Sponsored Tiles

Sponsored tiles are ad placements within a row which allow promotion of content titles and apps in Fire TV. These appear in the form of tiles that looks native to the current experience. The row supports a minimum of five tiles in the primary carousel view, but can go up to ten tiles as a user navigates right within the row. As an advertiser, you pay for the cost of actual clicks on the Sponsored Tiles.

Experience overview

Viewers can scroll down to the sponsored row using the remote on Fire TV. When a tile in the sponsored row is highlighted, the background image along with title and synopsis become visible in the top section of the screen. Once the tile is clicked, the customer can view more details of the content or app and can watch, buy or download it.

To learn more about ad acceptability, see the Fire TV ad policies and guidelines.

Guidelines overview

This section gives a brief overview of policies and guidelines to be followed for creatives used in Sponsored Tiles. For FireTV self-service advertisers and advertisers who chose to provide custom creatives in Prime Video Direct or Developer Console, refer to creative guidelines section below.

Selection states


This image shows how sponsored row (second row in the screenshot) appears on the Fire TV interface before any scrolling.



This image shows a highlighted sponsored tile. When the viewer navigates to a sponsored tile, more details about the content appear in the section above.

Highlighted sponsored tile.

Asset types

There are two key parts to image assets: a tile image and a background image (optional)

Tile image

The tile image appears within a row of other tiles in the Fire TV user interface and represents the content title or app. It is the key art based on which an app or content title can be promoted within the sponsored row.

App tile: Amazon Music

Sample of an app tile

Content title tile: Sully

Sample of a content title tile

Background image

When the ad is selected, additional information about the content is revealed in the “mini-details” area that occupies the top third of the screen. The mini-details area contains the title text and description text apart from the background image.

Mini-details area highlighted:

Mini-details area highlighted

Title of the content or app and synopsis appear in the left section of the mini-details area.

Title of the content or app and synopsis highlighted

The background image appears in upper-right corner of the mini-details area.

Example of a background image for mini-details area

Asset specifications

Sponsored tile uses two image assets: a tile image and a background image (optional)

Image componentRequirements
Tile imageSize: 1280 by 720 px
Max. file weight: 440 kb
Format: PNG
Background imageSize: 1920 by 1080 px
Max. file weight: 450 kb
Format: JPG

Creative guidelines

For FireTV self-service advertisers and advertisers who chose to provide custom creatives in Prime Video Direct or Developer Console, refer to these creative guidelines.

Tile image

Guideline 1: Safe zones

The green overlay area is the safe zone. Essential elements (e.g. head of key characters, title) should be inside the safe zone so they don’t get covered.

Safe zone for a content tile

Safe zone for a content tile image

Safe zone for an app tile

Safe zone for an app tile image

✔ Do

approved example

The focal point of the image and title are inside the safe zone.

✘ Do not

not-approved example

Face of key character overlaps with text. The text goes outside of the safe zone.

approved example

The app logo is inside the safe zone.

not-approved example

The app logo is outside of the safe zone.

Guideline 2: Accessible

Image should be accessible across all devices. Avoid complex logos or titles, smaller font sizes and low colour contrast.

Images and text must have a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1. Larger text (24 px/18 pt font or larger) can have a contrast ratio of 3:1. A minimum font size of 24 px for the living room FireTV experience is recommended.

✔ Do

approved example

The logo is clear and stands out from the background.

✘ Do not

not-approved example

The logo is unclear because of the small font size and low contrast ratio.

approved example

The app logo is clear and has a good contrast ratio.

not-approved example

The app logo is unclear and fuzzy because of the low contrast ratio.

Guideline 3: Simple background

Use image with simple, minimal background with focus on the main characters.

✔ Do

approved example

The image is simple and the large logo stands out.

✘ Do not

not-approved example

The image is cluttered and there’s a complex logo with small font.

approved example

The image is simple and a large app logo stands out.

not-approved example

The image is cluttered with tiles that take away focus from the app logo.

Guideline 4: High-definition

Image should be scalable across all device sizes. Avoid using blurry or unclear visuals.

✔ Do

approved example

The image is high-definition and clear.

✘ Do not

not-approved example

The image and logo are blurry.

approved example

The app logo is high-definition and clear.

not-approved example

The app logo and background are blurry.

Guideline 5: Avoid large, empty spaces

Fill the safe zone with the key subject of the background image as much as possible. Make sure that the composition looks balanced.

✔ Do

approved example

The title and image are inside the safe zone and fills the tile.

✘ Do not

not-approved example

There is a lot of blank space because the image and tile have a different aspect ratio.

approved example

The app logo is inside the safe zone and fills the tile.

not-approved example

There is a lot of blank space because the app logo has different aspect ratio. Don’t add a frame.

Background image

Guideline 1: Safe zones

The green overlay area is the safe zone. Essential elements (e.g. head of key characters, title) should be inside the safe zone so they don’t get covered.

Background image safe zone

The 1214 x 830 px area represents where the main subject of the image should be placed.

✔ Do

approved example

The focal point (face of key character) is on the right side and inside the safe area.

✘ Do not

not-approved example

The focal point of the image (face of key character) is outside the safe zone and would overlap with the title text.

Guideline 2: No text on image

No text or app logos on the background image except small text like maturity rating and copyright.

✔ Do

approved example

The title text will be clear and noticeable because there isn’t text on the image.

✘ Do not

not-approved example

The title text won’t be clear because there is text on the image.

Guideline 3: High-definition

Image should be scalable across all device sizes. Avoid using blurry or unclear images.

✔ Do

approved example

The image is high-definition and clear.

✘ Do not

not-approved example

The image is low-resolution and blurry.

Guideline 4: Multi-title [App ASIN only]

Use distortion, angles, dividers on a multi-title background image so the image doesn’t mimic the FireTV UI tiles.

✔ Do

approved example

Distortion makes the image engaging.

✘ Do not

not-approved example

The flat structure is too similar to the Fire TV tiles.

Updating creatives

You can edit your Sponsored Tiles creatives where you uploaded them.

App developer

If you are promoting an app ASIN, to learn more about updating the Sponsored Tiles, see Image Asset guidelines for the App store.

Prime Video

If you are promoting a content title, to learn more about updating the Sponsored Tiles see the Prime Video Direct Graphics Asset Guide.

FireTV self-service

FireTV self-service advertisers can now upload custom images in their campaigns. Learn more


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