Four ways jewellery advertising can shine brighter with today’s consumers

5 November 2021 | By: Matt Miller, Sr. Content and Editorial Manager

Putting on a beautiful necklace, a stunning bracelet or sparkling earrings can be a way to look and feel great – even if you’re wearing them from the comfort of your own home. Even with more consumers spending more time at home during the pandemic, the jewellery industry is expected to grow annually by 3.01% over the next four years, according to 2021 Statista data.1 Experts say that with limited travel, customers are finding other ways to spend their disposable income, such as on jewellery purchases. US engagement and wedding ring sales have also soared in recent months, as previously postponed nuptials are starting to taking place.2 In March and April of 2021, jewellery sales on Amazon nearly tripled year over year. Even at home, customers are still inspired to accessorize with both fine jewellery (costing more than $500) and fashion jewellery (costing less than $500).

In March, Kantar and Amazon Ads surveyed 1,000 US shoppers to better understand jewellery shoppers and their path to purchase. Here are four takeaways for jewellery brands to better understand how customers today are shopping.

1. Jewellery shopping is shifting to online

From the rise of athleisure to the cozy slipper boom, fashion trends have shifted in recent years. The jewellery industry has also seen some changes recently. In 2019, 68% of jewellery shoppers said they preferred buying in a physical store.3 But that sentiment has changed in the last 18 months.4 According to the Kantar and Amazon Ads survey, 75% of fashion jewellery shoppers and 66% of fine jewellery shoppers said they also purchased jewellery products online.5 Additionally, 57% of jewellery shoppers surveyed said they would be comfortable buying fine jewellery online.6 This marks a distinct shift in an industry that was predominantly brick-and-mortar-focused only a few years ago.

2. An omni-channel experience is key to connecting with jewellery shoppers

With online jewellery shopping increasing, it’s important for brands to meet customers with an omni-channel strategy. More than 70% of shoppers surveyed by Kantar and Amazon Ads said they research online while shopping for jewellery.7 This is why brands may want to consider creating a consistent shopping experience across online and in-person shopping. Offering services like in-person pickup can be a bonus for customers that are doing a hybrid of in-person and online shopping.

Shoppers surveyed by Amazon Ads and Kantar said that when they choose to shop in a physical store, it’s because they prefer the experience of trying jewellery on and testing the feel of the product and material.8 Brands may try to recreate that experience in online stores through immersive real-time content on Amazon Live, where customers can see influencers interact with products and ask questions. Brands can also use video ads to provide a detailed 360 degree view of their products.

3. Jewellery shoppers are often undecided about the brand they’ll buy

The Amazon Ads and Kantar survey found that 83% of jewellery purchases are made within a week.9 Given this narrow window, jewellery brands may want to be prepared to connect with customers before and during this path to purchase. This is why brands may want to consider adopting an always-on approach to reach audiences across this shopping journey.

Customers are also shopping for jewellery as gifts year-round. Birthdays and anniversaries are among the most popular occasions for shoppers to buy jewellery as a gift, along with the holidays and Valentine’s Day.10 Brands that only focus advertising around big calendar events might miss out on reaching customers shopping year-round for birthday and anniversary gifts. Brands that want to reach customers shopping for birthdays and anniversaries may want to consider and always-on approach. Because 96% of jewellery shoppers said they stream their TV content, a successful always-on strategy for jewellery brands could include Streaming TV ads and online video ads to reach audiences across Amazon-affiliated sites like and Twitch, devices like Fire TV and across the web.11

4. Reach jewellery shoppers at any point in their journey with an always-on approach

Finding the perfect necklace, or earrings, or bracelet can mean shoppers are browsing through a number of different brands throughout their path to purchase. 69% of shoppers surveyed by Kantar and Amazon Ads said they were undecided about what brand to purchase from the start of their journeys.12 This highlights the importance of reaching shoppers ahead of their journeys so that your brand is top of mind when shoppers begin their research. Advertising can help. In fact, 41% of shoppers surveyed said they bought jewellery after seeing the product advertised.13 Additionally, 50% of jewellery shoppers said they visited Amazon in the early phases of their journeys, highlighting the opportunity to reach these audiences ahead of their purchase decisions.14

Brands may want to consider reaching undecided shoppers through products like Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products. To help shoppers research products and make informed buying decisions, brands can also consider showcasing their offerings in their Amazon storefront.

Whether shoppers are buying a piece of jewellery for themselves, a loved one or for a special occasion, brands have an opportunity to connect with these shoppers in meaningful ways to help inform them on their purchasing journey.


1 Statista, Jewellery, 2021
2 New York Times, Even in a Pandemic, Fine Jewellery is Selling, 2020
3 Statista, The Retail Jeweller, 2019
4-14 Kantar and Amazon Ads jewellery study, March 2021