SpoonfulONE unlocks new marketing possibilities using Amazon Marketing Cloud

As parents have growing concerns around baby nutrition, SpoonfulONE, a nutrition company based in Menlo Park, California, is dedicated to developing products that make food allergen introduction and maintenance safe and easy.

In the highly competitive and niche category of baby nutritional products, this emerging brand needed the right marketing plan and execution to increase audience reach and customer acquisition. In Q4 2020, SpoonfulONE engaged Goodway Group, an independent digital media agency, to create and optimize its marketing strategy to drive product sales. Goodway's expertise in Amazon sponsored ads, Amazon DSP, and advanced measurement and analytics tools such as Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC), helped SpoonfulONE effectively use Amazon media and achieve consistent business growth.

The approach

Goodway Group first helped SpoonfulONE connect with their audiences by running prospecting and remarketing campaigns via both Amazon DSP and sponsored ads. While key metrics such as impressions, clicks and conversion rate in standard reporting captured media performance at campaign level, these metrics were not enough to help analysts understand how different media worked together to drive conversion and improve overall media efficiency. Accessing cross-media insights in a privacy-safe manner is essential to SpoonfulONE and Goodway Group to make informed decisions around media mix optimization and budget allocation adjustment.

Enter Amazon Marketing Cloud

To measure the impact of the cross-media strategy implemented and look for opportunities to optimize, Goodway Group turned to Amazon Marketing Cloud, Amazon’s privacy-safe and cloud-based clean room solution. Via AMC’s web-based UI, Goodway Group’s data science and analytics team explored the pseudonymized, signals on SpoonfulONE’s past campaigns, located the information relevant to the analysis, and built custom reporting to draw further insights on user engagement across channels, strategies and devices. For example, using AMC, Goodway analyzed the conversion lift as a result of reaching audiences through multiple media types, examined whether using prospecting and remarketing tactics jointly improved sales, and inspected the impact of connecting with audiences on desktop and mobile devices.

“Working within AMC gave us a secure and holistic view of SpoonfulONE’s cross-media performance. This allowed us to guide SpoonfulONE’s investment allocations across Amazon media channels and tactics and find that ‘perfect mix’ to drive optimal results.”

– Megan Crump, Senior Director Client Experience, Goodway Group

The results

With the help of AMC, Goodway Group uncovered that the purchase rate of audiences exposed to both display and Sponsored Products ads was 3X higher than those exposed to Sponsored Products ads alone.1 In the meantime, over half of all audiences who made a purchase were reached by both display ads and Sponsored Products ads.2

Goodway group observed a nearly 3X lift in purchase rate among audiences exposed to both display and Sponsored Product ads, compared to those exposed to Sponsored Products ads alone.

Goodway group observed a nearly 3X lift in purchase rate among audiences exposed to both display and Sponsored Product ads, compared to those exposed to Sponsored Products ads alone.3

Pie chart of percentage of audience by channel exposure: 85% display only, 12% Sponsored Products only, 4% of display and Sponsored Products. Pie chart of percentage of purchases by channel exposure: 1% display only, 52% Sponsored Products only, 47% of display and Sponsored Products.

While the audience exposed to both Sponsored Products and display ads accounted for only 4% of the total unique reach, over half of the total purchases were made by this group.4

Goodway also found a nearly 13X lift in purchase rate for audiences reached by both prospecting and remarketing ads compared to those reached by remarketing alone.5 Additionally, connecting with customers on both desktop and mobile devices yielded 4X higher purchase rate than connecting with customers on mobile devices only.6

“By leveraging signals in Amazon Marketing Cloud, we were able to identify the true impact of upper funnel prospecting tactics in driving revenue that was not apparent in traditional last-ad-seen attribution.”

– Steven Urgo, Data Insights Analyst, Goodway Group

Using AMC, Goodway Group quantified the impact of upper-funnel tactics in creating tangible downstream effects, and demonstrated the value delivered by a holistic media strategy. These insights informed SpoonfulONE’s future media investments and improved the brand’s efficiency and effectiveness in customer acquisition.

“Based on the insights that Goodway Group gained working with AMC, we shifted our strategy to include more upper funnel tactics, and in turn expanded our reach and conversions among very qualified audiences. Working with Goodway and Amazon Ads., we’ve seen incredible results like better conversion rates and increased ROI.”

– Zoe Glade, VP Head of Marketing, SpoonfulONE

Learn more about Amazon Marketing Cloud or contact your Amazon Ads account executive to get started.

1–6 Advertiser-provided data, US, 2021