Four recommendations to help grow your brand on

By: Shri Murthy, Senior Media and Analytics Manager, and Ashton Brown, Technical Writer

In this 2020-2021 study of over 2,600 brands in the Home category on (Canada), we compare advertising strategies of top- and lower-performing advertisers. We then use this comparison to derive actionable insights advertisers can use to improve year-over-year growth of branded searches and detail page views.

Story highlights:

In this study, we analyzed over 2,600 brands in the Home category on (Canada) between August 2020 and July 2021. The Home category includes brands selling products such as vacuums, air purifiers and bedding products. To perform our analysis, we grouped Home brands into four clusters, with Cluster One being the most successful and Cluster Four being the least successful in terms of the year-over-year growth rate of branded searches and detail page views (DPVGR).

Our analysis finds that top-performing advertisers in the Home category (Cluster One) received 1.5X more branded searches and 1.4x more detail page views than lower-performing advertisers (Cluster Four).



More branded searches


More detail page views

To provide advertisers with actionable insights, we used machine learning to analyze 40+ advertising and media attributes that contribute to branded searches and detail page views. We then identified which attributes have the largest positive impact on the year-over-year growth rate of branded searches and detail page views.

This article provides insights/best practices on the key attributes or strategies by quantifying the degree to which top-performing advertisers in the Home category (Cluster One) and lower-performing advertisers in the Home category (Cluster Four) have adopted each key attribute or strategy.

For more on how we performed this study, see the Methodology section at the end of this article.

Top performers leveraged the economic impact of lower H1 advertising costs, while driving 49% of total sales on in H1

We begin our analysis with a comparison of advertising strategies by top- and lower-performing advertisers in the Home category in H1 (1 January – 30 June) and H2 (1 July – 31 December). Our analysis finds two notable statistics:

  • The average cost per impression is 7% lower in H1 than H2.
  • 49% of total sales come in H1

The lower cost per impression in H1 is significant when considering that top-performing advertisers in the Home category delivered 50% of their total impressions in H1, while lower-performing advertisers in the Home category only delivered 19% of their total impressions in H1.

Percentage of impressions delivered in H1





Things to consider when allocating ad budget

To improve reach and engagement, we recommend that advertisers focus on budget allocation and events, specifically, advertisers should look to balance their ad spend between H1 and H2 and over-allocate ad spend during H1 events like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Over allocating in H1 allows advertisers to take advantage of the 7% lower impression cost. That said, we also believe a balanced ad spend (between H1 and H2) is important because customers purchase products in the Home category year-round on Amazon.

Top-performing advertisers in the Home category leveraged Sponsored Products year-round

During the period observed, top-performing advertisers in the Home category utilized Sponsored Products for all 52 weeks, while lower-performing advertisers in the Home category only used Sponsored Products for 14 weeks.

Number of Sponsored Products always-on weeks





Things to consider when using always-on Sponsored Products campaigns

Advertisers can consider Sponsored Products always-on campaigns year-round, and could also focus on these areas to help optimize campaigns:

  • Keyword coverage: Try adopting keywords closely related to product listings. Be sure to try experimenting with new keywords to see which perform and which do not.
  • ASIN (unique serial number): To support discovery and relevancy, allow a sufficient time period of support and do not change promoted ASINs too frequently, such as daily or weekly.
  • Identify best practices ahead of peak periods: By experimenting during slow periods, advertisers can uncover best practices that can help campaigns perform better during peak times.

43% of top-performing advertisers in the Home category adopted Sponsored Display

Our analysis finds that 43% of top-performing advertisers in the Home category on adopted Sponsored Display, while only 1% of lower-performing advertisers in the Home category adopted Sponsored Display. This number is significant because Sponsored Display ads allow brands to increase their reach and awareness, both of which can improve detail page views and branded searches.

Percentage of Home brands that adopted Sponsored Display as an advertising strategy





Things to consider when activating Sponsored Display

  • Use Amazon Demand Side Platform (DSP): If using an Amazon DSP campaign to reach new audiences with programmatic display, advertisers can extend reach to specific Amazon product detail pages by using Sponsored Display.
  • Spend efficiently: When products go out of stock or are no longer the Featured Offer, ad serving stops automatically to prevent any budget wastage. This allows advertisers to control how much they spend by setting budgets and bid per click (with no minimums required).
  • Amplify retail deals for greater impact: During H1 holiday events such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, use Sponsored Display campaigns to integrate with Amazon deals so customers won’t miss important promotions.

Top-performing advertisers in the Home category have 2.5X more customer reviews per unique ASIN or serial number

Since we began researching ways to help advertisers improve their performance in Amazon’s store, we have found that the impact of customer reviews is often overlooked by advertisers. In our analysis of advertisers in the Home category on we found that top performers had a median of five reviews per unique ASIN or serial number, while lower performers had a median of two reviews.

Things to consider when looking to improve or increase customer reviews

To improve customer trust, we recommend that advertisers strive for a minimum of five customer reviews per unique ASIN or serial number. For more on increasing and improving customer reviews, advertisers in the Home category should consider:

  • If you’re a vendor: Use the Amazon Vine program. Amazon Vine invites the most trusted reviewers on Amazon to post opinions about new and pre-release items to help their fellow customers make informed purchase decisions.
  • If you’re a seller: Use Amazon Brand Registry. Enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry unlocks a suite of tools designed to help you build and protect your brand, creating a better experience for customers.


As seen in our analysis, in combination with our supervised machine learning model, we identified four key tactics advertisers can use to grow their branded searches and detail page views: (1) maintaining a 50:50 ad spend ratio between H1 and H2; (2) using Sponsored Products year-round; (3) adopting Sponsored Display; (4) increasing customer reviews to a minimum of five per unique ASIN or serial number.


We first used a supervised model to identify a list of attributes that help improve the composite score among 40+ media and retail attributes. Specifically, we followed a five-step process to create a suite of success metrics including: branded searches and detail page views, and then identified the top advertising and retail strategies to help increase the success metrics with machine learning algorithms.

  • Select brands: 2,600+ brands in the Home category between August 2020 and July 2021.
  • Create success metric: Calculated based on year-over-year growth of branded searches and detail page views.
  • Identify effective ad or retail actions: Identified top actions to help increase composite score (actions that lead to higher year-over-year growth of branded searches and detail page views). Actions include customer reviews, ad products (Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Fire TV, etc.), ad strategies (negative keywords, always-on, audience segments, etc.), and more.
  • Group brands: Brands grouped by composite score (branded searches and DPVGR) into four clusters ranked from highest- to lowest-performing.
  • Compare brand groups: Identified what strategies top-performing brands (Cluster One) use to increase year-over-year growth of branded searches and detail page views, compared to strategies that lower-performing brands (Cluster Four) are or are not using.