Manage advertising across countries from a single sponsored ads account

13 March 2023

What’s launching?

Advertisers can now manage all countries where they want to run sponsored ads campaigns through a single account. They can sign in to the advertising console for all countries supported at once and are able to easily navigate between countries to view and manage accounts in their preferred language. All applications from the left side navigation bar are always visible and not dependent on the account currently selected.

Why is it important?

International advertising just became easier. New advertisers only need to create one account to register for sponsored ads in all eligible countries. Existing advertisers can manage campaigns from different countries in a single sponsored ads account by selecting one country at a time without having to sign in and out of accounts.

Example images of sponsored ads campaign manager

Users can now access any country from one sponsored ads account. To get started, go to the top-left and select the country you want to view.

Sponsored ads account

Where is it available?

North America
  • CA
  • MX
  • US
South America
  • BR
  • BE
  • DE
  • ES
  • FR
  • IT
  • NL
  • PL
  • SE
  • TR
  • UK
Middle East
  • EG
  • KSA
  • UAE
Asia Pacific
  • AU
  • IN
  • JP
  • SG

Where do I access it?

  • Advertising console

Who can use it?

  • Vendors
  • Sellers