Inline ad placement
Customers will compare ads shown on Fire TV against the cover-art imagery that fills the rest of screen, so the design standards are set to align with nearby content. Treat the Fire TV inline ad creative as a piece of recommended browsing.
When looking at the top of the Home section, the inline placement is shown at the bottom of the screen and may be selected when a customer navigates down the page.
Fire TV Home Screen/Ad Selected

Asset specifications
Image component | Raw asset requirement* | Final file requirement |
Banner** | Dimension: 1712 x 136 px or bigger Format: PSD (High-quality and layered) | Dimension: 1712 x 136 px Max file weight: 250 kb Format: JPG (baseline) |
Mini-details background | Dimension: 980 x 551 px or bigger Format: PSD, JPG, PNG | Dimension: 980 x 551 px Max file weight: 300 kb Format: JPG (baseline) |
* Raw assets are mandatory. See our full Asset checklist.
**See Typographic limits.
Text components | Text limit |
Mini-details title | 30 characters before truncation may occur |
Mini-details description | Maximum of 95 characters |
Accessibility text | Maximum of 128 characters |
Video component | Dimensions | Max. File weight | Format | Duration |
Auto-play video | 1920 x 1080 px | 500 MB | MP4, M4V, MOV, MPEG | 10–30s |
See auto-play video guidelines.
Testing your ad creative on TVs
Each ad should be previewed on a large TV screen, where minor imperfections and misalignments are magnified and can be more easily identified.
TV screens have extremely varied responses in terms of viewable screen area, colour saturation, hue shift and visible detail. These inaccuracies are considered an acceptable cost/value trade-off and are present at some level on most displays.
Visual deference
Bright and highly saturated visual elements, which would otherwise inappropriately steal focus from the rest of the elements onscreen, must be toned down.
- For white graphic elements, including text: RGB (235, 235, 235) must be used in place of RGB (255, 255, 255). Larger areas may need to be shaded darker to moderate the ad’s prevalence, as shown in the following example.
Approved ✔

Not approved ✘

In this example, the background of the approved ad has been desaturated, but the imagery remains vibrant. The ad will still look bright on screen.
The background of the not approved ad is too loud and bright.
The not approved background is too overt and will inappropriately distract from other onscreen content
Selection state
As the customer navigates down the page, tiles gain focus with a glass-like border. The ad banner does not expand upon selection.
Ad selected

Mini-details components
When the ad is selected, additional information about the content is revealed in the “mini-details” area that occupies the top third of the screen.
Title text:
Use the proper title of the advertised content or create a simple name that summarizes the experience that will be available to the customer after engaging with the ad banner.
- Do not include calls-to-action or clarifications about the type of experience as a part of this text (e.g. Use “Amazon Music” rather than “Try the Amazon Music app”)
- This text may be truncated if it exceeds 30 characters. In these cases, an ellipses “…” will be added to the Title text.
Description text:
Summarize the promotion details and communicate what type of content is being promoted.
- Start with call-to action text that inspires engagement and further clarifies the offer (e.g. “Get the app and listen to tens of millions of songs, plus new releases”)
- Strongly avoid duplicating text that is already included in the ad banner.
- Use a maximum of 95 characters.
Background image:
The 980 x 551 px background image supplements the visuals that are included within the ad banner.
- Text and logos that exist organically in the background image, such as on product packaging, are allowed. Other usage of logos in this area, unless subtly embedded in an app screenshot, is not allowed.
- Keep the imagery simple and feature human subjects whenever possible.
- Avoid cropping heads and faces by following the guides included in the template, which denote where content will be cropped and masked.
- Avoid including numerous subjects or fine detail. For multi-title creatives, images displaying a grid of content titles/box art imagery are permitted when adhering to the following requirements:
- The grid shows at least five content titles
- The autoplay video promotes an app/channel and is not focused on specific titles (autoplay video is optional).
- The text adheres to the specified font size guidelines outlined below.
To limit the complexity of ads, text may be used only in the following cases and will count against the banner’s 20-word limit, unless otherwise noted:
- Clarifying content: Text may be used to clarify the titles or names of pictured content or characters. Text must be set in 24pt Ember Regular (or equivalent).
- Including box art imagery: Text with a cap height of 38px or less may be included as a part of pre-existing box art. Text embedded in box art imagery with a cap height of 24px or less may be omitted from the word count.
- One line of disclaimers or legal text is allowed. It doesn’t count against the banner's word limit.
- All text should be legible.
Don’t include QR codes in the background image.
Mini-details background image guides:
- Red: Content will be masked
- Orange: Content may be occluded by translucent elements
- Green: Content will be visible

Example mini-details background images

Approved ✔

Not approved ✘

The background image in the approved ad is well cropped and features human imagery.
The background image in the not approved ad should not contain prevalent text, is busy with content and does not have a strong focal point.
Auto-play video: (optional)
When a customer hovers over the banner, text and image detail content is revealed in the top half of the screen. After one second, a video can replace the imagery and begin to play with audio enabled. After the video concludes, the image is shown again.
The 1920 x 1080 video content should be short (10–30 seconds), engaging and inspire the customer to click through to additional content. Treat the video as a fast overview of the advertised product. Use compelling imagery and motion to show an overview of the content.
- It is preferable to not show letterboxing in videos (black bars above and below). However, if the content being promoted uses letterboxing in the full-length video, then the trailer may feature letterboxing as well.
- Watermarks or logos: It is preferable to not include watermarks/logo overlays within the video, as this can draw focus from the primary video content. However, these overlays are allowed, provided the following guidelines are met:
- The logo is placed within the safe zone.
- The logo does not cover up key content (such as an actor’s face) or other text within the video.
- Disclaimers, legal text, captions, copyright notices or other small type detract from the primary video content when used as continuous overlays. Limited amounts of text may be shown, interspersed as focal onscreen content during portions of the video, e.g. when the name of a director or studio is briefly shown during a trailer.
- Logos and text within the video must be legible and not cut off. Text (including legal/disclaimer text) must be a minimum 64 px font size when viewed at the full 1920 x 1080 video size. This ensures legibility when the video is scaled down in the mini-details portion of the UI.
Safe zone restrictions
TVs commonly crop a few pixels from each edge of the display. In the home screen’s default state, the ad is positioned at the bottom edge of the screen.
The bottom 27 px of the banner area is restricted to ensure that important content is inset enough to be viewable. The top and right edges of the mini-details background image are also restricted, by 27 and 48 px respectively.
Safe zones: Fire TV Home Screen/Ad Selected

Safe zones: Banner template

Additionally, to avoid visual conflict with other onscreen tiles, the safe zone restricts content 27 px from each edge of the banner.
Ad Banner
Composition and clarity
Make sure that the promotion can be understood at a glance, from the content of the banner alone.
- Use compelling imagery to engage customers
- Include as few words as possible
- Elements must not look scattered within the placement – create a focal point
- Multi-title creatives can have up to four content titles
- Don’t include QR codes on the banner
The banner must appear as a continuous unit; do not divide it into distinct sections.
- Vertical divisions can cause a moment of confusion where it is unclear whether the ad consists of one selectable tile or multiple.
- Mitigate any vertical divisions by blending the divide, or angling it if unavoidable
Blend foreground elements with the background content of the ad, creating a cinematic stripe:
- Elements and characters must not look cut out. They must be blended into the composition using shading, blur, masking, additional imagery or other visual techniques.
- Closely-cropped imagery can look out of scale on large screens. Avoid displaying human features, such as the eyes, at extreme scale.
Approved ✔

Not approved ✘

In this example, the imagery of an approved ad is blended into a panoramic composition. The characters appear naturally within a scene.
The characters in the not approved ad look cut out and are not blended with the background. There are harsh divisions in the background and issues with the comparative scale of elements.
Foreground content in the banner
- If you do not have enough graphic content to utilize the full width of the banner, keep content loosely spaced and aligned to the left side of the placement area.
- The banner image should never appear empty. Use the minimum content area shown in the template to ensure the ad has enough on-screen presence.
- Elements should be vertically centred within the banner.
Minimum content area: Banner template/example ad

Background content in the banner
The background of the ad banner should be as visual as the assets allow, spreading imagery across the full length of the ad whenever possible.
- Avoid visual treatments that inappropriately call attention to the ad, such as bright colours and extreme patterns. Bright colours that are part of the advertiser’s branding, and take up less than half of the ad background, are allowed.
- Black/dark backgrounds make the ad banner difficult to distinguish from the rest of the page in the Fire TV UI. Creatives that require a dark background should either include additional imagery or pattern on the background, or add a light grey border around the ad.
- Borders are not permitted, with the exception of the dark background example noted above.
- Never blend the edges of the ad with the background of the home screen or otherwise mimic the Fire TV interface.
- The ad placement sits above the rest of the screen’s content, in terms of layer order. Never use graphic treatments, such as an inner shadow, that disrupt this perception of depth.
If the framing of available imagery is unsuitable for the area, try one of the following methods to fill the placement’s length:
- Extension of the original image via duplication, mirroring, blur or other techniques
- Continuation of a repeating pattern or texture
- Blending content into a soft gradient or dark colour
Approved ✔

Why? The bright yellow background is part of the advertiser’s branding and takes up less than half of the ad background.
Not approved ✘

Why? The bright yellow background takes up the full width of the ad and distracts customers from the rest of the page.
Approved ✔

Why? The advertiser’s branding requires an all-black background, so a subtle 20% opacity white border was added to help distinguish the ad from the rest of the page.
Not approved ✘

Why? The all-black background blends into the page.
Approved ✔

Why? The background includes stars and planet imagery that helps distinguish the ad from the rest of the page content.
Not approved ✘

Why? The background is nearly all black, making it difficult to distinguish the ad from the rest of the page content.
Embedding text in the banner
Do not include any information within the banner image that is not essential. Highlight product features, not product IDs.
Try not to stack lines of text. Strongly avoid stacking more than two lines.
- If you stack text, two lines of disclaimer will be allowed as long as it takes up no more than one third of the banner. The location of the disclaimer can be flexible as long as it does not overlap with the banner safe zones.
- Avoid identical styling for stacked rows of text. Create contrast via font size or weight.
Typographic limits
Based on Amazon Ember and Kozuka Gothic typefaces at regular weight:
Typographic limits | US/UK/DE | JP (inclusive of spaces) |
Maximum banner copy limit | 20 words | 40 characters |
Maximum font size | 38 pt | 36 pt |
Recommended font size | 32 pt | 32 pt |
Minimum font size | 24 pt | 24 pt |
Legal font size | 14 pt | 14 pt |
Word/character count limits apply to ad copy and call-to-action within the ad banner. They do not apply to disclaimer text or text within logos or product titles.
- Match the same visual weight if using an alternate font
- Lighter font weights or detailed, graphic logotypes should be used if exceeding 32 pt
- The primary logotype – featuring only the proper name of the video, app, game or other endemic content – may exceed the maximum text size when using the asset as a focal graphic element
Approved ✔

Why? The series titles are product titles, and word count limits do not apply to that text.
Not approved ✘

Why? The ad copy, call-to-action text and disclaimer text, when taken together, exceed the 20-word maximum copy limit.
Content rating labels
A content rating label is required for content rated for 12/13 years and older when the ad includes an auto-play video in mini-details, or drives directly to a video or a page where video is featured. Default rating labels are included in the PSD template.

Multi-title creative content rating
If the creative is promoting multiple content titles, show only one rating label and use the label for the content title that’s rated most restrictively. For example, a creative is featuring two titles, one is rated R and the other is rated PG-13, show the R label in the creative.
Approved ✔

Why? The rating label shown is for the content title that’s rated most restrictively.
Not approved ✘

Why? The creative shows multiple rating labels for each piece of content which makes the banner overly crowded.
Additional Text Requirements
Banner and mini-details
All-caps copy and exclamation marks may not be used unless they are part of the proper name of a piece of content or a brand. Additionally, if all-caps or exclamation marks are included, the resulting creative must not overtly “shout” at the customer.
Calls to action
To ensure that customers can easily understand the promotion, call-to-action text should be included both in 1) the banner as a short phrase and 2) the detail text of the mini-details as a part of a sentence. It may be omitted in only one of these locations, if necessary.
- Call-to-action text embedded in the banner may not include additional glyphs (e.g. arrows or underlines), or be embellished as a button.
- Do not add a separate call to action if it is implied already as a part of other text (e.g. Use “Available to rent on Amazon Video” rather than “Available to rent on Amazon Video. Watch now”.)
- Use a CTA when clicking through to a landing page or physical product shopping, to highlight the specific experience that will be available to the customer (e.g. “Browse the latest models”).
Accessibility text
This text is dictated to customers who use Fire TV’s screen reader for accessibility and is limited to 128 characters.
- It should be clear and specific enough to accurately communicate the value of the ad, even if the customer cannot see the ad creative.
- Do not include separate calls to action (e.g. “Watch now”) in this text.
Row header text
Rows within the browsing interface on Fire TV are separated by row headers, which title the content of the row. The header above the banner placement displays the text “SPONSORED”, and is not configurable.
Disclaimer text
- Subscription required – If the content promoted requires an additional paid subscription beyond a Prime Video subscription, this must be made explicit in the creative by one of the following methods:
- Within the call-to-action text: “Watch with a subscription”, “Subscribe to watch now”, etc.
- As legal text within the creative: “Subscription required”, etc.
- Within the call-to-action text plus legal text: “Watch with 7-day free trial” plus additional legal text “Restrictions apply”, etc.
- Rent/Buy – If the content promoted requires payment to rent/buy/purchase the app or piece of content, this must be made explicit in the creative.
- Within the call-to-action text: “Buy or Rent on Prime Video”, “Available to Rent”, “Available to Buy”, “Own it today”, “Stream with Purchase”, “Prime Member Deal”, “Watch now [+ Prime Video Cinema logo lockup]”, etc.
- Standard guidelines for call to action text apply.
Additional requirements
Alcohol ads are prohibited in the US on Fire TV. For requirements in other locales, see the Creative Acceptance Policies. Inclusion of text based on those requirements may be excluded from the text limit.
Sponsorship campaigns are allowed on the inline ad placement and must follow standard guidelines. Unlike Feature Rotator and Sponsored Screensaver, there are no specific sponsorship guidelines required for inline ad placement.
Inline ad placement

Landing page

- CA
- MX
- US
- BR
- DE
- ES
- FR
- IT
- NL
- PL
- SE
- TR
- UK
- AU
- IN
- JP
- SG
Related policies
Asset checklist
For the banner image and mini-details background image:
- Pre-existing standard ad units for reference
- Layered PSD files
- Logos
- Backgrounds
- Provide extra framing space and extended background imagery to accommodate the placement’s width (more than 5x wider than an average landscape photo)
- Key art
- Lifestyle imagery is recommended
- Fonts
- Brand guidelines
For the banner image, mini-details description and accessibility text:
- Advertising copy