How to grow your brand’s awareness and consideration on Amazon

By: Jess Chen, Associate Media and Analytics Manager, and Ashton Brown, Technical Writer

In this 2020–2021 study of over 6,400 brands in the Home category on Amazon worldwide, we use Brand Metrics to compare advertising strategies of top- and lower-performers. We then use this comparison to derive actionable insights advertisers can use to increase awareness and consideration in Amazon’s store.

Story highlights:

In this study, we analyzed over 6,400 brands in the Home category worldwide between June 2020 and September 2021. The Home Category includes brands selling products such as Bath & Laundry, Home Environment, Home Décor, Home Storage, etc. To perform our analysis, we grouped advertisers in the Home category into four clusters, with Cluster One being the most successful in terms of awareness + consideration Brand Metrics, and Cluster Four being the least successful.

Our analysis finds that top-performing advertisers in the Home category (Cluster One) had a 1.47X higher Brand Metrics awareness growth rate year-over-year and a 1.59X higher Brand Metrics consideration growth rate year-over-year in comparison to lower-performing advertisers (Cluster Four).



Higher brand awareness growth YoY


Higher brand awareness growth YoY

To provide advertisers with actionable insights, we created a composite success score of Brand Metrics awareness year-over-year growth and Brand Metrics consideration year-over-year growth, and then identified the top advertising and retail strategies that helped increase the composite score with machine learning algorithms.

This article provides insights/best practices on the key attributes or strategies by quantifying the degree to which top-performing advertisers in the Home category (Cluster One) and lower-performing advertisers in the Home category (Cluster Four) have adopted each key attribute or strategy.

For more on how we performed this study, see the Methodology section at the end of this article.

90% of top performers launched or maintained existing Stores, while 0% of lower performers did

A key method for supporting brand consideration and brand awareness is using Stores. Stores provide customers a single place to view a brand’s full suite of products, along with a brand’s story and mission. Throughout the period observed, 90% of top performers either launched or maintained an existing Store on Amazon, while 0% of lower-performing brands in the Home category launched or maintained a Store.

Percentage of brands that either launched or maintained an existing Store





100% of top performers adopted Sponsored Brands video ad creatives, while 0% of lower performers did

A second method for helping create brand awareness and brand consideration that top performers used was the adoption of Sponsored Brands video into their campaigns. 100% of top-performing advertisers in the Home category adopted Sponsored Brands video, compared to 0% of lower performers.

Percentage of brands that adopted Sponsored Brands video ad creatives





Things to consider when using Sponsored Brands video

  • Highlight products: Ensure that advertised products are displayed in the videos to better promote them and to drive the best outcome of Sponsored Brands video.
  • Communicate key messages upfront and clear: On-screen text is another simple method to keep audiences connected with the brand and its message. Soundtracks are optional, as the same impact can be achieved with a clear message.
  • Keep videos brief and focused: A video length of 15-30 seconds is ideal. Also, advertisers should focus on a few key points to provide customers with a clear and direct message.

Top performers ran Sponsored Brands always-on campaigns 5X longer than lower performers

Another insight identified using Brand Metrics is the campaign length when using Sponsored Brands. Top performers ran Sponsored Brands always-on campaigns for a median of 235 days, while lower performers only ran campaigns for a median of 47 days.

Number of Sponsored Brands always-on campaign days





We recommend that advertisers run Sponsored Brands always-on campaigns year-round to help ensure that brand awareness and consideration remain high throughout the year. Advertisers may also want to consider running their campaigns longer than the suggested minimum to test if increasing the duration improves or decreases performance.

Top performers ran Sponsored Display always-on campaigns for 1.9X longer than lower performers in the US

Similar to Sponsored Brands, our analysis found that Sponsored Display can always help brands to remain top performers ran Sponsored Display always-on campaigns (US data only) for a median of 259 days, compared to a median of 135 days for lower performers.

Number of Sponsored Display always-on campaign days





We recommend that advertisers run Sponsored Display always-on campaigns year-round to ensure that brand awareness and consideration remain high throughout the year. Advertisers may also want to consider running their campaigns longer than the suggested minimum to test if increasing the duration improves or decreases performance.


As seen in our analysis, in combination with Brand Metrics, we identified four tactics advertisers in the Home category can use to help improve awareness and consideration: (1) Consider launching a Store to showcase products; (2) Adopt Sponsored Brands video to dynamically promote products; (3) Consider running Sponsored Brands always-on campaigns for a minimum of 235 days and Sponsored Display for a minimum of 259 days.


We first used a supervised model to identify a list of attributes that help improve the composite score among 16 media and retail attributes. Specifically, we followed a five-step process to create a suite of success metrics including: Brand Metrics awareness and Brand Metrics consideration, and then identified the top advertising and retail strategies to help increase the success metrics with machine learning algorithms.

  • Select brands: In this study, we analyzed 6,482 worldwide sellers in the Home category on Amazon between June 2020 and September 2021.
  • Create success metric: We created a composite success score of Brand Metrics awareness year-over-year growth and Brand Metrics consideration year-over-year growth, and then identified the top advertising and retail strategies to help increase the composite score with machine learning algorithms.
  • Identify effective ad or retail actions: We then use Pearson Correlation and XGBoost to assign features weights. We then use this list of attributes and perform cluster analysis among brands, so brands in the same cluster are similar in ad and retail attributes, while brands in different clusters are different in ad and retail attributes. These attributes are always-on measure such as Sponsored Products/Sponsored Brands/Sponsored Display activeness, Sponsored Brands targeting such as keyword targeting, Sponsored Display targeting such as targeting clauses, retail attributes such as reviews and average rating and Sponsored Brands campaign creative format such as Sponsored Brands video product collection and custom image.
  • Group brands: We grouped campaigns by their success metrics and assigned them into four clusters. Leveraging 16 advertising actions, we then analyzed their impact on the success metrics.
  • Compare brand groups: We identified what strategies top-performing brands (Cluster One) use to improve Brand Metrics awareness and Brand Metrics consideration, compared to strategies that lower-performing brands (Cluster Four) are or are not using.