

  • Sponsored Brands now offers negative keyword targeting in the campaign manager and campaign builder. Negative keywords prevent your ads from displaying when shoppers’ search queries match your negative keywords. Now negative keywords can be used with broad, phrase and exact match types to prevent your ads from being displayed for search terms that aren't meeting your business objectives.
  • Sponsored Brands broad match now includes variations such as plurals, synonyms or other words related to the keyword. For example, an ad targeting “shoes” using broad match may show on a shopper query for “trainers”. This helps you reach even more shoppers who may be interested in your products.
  • To help you refine your broad match campaign performance, Sponsored Brands now offers broad match modifiers. Broad match modifiers help ensure certain keywords are always included in the search terms you’re bidding on. You can use broad match modifiers by adding “+” before the word. For example, if you use the keywords “+men shoes” with broad match, the ad will match to queries that contain the word “men”, and they may also match to search terms like “men trainers” or “running shoes for men.” But they won’t match to “running shoes”. This functionality helps ensure that you don’t miss out on engaged shoppers.

2. The mobile ad experience is no longer limited to a static image and headline.

We’ve recently updated Sponsored Brands’ mobile ad creative to feature a carousel format that can display product ASINs, a headline and a brand logo. Amazon has 90 million monthly mobile-only shoppers,1 so this update helps create a more dynamic shopping experience for these customers. This update leverages the mobile channel to create a more dynamic shopping experience for customers.

3. We’ve introduced a new product optimization feature, which allows you to engage shoppers with more dynamic Sponsored Brands ads.

The new product optimisation feature automatically selects the most contextually relevant ASINs from your Store or landing page to help engage shoppers with more relevant ads.

All of these new features are available today in the campaign manager, campaign builder and the Amazon Ads API.

Feature availability varies across marketplaces.

1 Source: comScore, 2018.