Unified data table component (UDC) charting is now available for use in the Amazon DSP
21 July 2022
What’s launched?
Amazon DSP launched a charting component that lives directly above the campaign management data table. The new charting capability will allow users to chart KPI and delivery metrics as well as identify trends over a period of time in the same campaign management view where they can make edits to their orders and line items. The charting component will be available on advertiser orders, line items and order-line item pages.

Users can manipulate the charting component by selecting metrics of interest from the drop-down list.
Why is it important?
Before this release, Amazon DSP did not provide any data visualization within the campaign management tables. Users were forced to navigate away from the campaign management view to a separate performance dashboard to visualize campaign data, understand trends and make optimization decisions. The performance dashboard wasn’t actionable, and wasn’t easily discoverable. Charting allows customers to view trend data and take action all within one campaign management view. This will save customers time and improve customer satisfaction.
Where is the feature available?
- North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
- South America: Brazil
- Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden
- Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
- Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan
Who can use it?
- Self-service
Where do I access it?
- Amazon DSP

You spoke, we listened
This launch or feature update is as a result of advertiser driven feedback