Amazon mobile shopping

Amazon’s shopping apps and the mobile version of include banner ad placements located on the home page, detail pages, thank you page, search page and deals page.

Ad placementCreative dimensions*Max. File weightFile format
Home Page - Smartphones640 x 100 px20 kbJPG/PNG-8
Home Page - Smartphones600 x 500 px40 KB (50 KB JP)JPG/PNG-8
Deals Page - Smartphones640 x 100 px20 kbJPG/PNG-8
Detail Page – Smartphones828 x 250 px100 kbJPG/PNG-8
Search Results Page – Smartphones828 x 250 px100 kbJPG/PNG-8
Thank You Page – Smartphones640 x 100 px20 kbJPG/PNG-8
Home Page – Tablet Shopping Apps600 x 500 px40 KB (50 KB JP)JPG/PNG-8
Detail Page – Tablet Shopping Apps1940 x 500 px200 KBJPG/PNG-8
Bottom of Detail Page – Smartphones and Tablets2560 x 2560 px2 MBJPG/PNG-8

* Amazon mobile banner ads are created at 2X resolution to provide image clarity on devices with high-resolution screens.

Stores Creative Guidelines

Banner design

  • Given that the Amazon Home Page is a key vehicle for Amazon’s global brand message, our Home Page creative policies are more restrictive to ensure the highest quality customer experience for the broadest possible audience.
  • The advertiser’s logo or name must be included in mobile banner ads, and a headline or copy message is also recommended for most ads (a copy message is required when the ad contains special offers, sweepstakes or promotions).
  • All text in banner ads must be legible on supported mobile devices. Unreadable advertisements will be rejected.
  • Remove any unnecessary text. Disclosure text is restricted to 20% of a static ad’s height. Due to the size of 640 x 100, 828 x 250 and 728 x 90 mobile ads, this translates to a single line of disclosure text. Disclosures must be placed at the bottom of the ad. (The maximum length of disclosures in eCommerce ads is two lines of text for 300 x 250 and 300 x 600 units, and four lines of text in 160 x 600 ad units.)
    • Auto, Telco and Financial Services ads may contain additional lines of disclaimer text in all placements except 320 x 50, 414 x 125 and 728 x 90, with a maximum of 30% of ad unit height.
  • If a banner’s background includes a photo, pattern or text, it should be simple, understated and not distracting.
  • All mobile banners require straight corners; rounded corners are not allowed.
  • Animated ad creative is prohibited from Amazon Mobile Shopping placements.

Mobile calls to action

  • We do not accept mobile banners containing calls to action such as “Tap to _____” or “Click to _____”. Allowed CTA messages include “Shop now”, “Learn more” and “See details.”
  • Banner ads that link to a page containing a video should include a “Play video”, “Watch video” or equivalent CTA message (indicating video playback).
  • CTA buttons must not overpower the rest of the banner in size or typography.

Homepage – Smartphones

Ad placement on mobile web home page

Mobile web homepage
640 x 100 px

Dimensions and file weight

640 x 100 pixels, maximum size of 20 KB (.jpg or .png)
This image will be resized to fit the mobile version of Amazon’s home page on the mobile website, iPhone shopping app and Android shopping app.

Creative guidelines
  • The banner must be visually distinct from Amazon content, with either a contrasting/non-white background colour or a clearly visible 1px border (2 px at 2X) around the banner.
  • Font size cannot be smaller than 16pt, except for legal or disclaimer text which can be 13pt.

Homepage – Smartphones

Ad placement on iPhone shopping app home page

iPhone Shopping App Home Page
600 x 500 px

Dimensions and file weight

600 x 500 pixels, maximum size of 40 KB (.jpg or .png)

This image will be resized to fit the Amazon home page on smartphones.

Creative guidelines
  • The banner must be visually distinct from Amazon content, with either a contrasting/non-white background colour or a clearly visible 2 px border around the banner.
  • Font size cannot be larger than 50pt. Font size cannot be smaller than 32pt, except for legal or disclaimer text which can be 26pt.
  • Vivid, highly saturated colours (sampled below) are not permitted as full-bleed ad background colours in our most prominent ad placements. This applies to 100% edge to edge single background colours, without gradients or patterns. In this placement, vivid colours can only be used as accent or highlight colours. Black and dark background colours are permitted.
  • Vivid, highly saturated colours

Deals page – Smartphones

Ad placement on mobile web deals page

Mobile web deals page
640 x 100 px

Dimensions and file weight

640 x 100 pixels, maximum size of 20 KB (.jpg or .png)

This image will be resized to fit the Amazon Deals page on the mobile website, iPhone shopping app and Android shopping app.

Creative guidelines
  • The banner must be visually distinct from Amazon content, with either a contrasting/non-white background colour or a clearly visible 2 px border around the banner.
  • Font size cannot be smaller than 16pt, except for legal or disclaimer text which can be 13pt.

Detail page – Smartphones

828 x 250 px
Ad placement on mobile web detail page

Mobile web detail page
828 x 250 px (414 x 125 px @1X)

The 828 x 250 px banner is designed at @2X resolution to support high-resolution smartphones. On device, it renders as 414 x 125 px, and is centred on the page, so that the edges are cut off on smaller phones (on an iPhone 5-sized screen, for example, the ad would appear to be 320 x 125 px).

Dimensions and file weight

828 x 250 pixels, maximum size of 100kb (.jpg or .png)

This image will be resized and cropped to fit Amazon product detail pages on the mobile website, iPhone shopping app and Android shopping app.

Creative guidelines

  • The banner must be visually distinct from Amazon content, with either a contrasting/non-white background colour or a clearly visible 2 px border around the banner.
  • Font size cannot be smaller than 26pt, except for legal or disclaimer text which can be 20pt. (Remember that this ad will be displayed at 1/3 of its original size on device.)

Cropped safe zone

This ad size has “sleeves” to adapt to large smartphone screens. Content outside the centre 640 x 250 px (320 x 125 px at 1X resolution) will be cropped on most devices, as shown here:

Safe Zone

Search results page – Smartphones (web)

828 x 250 px
Ad placement on mobile web search page

Mobile web search page
828 x 250 px (414 x 125 px @1X)

The 828 x 250 px banner is designed at @2X resolution to support high-resolution smartphones. On device, it renders as 414 x 125 px, and is centred on the page, so that the edges are cut off on smaller phones (on an iPhone 5-sized screen, for example, the ad would appear to be 320 x 125 px).

Dimensions and file weight

828 x 250 pixels, maximum size of 100kb (.jpg or .png)

This image will be resized and cropped to fit Amazon search results pages on the mobile website.

Creative guidelines

  • The banner must be visually distinct from Amazon content, with either a contrasting/non-white background colour or a clearly visible 2 px border around the banner.
  • Font size cannot be smaller than 26pt, except for legal or disclaimer text which can be 20pt. (Remember that this ad will be displayed at 1/3 of its original size on device.)

Cropped safe zone

This ad size has “sleeves” to adapt to large smartphone screens. Content outside the centre 640 x 250 px (320 x 125 px at 1X resolution) will be cropped on most devices, as shown here:

Safe Zone

Thank You Page – Smartphones

Ad placement on mobile web Thank You page

Mobile Web Thank You Page
640 x 100 px

Dimensions and file weight

640 x 100 pixels, maximum size of 20 KB (.jpg or .png)

This image will be resized to fit Thank You pages on the Amazon mobile website, iPhone shopping app and Android shopping app.

Creative guidelines

  • The banner must be visually distinct from Amazon content, with either a contrasting/non-white background colour or a clearly visible 2 px border around the banner.
  • Font size cannot be smaller than 16pt, except for legal or disclaimer text which can be 13pt.

Home Page – Tablet Shopping Apps

Dimensions and file weight

600 x 500 pixels, maximum size of 40 KB (.jpg or .png)

This image will be resized to fit the Amazon home page inside the shopping app for Fire, iPad and Android tablets.

Creative guidelines

  • The banner must be visually distinct from Amazon content, with either a contrasting/non-white background colour or a clearly visible 2 px border around the banner.
  • Font size cannot be larger than 50pt. Font size cannot be smaller than 32pt, except for legal or disclaimer text which can be 26pt.
Ad placement on Fire tablet shopping app home page

Fire Tablet shopping app homepage
600 x 500 px

Detail Page – Tablet Shopping Apps

Ad placement on Fire tablet shopping app detail page

Fire Tablet shopping app detail page
1940 x 500 px

Dimensions and file weight

1940 x 500 px, maximum size of 200 KB (.jpg or .png)

This image will be resized to fit the width of Amazon’s product detail pages on Fire, iPad and Android tablets in both portrait and landscape orientation.

Creative guidelines

Please refer to the Billboard Below The Fold specs for this ad size.

Encore ads – Detail page – Smartphones and tablets

Dimensions and file weight

2560 x 2560 px, maximum size of 2 MB (.jpg or .png)

The Encore ad placement at the bottom of phone and tablet detail pages uses a single clickable image across all devices and orientations.

Creative guidelines

  • All important content (logos, text, calls to action) must be contained within a “safe zone” of 1360 x 1360 px to guarantee that it will be visible and tappable.
  • The image must be less than 2 MB in size. When possible, optimize your images after saving them to further reduce file size.
  • Always include a prominent button-like call to action inside the safe zone so that customers know where to tap on the ad. To ensure legibility and appropriate display size on device, the minimum height for a button is 160 px.
  • The minimum font size is 48pt to account for variation in display resolutions – ads must be legible on small smartphone screens as well as on high-resolution tablets.
  • Legal or disclaimer text is limited to a minimum font size of 48pt, and must be within the safe zone.
  • Do not include a border around the edge of the creative.
  • Encore ads must not include the Amazon logo.
  • Fill the area outside the safe zone with colour, patterns or lifestyle imagery – don’t show safe zone content surrounded by blank white space.
  • Avoid broad “stripes” or other graphical treatments that can appear to divide your ad into separate tappable sections. This can look broken when the ad is cropped and scaled on device.
Ad placement on Amazon shopping app detail pages

Amazon Shopping App detail pages
2560 x 2560 px


North America
  • CA
  • MX
  • US
South America
  • BR
  • DE
  • ES
  • FR
  • IT
  • NL
  • PL
  • SE
  • UK
Middle East
  • KSA
  • UAE
Asia Pacific
  • AU
  • IN
  • JP
  • SG

Asset Checklist

  • Pre-existing standard ad units for reference
  • High-res layered .PSD files (product shots and/or lifestyle imagery)
  • Logos (vector format, .ai or .eps)
  • Any backgrounds or key art
  • Fonts (.otf or .ttf)
  • Advertising copy
  • Brand guidelines
  • Clickthrough URL or Hero ASIN

Photoshop templates