Introduction to keywords and sponsored ads

Keywords play an important role in the success of your manual campaigns. But do you know how to use broad, phrase and exact match keywords or where to find keywords that will help you build a successful campaign? In this beginner-level webinar, we'll show you what keywords are and how to choose the right ones based on your advertising goals. Plus, we’ll explain how to analyze your search term report to understand how shoppers discover your products.

After you attend this webinar, learn how to optimize your keyword performance in our Tips for optimizing your keywords strategy webinar.


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Level: Beginner

Appropriate for: All sellers, vendors and KDP authors.

This webinar will also include a demo, plus a Q&A session with an advertising specialist.

match types

Understand keyword match types

review report

Review and analyze your search term report

negative targeting match types

Use negative keywords to reduce advertising spend

keyword campaigns

Launch manual keyword targeted campaigns