Launch announcement
Modelled conversions now reported for Sponsored Display campaigns
1 July 2024
What’s launched?
To offer a more complete view of campaign results, Amazon Ads uses modelling to account for conversions attributable to your campaign, but that are not directly measured due to the phasing out of third-party cookies and changing regulations. In these cases, Amazon Ads has insights about the ad click or view and the conversion that occurred, but cannot establish a direct link between the two events. In that scenario, Amazon Ads predicts the link between the ad interaction and the conversion event. Modelled conversions are reported in the same columns as directly attributed conversions, such as on the Purchase or Detail Page View column. In some cases, if we cannot produce meaningful estimates at the level of your reporting breakdown – for example at the targeting clause level – we will report conversions on an Unallocated row.
Why is it important?
Amazon Ads models conversions so that advertisers can continue to measure the full impact of their advertising spend across all audiences, including previously un-addressable audiences, due to industry changes in third-party cookies and regulations. This helps advertisers continue to set and optimize bids and budgets effectively.
Where is the feature available?
- North America: United States, Canada
- Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden
Who can use it?
- Vendors
- Registered sellers
- Managed-service
- Self-service
- Authors
Where do I access it?
- Downloadable reports in Advertising console
- Amazon Ads API
API specific
- Advertisers using Amazon Ads API may see conversions reported on rows with “Unallocated”, or -20, set as the dimension value for reports grouped by targeting, as an example. These rows represent conversions attributable to that ad line or order that cannot be allocated at the level at which the report is returned. For full technical details, please read our reporting documentation.